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3dRnD 样条线工具 【源码】ZX汉化
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  • 应用平台: Windows 7 , Windows 8 , Windows 10 , Windows 11
  • 软件支持: 32位/64位
  • 界面语言: 多语言支持

macroScript deleteoutlineedges 





global msgRollPopup

fn msgRollPopup = 


rollout fixing "fixing"


  timer clock "testClock" interval:1 --tick once a second

  label test "1"

  on clock tick do


valUp = (test.text as integer)+1

test.text = valUp as string

  if valup == 2 do (

  destroydialog fixing




createDialog fixing modal:true


spl = getSplineSelection $

allspl = numSplines $

for i = 1 to allspl do (

setSegSelection $ i #()


for j =1 to spl.count do(

if spl != undefined and (isClosed $ spl[j] == true) do (


subobjectLevel = 2

todel = numSegments $ spl[j] 

todel2= todel/2

setSegSelection $ spl[j] #()

setSegSelection $ spl[j] #(todel, todel2) 

splineOps.delete $

updateshape $


subobjectLevel = 3


catch ()





macroScript SplineFilletCORNER 





state = false

mult = 100 ---file unit

kntsel  = #()

num = numSplines $

fn intersect a b c d = (

local r = b +-a

local s = d+-c

  local d = r[1] * s[2] - r[2] * s[1] 

local u = ((c[1]-a[1])* r[2] - (c[2]-a[2]) * r[1]) /d

local t = ((c[1]-a[1])* s[2] - (c[2]-a[2]) * s[1]) /d 

return a + t *r


fn getsecondpoint pont = (

if pont[2] +- 1 == 0 then return 2

else return pont[2] +- 1


thebase =$.baseObject

modPanel.setCurrentObject $.baseObject

if classOf thebase == line or classOf thebase == splineShape and subObjectLevel == 1 then (

with undo on (

modPanel.addModToSelection (Edit_Spline ()) ui:on

nummod = $.modifiers.count

maxOps.CollapseNodeTo $ nummod true

modPanel.setCurrentObject $.baseObject

for st = 1 to (num) do


sel = getKnotSelection $ st

if sel.count != 0 do(

for i in sel do (

knttemp = #()

append knttemp st

append knttemp i

append kntsel knttemp))



 if kntsel.count == 2 then (


PointA = getKnotPoint $ kntsel[1][1] kntsel[1][2]---point A Coordinates

PointB = getKnotPoint $ kntsel[2][1] kntsel[2][2]---point B Coordinates


secondA = getsecondpoint kntsel[1] --get A2 point number

secondB = getsecondpoint kntsel[2] --get B2 point number

PointAA = getKnotPoint $ kntsel[1][1] secondA ---point A2 Coordinates

PointBB = getKnotPoint $ kntsel[2][1] secondB ---point B2 Coordinates


poi = intersect PointA  PointAA PointB  PointBB---point of intersection

--format "pointa= % | pointaa = % | pointb = % | pointbb = % | poi= % \n"  pointa pointaa pointb pointbb poi


cpa1 = PointAA - PointA

cpat = cross  cpa1 [0,0,1]

cpb1 = PointBB - PointB

cpbt = cross cpb1 [0,0,1]

cpa = cpat + PointA

cpb = cpbt + PointB


poitest = poi as string

poitest2 = findString poitest "nan"

poitest3 = findString poitest "e"

poitest4 = findString poitest "inf"

if (poitest2 == undefined and  poitest3 == undefined and poitest4 == undefined) then (


----------------------unifiying length----------------------------


setKnotPoint  $ kntsel[1][1] kntsel[1][2] poi

setKnotPoint  $ kntsel[2][1] kntsel[2][2] poi

setKnotType  $ kntsel[1][1] kntsel[1][2] #Corner

setKnotType  $ kntsel[2][1] kntsel[2][2] #Corner


else (

print "paraller"

va1 = intersect PointA  cpa PointB PointBB

va2 = intersect PointA  PointAA PointB cpb

-- va1ex = va1 - PointB  

-- va2ex = va2- PointA

-- va1exl = PointB + va1ex

-- va2exl = PointA + va2ex

--+format "intersect A : % || intersect B : %\n" va1 va2

if state then (

PointA = va2

setKnotPoint  $ kntsel[1][1] kntsel[1][2] PointA


else (

PointB = va1

setKnotPoint  $ kntsel[2][1] kntsel[2][2] PointB



----------------------end of unifiying length-------------------------


--------------- find center of the circle        -------------------


--------------- end of find center of the circle        -----------


------------------- calculate angle of arc and handles    ------------------

--format "n = % | rad = % |bezht = % | bezh = %\n" n rad bezht bezh


subobjectLevel = 1


 else (print "选择 2个顶点")

