首页 插件专区 Max插件 显示 PhysXPainter V0.102 【源码备份】
PhysXPainter V0.102 【源码备份】
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  • 应用平台: Windows 7 , Windows 8 , Windows 10 , Windows 11
  • 软件支持: 32位/64位
  • 界面语言: 多语言支持



global PhysXPainterROL

try(destroyDialog PhysXPainterROL)catch()

local PhysXPainter_HELPER

local LastSubRollout = 1

local Ground

local Colliders = #()

-- local CustomGravity

local WorldGravity = true

local UseGround = true

local TheViewPoint

local MAT

local ToolType = undefined

local DropRAD = 10.0

local DropHEIGHT = 10.0

local DropMaxLEN = 0.0

local DropCount = 5 

local DropPoses = #()

local RAD = 30.0

local FRC

local DisplayVECS

local CurrentCopies = #()

local SourceAssets = #()

local SourcePerc = #()

local DIST = 100.0

local Over = true

local Collide = true

local PhysX = true


local SXA= SXB= SYA= SYB= SZA= SZB =1.0

local LX = LY = LZ = false

local L_ALL = POS_ALL = ROT_ALL = true 

local StaticCOLOR = (color 30 30 30)

local SimCOLOR  = green

local  LoadPath

-- local ContactDIST = 0.1

local PackCircle

local foo

local VertsCNT = 200

local tempLIST, theMOD, ITM


local LIC = false

fn MakeHULL objs VertsCount =


max create mode

local COPS = #()

for o in OBJS do


for M in o.modifiers where classof M == K_HULL do M.enabled = false

COP = copy o ; hide COP

converttomesh COP

local Num = ( getnumverts o.mesh ) as float

-- PU = Push()

-- PU.Push_Value = 0.2

-- addmodifier COP PU

-- addmodifier COP ( Cap_Holes() )

if Num > VertsCount do


addmodifier COP ( ProOptimizer() )

COP.modifiers[#ProOptimizer].LockMat = on

COP.modifiers[#ProOptimizer].KeepUV = on

COP.modifiers[#ProOptimizer].LockUV = off


append COPS COP



for o in COPS where  o.modifiers[#ProOptimizer] != undefined do


o.modifiers[#ProOptimizer].Calculate = on



for o in COPS do


local OptimMOD = o.modifiers[#ProOptimizer] 

if OptimMOD != undefined do

( -- d閒inir le pourcentage de verts pour en avoir 200

local Num = ( getnumverts o.mesh ) as float

local MaxCNT = VertsCount as float

local PERC = (MaxCNT / Num) * 100.0


if Num < MaxCNT do PERC = 100.0

o.modifiers[#ProOptimizer].VertexPercent = PERC


converttomesh o



for o=1 to OBJS.count do


local obj = OBJS[o]

( -- Get the Modifier or create it if it's not there

if obj.modifiers.count > 0 then


local HULLmods = for M in obj.modifiers where classof M == K_HULL collect M

if HULLmods.count > 0 then


K_MOD = HULLmods[1]




local K_MOD = K_HULL()

addmodifier obj K_MOD





local K_MOD = K_HULL()

addmodifier obj K_MOD



( -- Set the Mod parameters

K_MOD.HULLmesh = COPS[o].mesh

K_MOD.VERTScount = VertsCount

K_MOD.Switch_BTN = on

K_MOD.enabled = true



delete COPS


fn PackCircle R SZ DropCount  =


local Diam = R * 2.0

local DIVS = ( floor ( Diam / SZ as float ) ) as integer

local Rdiv = Diam / DIVS 

local circlePOSES = #()

for X = 1 to DIVS do


for Y=1 to DIVS do


if mod Y 2 == 0 then -- each 2 : d閏aller d'1/2 閏art, pour placement en quinconce


local Xpos = Rdiv * X   - R  




local Xpos = Rdiv * X   - R -  Rdiv/2.0


local Ypos = Rdiv * Y   - R -  Rdiv/2.0

local POS = [Xpos, Ypos,0]  

local DIST = ( distance [0,0,0] POS ) + SZ/2.0

if DIST <= R do


append circlePOSES  POS




if circlePOSES.count == 0 do circlePOSES = #([0,0,0])

