AutoCAD+Arnold+3DsMax+Maya+MotionBuilder+Mudbox+Revit+Vault Pro+Inventor Pro+VRED Pro+InfraWorks+Civil 3D+FeatureCAM+SketchBook Pro+Softimage
1) 安装Autodesk应用程序-不要启动它
运行“卸载老版本.安装-” 安装最新的服务器版本
2) 安装 Autodesk网络许可证管理器 (NLM.msi)
-默认安装 "C:\Autodesk\Network License Manager"
-停止任何正在运行的相关进程 (lmgrd, adskflex) 如果有的话
-复制 "Network License Manager" 文件夹替换源文件
3) 复制 netapi32.dll 到下面的目录中
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\AdskLicensing\也可能是其他版本\AdskLicensingAgent
4) 使用记事本打开“ License.dat ”(这个路径中C:\Autodesk\Network License Manager)
编辑其中的 “计算机名称” 与 “MAC网卡地址”
如果你不知道怎么填写,运行 lmtools.exe
选择第二页 System Settings, 这里会显示你电脑的 HOSTNAME 名称 和 MAC 地址
License.dat 文件中 第一行如下:
SERVER ZHEXIN01 9e818588d321
保存“ License.dat ”文件
5) 运行 lmtools.exe (在这里找到C:\Program Files\Network License Manager)
打开倒数第二页“Config Services”
在 Service Name 中填写一个新的服务名称 例如“Autodesk FLEXnet License Server”
C:\Program Files\Network License Manager\lmgrd.exe
C:\Program Files\Network License Manager\lic.dat
C:\Program Files\Network License Manager\debug.log
勾选下面的“Use Services”和“Start Server at Power Up”
点击右上角的“Save Service”保存服务配置
6) 在Service/License Flie(第一页)
1.选中 Configuration using Services
2.列表中选中 Autodesk FLEXnet License Server
3.勾选 LMTOOLS ignores license file path environment vaeiables”
7) 到 Start/Stop/Reread (第四页)
1.点击 ReRead License File 重读许可文件
2.点击 Stop Server 停止服务器‘’
3.点击 Start Service 重新开启服务器
执行完上面三部后 底部会显示 Server Start Successful 服务器启动成功
为了确保以后都能直接启动 Autodesk FLEXnet License Server服务
重启电脑后可以去服务选项中找到 Autodesk FLEXnet License Server
8) 到 Server Statu (第五页)
1.点击 Perform Status Enquiry 查询执行状态
下面刷新的信息中看到 'adskflex: UP v11.18.0'
例如: Users of 87545ACD_2022_0F: (Total of 100 licenses issued; Total of 0 licenses in use)
9) 运行你安装 Autodesk 软件
1.选择 "Use a network license" 网络激活
2.选择 "Single license server" 单独的许可证服务器
3.输入服务器地址 (或者填写端口+主机名称 例如:2080@DESKTOP-IQO2AGI)
NOTE: in some cases after restart your computer still requires license path go in services.msc and make autodesk license server run automatic mode.
NOTE: This is mixed Magnitude - xforce i made so welcome use it as you like.
TOTAL domination again for your pleasure
Smoke it!
You Could also set a distributed license system, having one machine serving them all
For that matter
you need to Set the ADSKFLEX_LICENSE_FILE environment variable on the client machine (the procedure varies depending on the operating system).
To set the environment variable
Use the procedure described for your operating system to set the environment variable:
For Windows 7/8/10:
Right-click Computer and click Properties, or, in the Control Panel select System and Maintenance > System
Click Advanced system settings and select the Advanced tab.
Click Environment Variables.
In the Environment Variables dialog box, under System Variables, click New.
In the New System Variable dialog box, enter ADSKFLEX_LICENSE_FILE in the Variable Name field.
In the Variable Value field, enter an at sign (@) followed by the host name of each license server to which you want to point the client. Separate each server name with a semicolon (;). For example:
Dont forget to open your firewall, you may also need to check the LICPATH.LIC file in root of the installed application in case you have issues
If you still want to use 2018-19-20-21 applications, simply add their features with the corrected signature into our new lic.dat license file.