updateShape $





 else print "此操作仅适用于样条线"

 modPanel.setCurrentObject $.baseObject






macroScript SplineFilletAB 





state = true

mult = 100 ---file unit

kntsel  = #()

num = numSplines $

fn intersect a b c d = (

local r = b +-a

local s = d+-c

  local d = r[1] * s[2] - r[2] * s[1] 

local u = ((c[1]-a[1])* r[2] - (c[2]-a[2]) * r[1]) /d

local t = ((c[1]-a[1])* s[2] - (c[2]-a[2]) * s[1]) /d 

return a + t *r


fn getsecondpoint pont = (

if pont[2] +- 1 == 0 then return 2

else return pont[2] +- 1


thebase =$.baseObject

modPanel.setCurrentObject $.baseObject

if classOf thebase == line or classOf thebase == splineShape and subObjectLevel == 1 then (

with undo on (

modPanel.addModToSelection (Edit_Spline ()) ui:on

nummod = $.modifiers.count

maxOps.CollapseNodeTo $ nummod true

modPanel.setCurrentObject $.baseObject

for st = 1 to (num) do


sel = getKnotSelection $ st

if sel.count != 0 do(

for i in sel do (

knttemp = #()

append knttemp st

append knttemp i

append kntsel knttemp))



 if kntsel.count == 2 then (


PointA = getKnotPoint $ kntsel[1][1] kntsel[1][2]---point A Coordinates

PointB = getKnotPoint $ kntsel[2][1] kntsel[2][2]---point B Coordinates


secondA = getsecondpoint kntsel[1] --get A2 point number

secondB = getsecondpoint kntsel[2] --get B2 point number

PointAA = getKnotPoint $ kntsel[1][1] secondA ---point A2 Coordinates

PointBB = getKnotPoint $ kntsel[2][1] secondB ---point B2 Coordinates


poi = intersect PointA  PointAA PointB  PointBB---point of intersection

--format "pointa= % | pointaa = % | pointb = % | pointbb = % | poi= % \n"  pointa pointaa pointb pointbb poi


cpa1 = PointAA - PointA

cpat = cross  cpa1 [0,0,1]

cpb1 = PointBB - PointB

cpbt = cross cpb1 [0,0,1]

cpa = cpat + PointA

cpb = cpbt + PointB


poitest = poi as string

poitest2 = findString poitest "nan"

poitest3 = findString poitest "e"

poitest4 = findString poitest "inf"

--format "poitest:%  |  pointest2:%  |  pointest3:%\n" poitest poitest2 poitest3

if (poitest2 == undefined and  poitest3 == undefined and poitest4 == undefined) then (


ex1 = PointA - poi ---vector from intersection to point A

ex1l = length ex1

tex1 = normalize ex1

ex2 = PointB - poi ---vector from intersection to point B

ex2l = length ex2

tex2 = normalize ex2


ex1n = tex1 * ex2l ---vector from intersection to point A same length as point B

ex2n = tex2 * ex1l---vector from intersection to point B same length as point A

--format "poi = % |ex1n = %| ex2n = % \n" poi ex1n ex2n

lenaaa = length (PointA - PointAA)

lenbbb= length (PointB - PointBB)

lenaapoi= length (PointAA - poi)

lenbbpoi= length (PointBB - poi)

----------------------unifiying length----------------------------


if state then (

if lenaaa > lenaapoi then (

PointA = poi + (ex1n  * -1)--if the spline is extended beyond intersection



PointA = poi + ex1n


setKnotPoint  $ kntsel[1][1] kntsel[1][2] PointA

if lenbbb > lenbbpoi do (


PointB = (PointB + (ex2 * -2))


setKnotPoint  $ kntsel[2][1] kntsel[2][2] PointB)--if the spline is extended beyond intersection


else (

if lenbbb > lenbbpoi then (

PointB = poi + (ex2n * -1)--if the spline is extended beyond intersection


else (

PointB = poi + ex2n 


setKnotPoint  $ kntsel[2][1] kntsel[2][2] PointB

if lenaaa > lenaapoi do(


PointA = (PointA + (ex1 * -2))


setKnotPoint  $ kntsel[1][1] kntsel[1][2] PointA --if the spline is extended beyond intersection




else (

--print "paraller"