-- Number of Height levels

local CircleCNT =  circlePOSES.count


POSES = #()

for o = 1 to DropCount do


local INcircleID = mod o CircleCNT

if INcircleID == 0 do INcircleID = CircleCNT

local Cpos = copy circlePOSES[INcircleID]

local Zmult = ceil ( (o as float ) / ( CircleCNT  as float ) )

-- Rotate l'閠age 

local RotMAT = rotateZMatrix (45.0 * (Zmult-1) )

Cpos *= RotMAT


Cpos.Z = (Zmult-1) * SZ

append POSES Cpos




fn SetMassFX= 


gPxUseMultiThread = true 

gPxUseHardwareScene = true

px_sdk_contactDistance = 0.1

if px_sdk_sub_sim_steps < 2 do

px_sdk_sub_sim_steps = 2


nvpx.SetPMVisibleForRigidBodies 3


rollout VFBTabsRollout01 "Sources"


local normalfont, boldfont

local initLv, addColumns, populateList, theMOD

-- pickbutton GroundBTN "pick Surface" width:200 pos:[10,10]

button SelectPhysXHelper_BTN "Select  PhysX_Painter  Helper" width:248 offset:[2,0]

dotNetControl Collider_LV "system.windows.forms.listView"  width:220 height:150 offset:[-5,3]

dotNetControl lv "system.windows.forms.listView" width:220 height:250 offset:[-5,10]

label sepLBL "" height:1

group "Assets Parameters"


spinner Percentage_SPN "% :" width:60  range:[0,10000,0] type:#integer offset:[0,-5] align:#right

spinner VertsCNT_SPN "Vertex Count:" range:[1,10000,200] width:110 type:#integer align:#left offset:[-3,2] across:2 tooltip:"number of vertices of the low res version"

button GenHULL_BTN "Generate LOW" width:100 align:#right offset:[0,0] tooltip:"Create a low res version of the selected assets"


button AddCOL_BTN "+" width:20 height:20 pos:[235,35] tooltip:"add selected Collider in the list." images:#("PhysXPainter_Icons_i.bmp","PhysXPainter_Icons_a.bmp",19, 10, 10 ,1,1 )

button DelCOL_BTN "-" width:20 height:20 pos:[235,55] tooltip:"remove selected Collider from the list." images:#("PhysXPainter_Icons_i.bmp","PhysXPainter_Icons_a.bmp",19, 11, 11 ,1,1 )

button SelCOL_BTN "s" width:20 height:20 pos:[235,75] tooltip:"select List -> Scene." images:#("PhysXPainter_Icons_i.bmp","PhysXPainter_Icons_a.bmp",19, 16, 16 ,1,1 )

button SelCOLFrom_BTN "s" width:20 height:20 pos:[235,95] tooltip:"select Scene -> List." images:#("PhysXPainter_Icons_i.bmp","PhysXPainter_Icons_a.bmp",19, 12, 12 ,1,1 )

button AddBTN "+" width:20 height:20 pos:[235,200] tooltip:"add selected asset in the list." images:#("PhysXPainter_Icons_i.bmp","PhysXPainter_Icons_a.bmp",19, 10, 10 ,1,1 )

button DelBTN "-" width:20 height:20 pos:[235,220] tooltip:"remove selected asset from the list." images:#("PhysXPainter_Icons_i.bmp","PhysXPainter_Icons_a.bmp",19, 11, 11 ,1,1 )

button SelBTN "s" width:20 height:20 pos:[235,240] tooltip:"select List -> Scene." images:#("PhysXPainter_Icons_i.bmp","PhysXPainter_Icons_a.bmp",19, 16, 16 ,1,1 )

button SelFrom_BTN "s" width:20 height:20 pos:[235,260] tooltip:"select Scene -> List." images:#("PhysXPainter_Icons_i.bmp","PhysXPainter_Icons_a.bmp",19, 12, 12 ,1,1 )

fn initLv theLv = 


theLv.view = (dotNetClass "system.windows.forms.view").Details

theLv.FullRowSelect = true

theLv.GridLines = false

theLv.MultiSelect = true --multiple selections 

theLv.CheckBoxes = false

theLv.hideSelection = false

theLv.IsAccessible = true

theLv.LabelEdit = false --true

-- k_formatprops (dotnetobject "system.windows.forms.listView") 

theLv.BackColor  = K_dotnetcolor 50 50 50

theLv.BorderStyle = theLv.BorderStyle.None



fn addColumns theLv COLUMNS = 


for C in COLUMNS do


theLv.columns.add C[1] C[2]


