-- Align Pivot for 3ds Max
-- Description in author's store at artstation.com/basachi
-- v2.1 26.01.2022
macroscript AlignPivotBasachi
tooltip:"Align Pivot Basachi"
global prevSnapIsEdge
global fixPivotPosition
fn ResetPivotToWorld =
userTool = toolmode.commandMode
toolmode.commandMode = #move
toolMode.coordsys #world
setCoordCenter #Selection
toolmode.commandMode = #uscale
toolMode.coordsys #world
setCoordCenter #Selection
toolmode.commandMode = #rotate
toolMode.coordsys #world
setCoordCenter #Selection
toolmode.commandMode = userTool
prevSnapIsEdge = false
fn PivotToggle =
userTool = toolmode.commandMode
if getRefCoordSys() != #working_pivot then
toolmode.commandMode = #move
toolMode.coordsys #working_pivot
if fixPivotPosition == true then setCoordCenter #system
else setCoordCenter #Selection
toolmode.commandMode = #uscale
toolMode.coordsys #working_pivot
if fixPivotPosition == true then setCoordCenter #system
else setCoordCenter #Selection
toolmode.commandMode = #rotate
toolMode.coordsys #working_pivot
if fixPivotPosition == true then setCoordCenter #system
else setCoordCenter #Selection
toolmode.commandMode = #move
toolMode.coordsys #world
setCoordCenter #Selection
toolmode.commandMode = #uscale
toolMode.coordsys #world
setCoordCenter #Selection
toolmode.commandMode = #rotate
toolMode.coordsys #world
setCoordCenter #Selection
toolmode.commandMode = userTool
fn SetWorkingPivot TM =
userTool = toolmode.commandMode
toolmode.commandMode = #move
toolMode.coordsys #working_pivot
if fixPivotPosition == true then setCoordCenter #system
else setCoordCenter #Selection
WorkingPivot.setTM TM
toolmode.commandMode = #uscale
toolMode.coordsys #working_pivot
if fixPivotPosition == true then setCoordCenter #system
else setCoordCenter #Selection
WorkingPivot.setTM TM
toolmode.commandMode = #rotate
toolMode.coordsys #working_pivot
if fixPivotPosition == true then setCoordCenter #system
else setCoordCenter #Selection
WorkingPivot.setTM TM
toolmode.commandMode = userTool
fn VertSnap vert =
fixPivotPosition = false
faces = (polyop.getFacesUsingVert $ vert as array)
faceNormal = [0,0,0]
for f in faces do
faceNormal += polyop.getFaceNormal $ f
p = Point()
p.pos = polyOp.getVert $ vert
p.dir = faceNormal
SetWorkingPivot (p.transform)
delete p
prevSnapIsEdge = false
fn TwoVertsSnap verts =
fixPivotPosition = false
vPos1 = polyOp.getVert $ verts[1]
vPos2 = polyOp.getVert $ verts[2]
p = Point()
p.dir = vPos1 - vPos2
p.pos = (vPos1 + vPos2)/2.0
userTool = toolmode.commandMode
SetWorkingPivot (p.transform)
delete p
prevSnapIsEdge = false
fn TwoVertsSnapSpline vPos1 vPos2 =
fixPivotPosition = false
p = Point()
p.dir = vPos1 - vPos2
p.pos = (vPos1 + vPos2)/2.0
userTool = toolmode.commandMode
SetWorkingPivot (p.transform)
delete p
prevSnapIsEdge = false
fn EdgeSnap edg =
fixPivotPosition = false
global prevEdge
global prevObj
global change
connectedFaces = polyop.getFacesUsingEdge $ edg as array
faceMiddle_Z = [0,0,0]
for f in connectedFaces do faceMiddle_Z += polyop.getFaceNormal $ f
containedVerts = polyop.getVertsUsingEdge $ edg as array
vPos1 = polyOp.getVert $ containedVerts[1]
vPos2 = polyOp.getVert $ containedVerts[2]
TMpos = (vPos1 + vPos2)/2.0
edgVec_X = normalize(vPos1 - vPos2)
vec_Y = normalize(cross edgVec_X faceMiddle_Z)
faceMiddle_Z = normalize(cross vec_Y edgVec_X)
if prevEdge == edg and prevObj == $ and prevSnapIsEdge == true and connectedFaces.count == 2 then
if change == 0 then
change = 1
face1_Z = polyop.getFaceNormal $ connectedFaces[1]
vec1_Y = normalize(cross edgVec_X face1_Z)
SetWorkingPivot (matrix3 edgVec_X vec1_Y face1_Z TMpos)
else if change == 1 then
change = 2
face2_Z = polyop.getFaceNormal $ connectedFaces[2]
vec2_Y = normalize(cross edgVec_X face2_Z)
SetWorkingPivot (matrix3 edgVec_X vec2_Y face2_Z TMpos)
else if change == 2 then
change = 0
SetWorkingPivot (matrix3 edgVec_X vec_Y faceMiddle_Z TMpos)
SetWorkingPivot (matrix3 edgVec_X vec_Y faceMiddle_Z TMpos)
prevEdge = edg
prevObj = $
prevSnapIsEdge = true
change = 0
fn FaceSnap face =
fixPivotPosition = false
TMpos = polyop.getFaceCenter $ face
faceEdges = polyop.getEdgesUsingFace $ face as array
edgeVerts = polyop.getVertsUsingEdge $ faceEdges[1] as array
vPos1 = polyOp.getVert $ edgeVerts[1]
vPos2 = polyOp.getVert $ edgeVerts[2]
edgVec_X = normalize(vPos1 - vPos2)
faceNormal_Z = polyop.getFaceNormal $ face
vec_Y = normalize(cross edgVec_X faceNormal_Z)
SetWorkingPivot (matrix3 edgVec_X vec_Y faceNormal_Z TMpos)
prevSnapIsEdge = false
fn ManyFacesSnap faces =
fixPivotPosition = false
faceNormal_Z = [0,0,0]
TMpos = [0,0,0]
for f in faces do
faceNormal_Z += polyop.getFaceNormal $ f
TMpos += polyop.getFaceCenter $ f