va1 = intersect PointA  cpa PointB PointBB

va2 = intersect PointA  PointAA PointB cpb

-- va1ex = va1 - PointB  

-- va2ex = va2- PointA

-- va1exl = PointB + va1ex

-- va2exl = PointA + va2ex

--+format "intersect A : % || intersect B : %\n" va1 va2

if state then (

PointA = va2

setKnotPoint  $ kntsel[1][1] kntsel[1][2] PointA


else (

PointB = va1

setKnotPoint  $ kntsel[2][1] kntsel[2][2] PointB



----------------------end of unifiying length-------------------------


--------------- find center of the circle        -------------------

cpa1 = PointAA - PointA

cpat = cross  cpa1 [0,0,1]

cpb1 = PointBB - PointB

cpbt = cross cpb1 [0,0,1]

cpa = cpat + PointA

cpb = cpbt + PointB

coc = intersect PointA cpa PointB cpb

rad = distance coc PointA

distab = distance PointA PointB

--print ("test:" + (coctest2 as string))

if (poitest2 != undefined or  poitest3 != undefined or rad > (distab *10)) then (

--print "changing"

newc =(PointA - PointB)/2

coc = newc + PointB


--format "new center is : %\n" newc2

rad = distance coc PointA

--format "cpa = % | cpb = % \n" cpa cpb

--format "center of circle = %\n" coc


--------------- end of find center of the circle        -----------


------------------- calculate angle of arc and handles    ------------------

coc1 = normalize (PointA - coc)

coc2 = normalize (PointB - coc)

ang = acos (dot coc1 coc2)

n = 360 / ang --get number of segments

bezht = (4.0/3.0)*tan((pi/(2* n)) * 57.2958 ) -- calculate arc tangent

bezh = bezht * rad -- multiply by radius

h1a = ((normalize cpa1) * -1 ) * bezh

h2a = ((normalize cpb1) * -1 ) * bezh

h1 = h1a + PointA

h2 = h2a + PointB

--format "n = % | rad = % |bezht = % | bezh = %\n" n rad bezht bezh

  spp = addNewSpline $

  spp1=addKnot $ spp #corner #curve PointA  

 spp2=addKnot $ spp #corner #curve PointB 

setKnotType  $ spp 1 #bezierCorner

setOutVec $ spp 1 h1

setKnotType  $ spp 2 #bezierCorner

setinVec $ spp 2 h2




subobjectLevel = 1


 else (print "选择 2个顶点")

updateShape $





 else print "此操作仅适用于样条线"

 modPanel.setCurrentObject $.baseObject





macroScript SplineFilletBA 





state = false

mult = 100 ---file unit

kntsel  = #()

num = numSplines $

fn intersect a b c d = (

local r = b +-a

local s = d+-c

  local d = r[1] * s[2] - r[2] * s[1] 

local u = ((c[1]-a[1])* r[2] - (c[2]-a[2]) * r[1]) /d

local t = ((c[1]-a[1])* s[2] - (c[2]-a[2]) * s[1]) /d 

return a + t *r


fn getsecondpoint pont = (

if pont[2] +- 1 == 0 then return 2

else return pont[2] +- 1


thebase =$.baseObject

modPanel.setCurrentObject $.baseObject

if classOf thebase == line or classOf thebase == splineShape and subObjectLevel == 1 then (

with undo on (

modPanel.addModToSelection (Edit_Spline ()) ui:on

nummod = $.modifiers.count

maxOps.CollapseNodeTo $ nummod true

modPanel.setCurrentObject $.baseObject

for st = 1 to (num) do


sel = getKnotSelection $ st

if sel.count != 0 do(

for i in sel do (

knttemp = #()

append knttemp st

append knttemp i

append kntsel knttemp))



 if kntsel.count == 2 then (


PointA = getKnotPoint $ kntsel[1][1] kntsel[1][2]---point A Coordinates

PointB = getKnotPoint $ kntsel[2][1] kntsel[2][2]---point B Coordinates


secondA = getsecondpoint kntsel[1] --get A2 point number

secondB = getsecondpoint kntsel[2] --get B2 point number

PointAA = getKnotPoint $ kntsel[1][1] secondA ---point A2 Coordinates

PointBB = getKnotPoint $ kntsel[2][1] secondB ---point B2 Coordinates


poi = intersect PointA  PointAA PointB  PointBB---point of intersection

--format "pointa= % | pointaa = % | pointb = % | pointbb = % | poi= % \n"  pointa pointaa pointb pointbb poi


cpa1 = PointAA - PointA

cpat = cross  cpa1 [0,0,1]

cpb1 = PointBB - PointB

cpbt = cross cpb1 [0,0,1]

cpa = cpat + PointA

cpb = cpbt + PointB


poitest = poi as string

poitest2 = findString poitest "nan"

poitest3 = findString poitest "e"

poitest4 = findString poitest "inf"