-- theLv.columns.add "Assets" 165

-- theLv.columns.add "%" 55


fn populateList theLv arr arrB arrC = 



CNT = arr.count

for t=1 to CNT do 


li=dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem" ( arr[t] )


colAdd = 70 + (if (mod t 2)==0 then 30 else 0)

li.BackColor = K_dotnetcolor (colAdd ) (colAdd)    (colAdd)  

li.ForeColor = K_dotnetcolor 255 255 255

li.subitems.add  ( arrB[t] as string  )

li.subitems.add  ( arrC[t] as string  )

append rows li


theLv.items.addRange rows



fn populateCOLList theLv arr =



CNT = arr.count

for t=1 to CNT do 


li = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem" ( arr[t] )


colAdd = 70 + (if (mod t 2)==0 then 30 else 0)

li.BackColor = K_dotnetcolor (colAdd ) (colAdd)    (colAdd)  

li.ForeColor = K_dotnetcolor 255 255 255

-- li.subitems.add  ( arrB[t] as string  )

append rows li


theLv.items.addRange rows



fn RemoveAssets OBJ =



for m in OBJ.modifiers where classof m == K_HULL or classof m == MassFX_RBody do

deletemodifier OBJ m




on VFBTabsRollout01 open do


-- normalfont = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Font" "Microsoft Sans Serif" 11 \

-- (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.FontStyle").Regular (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit").Pixel

-- boldfont = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Font" "Microsoft Sans Serif" 11 \

-- (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.FontStyle").Bold (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit").Pixel

-- K_formatprops (dotnetobject "system.windows.forms.listView")


( -- Update the UI

if K_ISVALID PhysXPainter_HELPER and LIC do


( -- Get the Colliders


initLv Collider_LV

addColumns Collider_LV #( #("Colliders", 202)    )

Colliders = for o in PhysXPainter_HELPER.CollidersLIST where K_ISVALID o collect o

local Assets = #()

for o=1 to Colliders.count   do


append Assets Colliders[o].name


populateCOLList Collider_LV Assets  


( -- Get the Assets


initLv lv

addColumns lv #( #("Assets", 128) , #("Verts", 45), #("%", 30)  )

SourceAssets = #()

SourcePerc = #()

for o=1 to PhysXPainter_HELPER.SourceLIST.count where K_ISVALID PhysXPainter_HELPER.SourceLIST[o] do


append SourceAssets PhysXPainter_HELPER.SourceLIST[o]

append SourcePerc PhysXPainter_HELPER.SourcePerc[o]


local Assets = #()

local Perc = #()

local Verts = #()

for o=1 to SourceAssets.count  do


local OBJ = SourceAssets[o]

append Assets OBJ.name

append Perc SourcePerc[o]

if OBJ.modifiers[#K_HULL] != undefined then

append Verts OBJ.modifiers[#K_HULL].VertsCOUNT


append Verts "?"


populateList lv Assets Verts Perc


VertsCNT_SPN.value = VertsCNT




PhysXPainterROL.height = 605


on VFBTabsRollout01 close do




on SelectPhysXHelper_BTN pressed do


if K_ISVALID PhysXPainter_HELPER and LIC do ( select PhysXPainter_HELPER ; max modify mode)


on AddCOL_BTN pressed do -- ADD colliders


if K_ISVALID PhysXPainter_HELPER and LIC do


local sel = selection as array

for o in sel where o != PhysXPainter_HELPER do


if finditem Colliders o == 0 do


append Colliders o

append PhysXPainter_HELPER.CollidersLIST   o 



( -- Update UI


initLv Collider_LV

addColumns Collider_LV #( #("Colliders", 220)    )

local Assets = #()

for o=1 to Colliders.count where K_ISVALID Colliders[o] do


append Assets Colliders[o].name


populateCOLList Collider_LV Assets  




on DelCOL_BTN pressed do -- DELETE colliders


if K_ISVALID PhysXPainter_HELPER and LIC do


local Sel = Collider_LV.SelectedItems

if Sel.count  > 0 do


for i = Sel.count-1 to 0 by -1    do 


local ID = Sel.item[i].index + 1

RemoveAssets Colliders[ID]