TMpos /= faces.count
p = Point()
p.dir = faceNormal_Z
SetWorkingPivot (matrix3 p.transform[1] p.transform[2] p.transform[3] TMpos)
delete p
prevSnapIsEdge = false
if (mouse.pos)[1] < 0 or (mouse.pos)[2] < 0 or(mouse.pos)[1] > gw.getWinSizeX() or (mouse.pos)[2] > gw.getWinSizeY() then
fixPivotPosition = false
else if mouse.buttonStates[1] then
try -- protects against errors if user press and hold LMB + hotkey
m = (matrix3 [1,0,0] [0,1,0] [0,0,1] [0,0,0])
userTool2 = toolmode.commandMode -- protects against errors if the gizmo was grabbed in time the script was running
toolmode.commandMode = #select -- protects against errors if the gizmo was grabbed in time the script was running
oldSnapMode = snapMode.active
snapMode.active = true
if getRefCoordSys() == #working_pivot then m = WorkingPivot.getTM()
tool mouseCtrl
on freeMove do
m.pos = worldPoint
if lButton != true do #stop
starttool mouseCtrl
fixPivotPosition = true
SetWorkingPivot m
snapMode.active = oldSnapMode
toolmode.commandMode = userTool2 -- protects against errors if the gizmo was grabbed in time the script was running
prevSnapIsEdge = false
return 0
--------------------------------- Editable_Poly -----------------------------------
if classof (modPanel.getCurrentObject()) == Editable_Poly then
case subobjectLevel of
sel = polyop.getVertSelection $ as array
if sel.count == 0 then PivotToggle()
else if sel.count == 1 then VertSnap sel[1]
else if sel.count == 2 then TwoVertsSnap sel
sel = polyop.getEdgeSelection $ as array
if sel.count == 0 then PivotToggle()
else if sel.count == 1 then EdgeSnap sel[1]
sel = polyop.getEdgeSelection $ as array
if sel.count == 0 then PivotToggle()
else if sel.count == 1 then EdgeSnap sel[1]
sel = polyop.getFaceSelection $ as array
if sel.count == 0 then PivotToggle()
else if sel.count == 1 then FaceSnap sel[1]
else ManyFacesSnap sel
sel = polyop.getFaceSelection $ as array
if sel.count == 0 then PivotToggle()
else if sel.count == 1 then FaceSnap sel[1]
else ManyFacesSnap sel
default: PivotToggle()
----------------------------------- Edit_Poly -------------------------------------
else if classof (modPanel.getCurrentObject()) == Edit_Poly then
if ($ as string) != "$selection" do
case subobjectLevel of
sel = $.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].GetSelection #Vertex as array
if sel.count == 0 then PivotToggle()
else if sel.count == 1 then VertSnap sel[1]
else if sel.count == 2 then TwoVertsSnap sel
sel = $.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].GetSelection #Edge as array
if sel.count == 0 then PivotToggle()
else if sel.count == 1 then EdgeSnap sel[1]
sel = $.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].GetSelection #Edge as array
if sel.count == 0 then PivotToggle()
else if sel.count == 1 then EdgeSnap sel[1]
sel = $.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].GetSelection #Face as array
if sel.count == 0 then PivotToggle()
else if sel.count == 1 then FaceSnap sel[1]
else ManyFacesSnap sel
sel = $.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].GetSelection #Face as array
if sel.count == 0 then PivotToggle()
else if sel.count == 1 then FaceSnap sel[1]
else ManyFacesSnap sel
default: PivotToggle()
--------------------------- Editable Spline and Line ------------------------------
else if classof(modPanel.getCurrentObject()) == SplineShape or classof(modPanel.getCurrentObject()) == line then
selectedArr = #()
if subObjectLevel == 1 then
for splineNum in 1 to numSplines $ do
selected = getKnotSelection $ splineNum
if selected.count > 2 then exit
if selected.count != 0 then for sel in selected do append selectedArr #(sel, splineNum)
else if selectedArr.count > 2 then exit
if selectedArr.count == 2 then
vPos1 = getKnotPoint $ selectedArr[1][2] selectedArr[1][1]
vPos2 = getKnotPoint $ selectedArr[2][2] selectedArr[2][1]
TwoVertsSnapSpline vPos1 vPos2
else if subObjectLevel == 2 then
for splineNum in 1 to numSplines $ do
selected = getSegSelection $ splineNum
if selected.count > 1 then exit
else if selected.count != 0 then for sel in selected do append selectedArr #(sel, splineNum)
if selectedArr.count > 1 then exit
if selectedArr.count == 1 then
vPos1 = getKnotPoint $ selectedArr[1][2] selectedArr[1][1]
if numKnots $ selectedArr[1][2] == numSegments $ selectedArr[1][2] then vPos2 = getKnotPoint $ selectedArr[1][2] 1 -- closed splie
else vPos2 = getKnotPoint $ selectedArr[1][2] (selectedArr[1][1] + 1) -- open spline
TwoVertsSnapSpline vPos1 vPos2
else if subObjectLevel > 2 then return 0
else PivotToggle()
----------------------------------- Default ---------------------------------------
else PivotToggle()