--format "poitest:%  |  pointest2:%  |  pointest3:%\n" poitest poitest2 poitest3

if (poitest2 == undefined and  poitest3 == undefined and poitest4 == undefined) then (

-- print"intersect"

ex1 = PointA - poi ---vector from intersection to point A

ex1l = length ex1

tex1 = normalize ex1

ex2 = PointB - poi ---vector from intersection to point B

ex2l = length ex2

tex2 = normalize ex2


ex1n = tex1 * ex2l ---vector from intersection to point A same length as point B

ex2n = tex2 * ex1l---vector from intersection to point B same length as point A

--format "poi = % |ex1n = %| ex2n = % \n" poi ex1n ex2n

lenaaa = length (PointA - PointAA)

lenbbb= length (PointB - PointBB)

lenaapoi= length (PointAA - poi)

lenbbpoi= length (PointBB - poi)

----------------------unifiying length----------------------------


if state then (

if lenaaa > lenaapoi then (

PointA = poi + (ex1n  * -1)--if the spline is extended beyond intersection



PointA = poi + ex1n


setKnotPoint  $ kntsel[1][1] kntsel[1][2] PointA

if lenbbb > lenbbpoi do (


PointB = (PointB + (ex2 * -2))


setKnotPoint  $ kntsel[2][1] kntsel[2][2] PointB)--if the spline is extended beyond intersection


else (

if lenbbb > lenbbpoi then (

PointB = poi + (ex2n * -1)--if the spline is extended beyond intersection


else (

PointB = poi + ex2n 


setKnotPoint  $ kntsel[2][1] kntsel[2][2] PointB

if lenaaa > lenaapoi do(


PointA = (PointA + (ex1 * -2))


setKnotPoint  $ kntsel[1][1] kntsel[1][2] PointA --if the spline is extended beyond intersection




else (

--print "paraller"

va1 = intersect PointA  cpa PointB PointBB

va2 = intersect PointA  PointAA PointB cpb

-- va1ex = va1 - PointB  

-- va2ex = va2- PointA

-- va1exl = PointB + va1ex

-- va2exl = PointA + va2ex

--+format "intersect A : % || intersect B : %\n" va1 va2

if state then (

PointA = va2

setKnotPoint  $ kntsel[1][1] kntsel[1][2] PointA


else (

PointB = va1

setKnotPoint  $ kntsel[2][1] kntsel[2][2] PointB



----------------------end of unifiying length-------------------------


--------------- find center of the circle        -------------------

cpa1 = PointAA - PointA

cpat = cross  cpa1 [0,0,1]

cpb1 = PointBB - PointB

cpbt = cross cpb1 [0,0,1]

cpa = cpat + PointA

cpb = cpbt + PointB

coc = intersect PointA cpa PointB cpb

rad = distance coc PointA

distab = distance PointA PointB

--print ("test:" + (coctest2 as string))

if (poitest2 != undefined or  poitest3 != undefined or rad > (distab *10)) then (

--print "changing"

newc =(PointA - PointB)/2

coc = newc + PointB


--format "new center is : %\n" newc2

rad = distance coc PointA

--format "cpa = % | cpb = % \n" cpa cpb

--format "center of circle = %\n" coc


--------------- end of find center of the circle        -----------


------------------- calculate angle of arc and handles    ------------------

coc1 = normalize (PointA - coc)

coc2 = normalize (PointB - coc)

ang = acos (dot coc1 coc2)

n = 360 / ang --get number of segments

bezht = (4.0/3.0)*tan((pi/(2* n)) * 57.2958 ) -- calculate arc tangent

bezh = bezht * rad -- multiply by radius

h1a = ((normalize cpa1) * -1 ) * bezh

h2a = ((normalize cpb1) * -1 ) * bezh

h1 = h1a + PointA

h2 = h2a + PointB

--format "n = % | rad = % |bezht = % | bezh = %\n" n rad bezht bezh

  spp = addNewSpline $

  spp1=addKnot $ spp #corner #curve PointA  

 spp2=addKnot $ spp #corner #curve PointB 

setKnotType  $ spp 1 #bezierCorner

setOutVec $ spp 1 h1

setKnotType  $ spp 2 #bezierCorner

setinVec $ spp 2 h2




subobjectLevel = 1


 else (print "选择 2个顶点")

updateShape $





 else print "此操作仅适用于样条线"

 modPanel.setCurrentObject $.baseObject


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