deleteItem PhysXPainter_HELPER.CollidersLIST  ID 

deleteItem Colliders ID



( -- Update UI


initLv Collider_LV

addColumns Collider_LV #( #("Colliders", 220)    ) 

local Assets = #()

for o=1 to Colliders.count where K_ISVALID Colliders[o] do


append Assets Colliders[o].name


populateCOLList Collider_LV Assets 





on SelCOL_BTN pressed do --SEL colliders List to Scene


if K_ISVALID PhysXPainter_HELPER and LIC do


local LISTSEL = Collider_LV.SelectedItems

local sel = #()

if LISTSEL.count > 0 do


for i = LISTSEL.count-1 to 0 by -1    do 


ID = LISTSEL.item[i].index  + 1

local theOBJ =  PhysXPainter_HELPER.CollidersLIST[ID]

if K_ISVALID theOBJ do append sel theOBJ



if sel.count > 0 then

select Sel





on SelCOLFrom_BTN pressed do -- Select Scene to List


if K_ISVALID PhysXPainter_HELPER and LIC do


local Sel = selection as array

local ColLIST = PhysXPainter_HELPER.CollidersLIST


for i=1 to Collider_LV.Items.count do


if ( finditem Sel ColLIST[i]  ) != 0 then


Collider_LV.Items.item[i-1].Selected = true




Collider_LV.Items.item[i-1].Selected = false  







on lv MouseUp arg do


local Sel = lv.SelectedItems

for i=0 to (Sel.count-1) do 


local ID = Sel.item[i].index  

local theOBJ = PhysXPainter_HELPER.SourceLIST[ID+1]


if K_ISVALID theOBJ do 


Percentage_SPN.value = SourcePerc[ID+1]

local KHullMOD = theOBJ.modifiers[#K_HULL] 


if KHullMOD != undefined do 


VertsCNT_SPN.value = KHullMOD.VertsCOUNT





on lv MouseEnter arg do




on Collider_LV MouseEnter arg do




local dnKeys=dotnetclass "System.Windows.Forms.Keys"

on lv KeyDown arg do


if arg.Control and arg.KeyCode == dnKeys.i do -- invert list selection



for i=1 to lv.Items.count do


if lv.Items.item[i-1].Selected == true then

lv.Items.item[i-1].Selected = false


lv.Items.item[i-1].Selected = true





if arg.Control and arg.KeyCode == dnKeys.a do -- select all




for i=1 to lv.Items.count do


lv.Items.item[i-1].Selected = true   





if arg.Control and arg.KeyCode == dnKeys.d do -- select none



for i=1 to lv.Items.count do


lv.Items.item[i-1].Selected = false   






on Collider_LV KeyDown arg do


if arg.Control and arg.KeyCode == dnKeys.i do -- invert list selection



for i=1 to Collider_LV.Items.count do


if Collider_LV.Items.item[i-1].Selected == true then

Collider_LV.Items.item[i-1].Selected = false


Collider_LV.Items.item[i-1].Selected = true





if arg.Control and arg.KeyCode == dnKeys.a do -- select all




for i=1 to Collider_LV.Items.count do


Collider_LV.Items.item[i-1].Selected = true   





if arg.Control and arg.KeyCode == dnKeys.d do -- select none



for i=1 to Collider_LV.Items.count do


Collider_LV.Items.item[i-1].Selected = false   







on AddBTN pressed do --ADD assets


if K_ISVALID PhysXPainter_HELPER and LIC do


local Sel = selection as array


for o in sel where finditem Colliders o == 0 and  o != PhysXPainter_HELPER do -- Add only if the asset is not already in the Colliders list.


if finditem SourceAssets o == 0 do


append SourceAssets o

append SourcePerc 20

append PhysXPainter_HELPER.SourceLIST   o 

append PhysXPainter_HELPER.SourcePerc   20

if o.modifiers[#K_HULL] == undefined do ( MakeHULL #(o) VertsCNT )




