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LOFT中国感谢来自 大观国际设计咨询有限公司 的灯光设计案例分享:
UPAR 诞生于一群创新者因奔跑而凝聚的灵感,旨在打造一个运动与时尚相结合的城市舞台;它不仅仅是一个店铺,更是一种全新的生活方式。
初识UPAR,我们便知它将给我们带来不一样的体验 —— 一场运动感、艺术感与科技感的时尚碰撞。一进门,艺术家用回收的旧鞋子堆造的巨型装置,呼啸翻滚扑面而来,引发一场运动时尚界的”龙卷风运动”。
When we first met UPAR, we knew that it will bring us a distinctive experience — a fashion collision with sense of sport, art and technology. At the entrance, the giant device built by artists from recycled old shoes roars and rolls over the pavement, triggering a “tornado movement” in sports fashion.
作为空间一大亮点的艺术廊桥基本贯穿整个空间,里面特别为runner提供了专享的更衣、换洗区。室内空间设计师为廊桥端口设计预留了一个广告屏幕,为呼应LED屏幕,灯光设计在此基础提出了投影的概念, 令廊桥整个侧立面成为更具延伸感的载体,配合未来的活动展示增添更多娱乐互动性。
As a highlight of the space, the art bridge runs through the whole space, providing runners with special fitting rooms and dressing area. The interior designer has reserved an advertisement screen for the bridge. In order to echo the LED screen, the lighting design applied the concept of projection on this basis, making the whole side elevation of the art bridge a more extended carrier and adding more entertainment interactivity to the future events.
Through the control system, it can be processed with colors, images and breathing changes to fully present scene changes, and can be presented with a new visual environment experience for runners who come in every time.
Although UPAR is a laboratory, full of limitless possibilities, business needs to return to essence. Commodities are another important role in the retailing space. Windows, models, displayed focus products, interactive devices and so on, all have corresponding lights to express. The lighting arrangement is not uniform, but jumps with the rhythm of the display layout, just like the rhythm of movement.
整个空间采用极简轨道照明系统,与周围常规的零售商业不同的是全部采用干净、简单的冷白色调,在万象天地整体偏温暖温馨的环境中,立刻脱显出清新酷眩的面貌。 除了传统重点照明提供充满戏剧张力的展陈布置,空间穿插布置以太空梭为概念的漫射日光吊灯,用以铺陈均匀舒适的基础环境光与垂直照度,以特别关照到身为未来网红打卡圣地的拍摄需求。为契合室内设计最初“特别高、特别原始、特别粗狂”的概念,灯光期望 试读已结束,请付费阅读全文。 本文只能试读49%,付费后可阅读全文。 |