( -- Update the UI


initLv lv

addColumns lv #( #("Assets", 128) , #("Verts", 45), #("%", 30)  )

-- addColumns lv #( #("Assets", 165) , #("%", 55)  )

local Assets = #()

local Perc = #()

local Verts = #()

for o=1 to SourceAssets.count where K_ISVALID SourceAssets[o]   do


local OBJ = SourceAssets[o]

append Assets OBJ.name

append Perc SourcePerc[o]


if OBJ.modifiers[#K_HULL] != undefined then

append Verts OBJ.modifiers[#K_HULL].VertsCOUNT


append Verts "?"


populateList lv Assets Verts Perc



if SourcePerc.count > 0 do

Percentage_SPN.value = SourcePerc[1]




on DelBTN pressed do --DEL assets


if K_ISVALID PhysXPainter_HELPER and LIC do

local Sel = lv.SelectedItems

if Sel.count  > 0 do


for i = Sel.count-1 to 0 by -1    do 


local ID = Sel.item[i].index + 1

--check if the item is still used in the modifier


local Sources = PhysXPainter_HELPER.SourceLIST as array

local Copies  = PhysXPainter_HELPER.CopiesLIST as array

local SourceOBJ = PhysXPainter_HELPER.SourceLIST[ID]

if K_ISVALID SourceOBJ do


InstanceMgr.GetInstances SourceOBJ &instances

Instances --list of the instances before switch

if Instances.count > 1 then -- check instances


local COPS = for o in Instances where finditem Copies o !=0 collect i --les instances dans la liste des copies

if COPS.count == 0 do


RemoveAssets SourceAssets[ID]

deleteItem PhysXPainter_HELPER.SourceLIST   ID

deleteItem PhysXPainter_HELPER.SourcePerc   ID

deleteItem SourceAssets ID

deleteItem SourcePerc ID



else -- check copies


local COPS = #()

for o in Copies where K_ISVALID o do


local Appdata = (getAppData  o 20100805)

if Appdata  != undefined do


local SourceINSTANCE = getAnimByHandle (execute Appdata)

if K_ISVALID SourceINSTANCE and SourceINSTANCE == SourceOBJ  do


append COPS o




if COPS.count == 0 do


RemoveAssets SourceAssets[ID]

deleteItem PhysXPainter_HELPER.SourceLIST   ID

deleteItem PhysXPainter_HELPER.SourcePerc   ID

deleteItem SourceAssets ID

deleteItem SourcePerc ID








( -- Update the UI


initLv lv

-- addColumns lv #( #("Assets", 165) , #("%", 55)  )

addColumns lv #( #("Assets", 128) , #("Verts", 45), #("%", 30)  )

local Assets = #()

local Perc = #()

local Verts = #()

for o=1 to SourceAssets.count where K_ISVALID SourceAssets[o]   do


local OBJ = SourceAssets[o]

append Assets OBJ.name

append Perc SourcePerc[o]

if OBJ.modifiers[#K_HULL] != undefined then

append Verts OBJ.modifiers[#K_HULL].VertsCOUNT


append Verts "?"


populateList lv Assets Verts Perc


if SourcePerc.count > 0 do

Percentage_SPN.value = SourcePerc[1]





on SelBTN pressed do --SEL assets


if K_ISVALID PhysXPainter_HELPER and LIC do


local LISTSEL = lv.SelectedItems

local sel = #()

if LISTSEL.count > 0 do


for i = LISTSEL.count-1 to 0 by -1    do 


local ID = LISTSEL.item[i].index  + 1

local theOBJ =  PhysXPainter_HELPER.SourceLIST[ID]

if K_ISVALID theOBJ do append sel theOBJ



if sel.count > 0 then

select Sel





on SelFrom_BTN pressed do -- Select Scene to List


if K_ISVALID PhysXPainter_HELPER and LIC do


local Sel = selection as array

local SourceLIST = PhysXPainter_HELPER.SourceLIST


for i=1 to lv.Items.count do


if ( ID = finditem Sel SourceLIST[i]  ) != 0 then


lv.Items.item[i-1].Selected = true 


( -- update UI values

Percentage_SPN.value = SourcePerc[i]

local KHullMOD = Sel[ID].modifiers[#K_HULL] 


if KHullMOD != undefined do 


VertsCNT_SPN.value = KHullMOD.VertsCOUNT





lv.Items.item[i-1].Selected = false  






on Percentage_SPN changed state do --%


if K_ISVALID PhysXPainter_HELPER and LIC do


local Sel = lv.SelectedItems

for i=0 to (Sel.count-1) do 


local ID = Sel.item[i].index + 1

SourcePerc[ID] = state 

PhysXPainter_HELPER.SourcePerc[ID] = state 

--update in the list

Sel.item[i].SubItems.item[2].text   = state as string





on GenHULL_BTN pressed do -- Generate K_HULL on selected source objects 


if K_ISVALID PhysXPainter_HELPER and LIC do


local Sel = lv.SelectedItems

for i=0 to (Sel.count-1) do 


local ID = Sel.item[i].index + 1

local theOBJ = PhysXPainter_HELPER.SourceLIST[ID]

if K_ISVALID theOBJ do 


MakeHULL #( theOBJ ) VertsCNT

-- update the modifier value

theOBJ.modifiers[#K_HULL].VertsCOUNT = VertsCNT_SPN.value

--update in the list

Sel.item[i].SubItems.item[1].text   = VertsCNT_SPN.value as string







on VertsCNT_SPN changed state do 


VertsCNT = state

-- if K_ISVALID PhysXPainter_HELPER and LIC do

-- (

-- local Sel = lv.SelectedItems


-- for i=0 to (Sel.count-1) do 

-- (

-- local ID = Sel.item[i].index + 1


-- SourcePerc[ID] = state 

-- PhysXPainter_HELPER.SourcePerc[ID] = state 


-- --update in the list

-- Sel.item[i].SubItems.item[2].text   = state as string

-- )


-- )



rollout VFBTabsRollout02 "Brush"


local COP, COPIES 

local ManualExit = false 

button SelectPhysXHelper_BTN "Select  PhysX_Painter  Helper" width:248 offset:[2,0]

spinner DistSPN "Distance" range:[0.00,10000.00, 1.00] pos:[35,35] width:80 height:30 tooltip:"distance threshold between the previous and the new asset."

checkbox OverCHK "Paint Over" checked:true pos:[10,60] tooltip:"Paint over existing assets."

checkbox CollideCHK "Self Collide" checked:true pos:[100,60]  tooltip:"Avoid collisions while painting."

checkbox PhysXCHK "PhysX" checked:true pos:[190,60]  tooltip:"Run PhysX sim on mouse release."

label lineLBL03 "" height:5

group "Colors"


colorpicker StaticCOL "Static" align:#left color:(color 30 30 30)  across:3  

colorpicker SimCOL "Sim" align:#left color:green offset:[15,0]

checkbox UseCOL_CHK  "use" align:#left offset:[25,3] tooltip:"display Simulation colors" checked:true



groupbox XGRP "X" width:61 height:230 pos:[50,150]

groupbox YGRP "Y" width:61 height:230 pos:[110,150] 

groupbox ZGRP "Z" width:82 height:230 pos:[170,150] 

groupbox posGRP "Pos" width:249 height:70 pos:[4, 150]

label Pmin "min" pos:[20, 170]

label Pmax "max" pos:[20, 195]

groupbox rotGRP "Rot" width:249 height:70 pos:[5, 220]

label Rmin "min" pos:[20, 240]

label Rmax "max" pos:[20, 265]

groupbox sclGRP "ScL" width:249 height:90 pos:[5, 290]

label Smin "min" pos:[20, 310]

label Smax "max" pos:[20, 335]

label LockS "lock" pos:[20, 360]

label X_LBL "X" pos:[75,150]  

label Y_LBL "Y" pos:[135,150]  

label Z_LBL "Z" pos:[195,150]  

spinner PXmin "" range:[-10000.00,10000.00, 0.00] pos:[52,170] width:55 height:30

spinner PXmax "" range:[-10000.00,10000.00, 0.00] pos:[52,195] width:55 height:30

spinner PYmin "" range:[-10000.00,10000.00, 0.00] pos:[112,170] width:55 height:30

spinner PYmax "" range:[-10000.00,10000.00, 0.00] pos:[112,195] width:55 height:30

spinner PZmin "" range:[-10000.00,10000.00, 0.00] pos:[172,170] width:55 height:30

spinner PZmax "" range:[-10000.00,10000.00, 0.00] pos:[172,195] width:55 height:30

checkbox POS_CHK "" pos:[230, 180] width:15 tooltip:"Homothetic X, Y, Z position"

spinner RXmin "" range:[-360.00,360.00, 0.00] pos:[52,240] width:55 height:30

spinner RXmax "" range:[-360.00,360.00, 0.00] pos:[52,265] width:55 height:30

spinner RYmin "" range:[-360.00,360.00, 0.00] pos:[112,240] width:55 height:30

spinner RYmax "" range:[-360.00,360.00, 0.00] pos:[112,265] width:55 height:30

spinner RZmin "" range:[-360.00,360.00, 0.00] pos:[172,240] width:55 height:30

spinner RZmax "" range:[-360.00,360.00, 0.00] pos:[172,265] width:55 height:30

checkbox ROT_CHK "" pos:[230, 255] width:15 tooltip:"Homothetic X, Y, Z rotation"

spinner SXmin "" range:[ 0.001,10.00, 1.00] pos:[52,310] width:55 height:30

spinner SXmax "" range:[ 0.001,10.00, 1.00] pos:[52,335] width:55 height:30

spinner SYmin "" range:[ 0.001,10.00, 1.00] pos:[112,310] width:55 height:30

spinner SYmax "" range:[ 0.001,10.00, 1.00] pos:[112,335] width:55 height:30

spinner SZmin "" range:[ 0.001,10.00, 1.00] pos:[172,310] width:55 height:30

spinner SZmax "" range:[ 0.001,10.00, 1.00] pos:[172,335] width:55 height:30

checkbox X_CHK "" pos:[70, 360]

checkbox Y_CHK "" pos:[130, 360]

checkbox Z_CHK "" pos:[190, 360]

checkbox SCl_CHK "" pos:[230, 325] width:15 tooltip:"Homothetic X, Y, Z scale"  

label lineLBL01 "" height:40

group "Tools"


button Paint_BTN "PAINT" height:30 width:30  pos:[10, 410] images:#("PhysXPainter_Icons_i.bmp","PhysXPainter_Icons_a.bmp",19, 1, 1 ,1,1 ) toolTip:"Paint Assets"

checkbutton Normal_BTN "Norm" height:30 width:30  pos:[45, 410] images:#("PhysXPainter_Icons_i.bmp","PhysXPainter_Icons_a.bmp",19, 3, 3 ,1,1 ) toolTip:"Orient to Surface Normal" highlightColor:(color 240 120 0)

checkbutton Direct_BTN "Direct" height:30 width:30 pos:[80, 410] images:#("PhysXPainter_Icons_i.bmp","PhysXPainter_Icons_a.bmp",19, 4, 4 ,1,1 ) toolTip:"Look At Brush Direction" highlightColor:(color 240 0 120)

checkbutton Gravity_BTN "Grav" height:30 width:30  pos:[145, 410] checked:true images:#("PhysXPainter_Icons_i.bmp","PhysXPainter_Icons_a.bmp",19, 5, 5 ,1,1  ) toolTip:"Gravity" highlightColor:(color 0 120 255)

checkbutton Attract_BTN "Attract" height:30 width:30  pos:[180, 410] images:#("PhysXPainter_Icons_i.bmp","PhysXPainter_Icons_a.bmp",19, 6, 6 ,1,1  ) toolTip:"Attract" highlightColor:(color 0 200  0)

checkbutton Explode_BTN "Explode" height:30 width:30  pos:[215, 410] images:#("PhysXPainter_Icons_i.bmp","PhysXPainter_Icons_a.bmp",19, 7, 7 ,1,1  ) toolTip:"Explode" highlightColor:red

spinner Force_SPN "Force" range:[-100000000.0, 100000000.0, 1.0] pos:[160, 450] width:85 align:#right tooltip:"the strength of Attraction or Explosion Forces"

button Drop_BTN "DROP" height:30 width:30   pos:[10, 445] images:#("PhysXPainter_Icons_i.bmp","PhysXPainter_Icons_a.bmp",19, 2, 2 ,1,1 ) toolTip:"Drop Assets"

checkbutton SIMALL "Sim ALL" height:30 width:30  pos:[45, 445] images:#("PhysXPainter_Icons_i.bmp","PhysXPainter_Icons_a.bmp",19, 8, 8 ,1,1 ) toolTip:"Simulate ALL" highlightColor:red

checkbutton SIMSEL "Sim SEL" height:30 width:30  pos:[80, 445] images:#("PhysXPainter_Icons_i.bmp","PhysXPainter_Icons_a.bmp",19, 9, 9 ,1,1 ) toolTip:"Simulate Selected" highlightColor:red


label lineLBL02 "" height:0

group "Save Load Presets"  


button Folder_BTN "Folder" width:25 height:20 align:#left images:#("PhysXPainter_Icons_i.bmp","PhysXPainter_Icons_a.bmp",19, 13, 13 ,1,1 ) tooltip:"Choose Preset Folder"

edittext SaveName_EDT "" text:"New_Preset" width:160 align:#left offset:[25,-24] tooltip:"Preset Name"

button Save_BTN "Save Preset" width:25 height:20 align:#right offset:[-20,-24] images:#("PhysXPainter_Icons_i.bmp","PhysXPainter_Icons_a.bmp",19, 14, 14 ,1,1 ) tooltip:"Save Preset"

button Reset_BTN "R" width:20 height:20 align:#right offset:[0,-25] images:#("PhysXPainter_Icons_i.bmp","PhysXPainter_Icons_a.bmp",19, 15, 15 ,1,1 ) tooltip:"Reset to Default Settings"

dropdownlist Load_LIST "" width:232 align:#left    offset:[0,0] tooltip:"Load Preset"


on SelectPhysXHelper_BTN pressed do


if K_ISVALID PhysXPainter_HELPER and LIC do ( select PhysXPainter_HELPER ; max modify mode)


on DistSPN changed state do ( if LIC do ( DIST = state*100.0 ; redrawviews() ) )

on OverCHK changed state do


if LIC do


Over = state

CollideCHK.enabled  = state

if state == true then

PhysXCHK.enabled = CollideCHK.checked


PhysXCHK.enabled = state



on CollideCHK changed state do 


if LIC do


Collide = state

PhysXCHK.enabled = state



on PhysXCHK changed state do (if LIC do PhysX = state)


on Attract_BTN changed state do


if state == true and LIC do


Explode_BTN.checked =  false



on Explode_BTN changed state do


if state == true and LIC do


Attract_BTN.checked =  false



on PXmin changed state do (PXA = state)

on PXmax changed state do (PXB = state)

on PYmin changed state do (PYA = state)

on PYmax changed state do (PYB = state)

on PZmin changed state do (PZA = state)

on PZmax changed state do (PZB = state)

on RXmin changed state do (RXA = state)

on RXmax changed state do (RXB = state)

on RYmin changed state do (RYA = state)

on RYmax changed state do (RYB = state)

on RZmin changed state do (RZA = state)

on RZmax changed state do (RZB = state)

on SXmin changed state do 


SXA = state

( -- update the DropBrush points

local ML = DropMaxLEN * (SXA + SXB ) --/ 2.0

DropPoses = PackCircle DropRAD ML DropCount




on SXmax changed state do 


SXB = state

( -- update the DropBrush points

local ML = DropMaxLEN * (SXA + SXB ) --/ 2.0

DropPoses = PackCircle DropRAD ML DropCount




on SYmin changed state do (SYA = state)

on SYmax changed state do (SYB = state)

on SZmin changed state do (SZA = state)

on SZmax changed state do (SZB = state)

on VFBTabsRollout02 open do


if LIC do


with printAllElements on -- Load saved settings from the Helper


local SavedSettings = ( getAppData PhysXPainter_HELPER 16573547 )

if SavedSettings != undefined and SavedSettings != "" and PhysXPainterROL != undefined then -- load the saved settings


execute SavedSettings

DIST = DistSPN.value * 100.0


else -- take the default values


StaticCOL.color = StaticCOLOR

SimCOL.color = SimCOLOR

PXmin.value = PXA

PXmax.value = PXB

PYmin.value = PYA

PYmax.value = PYB

PZmin.value = PZA

PZmax.value = PZB


RXmin.value = RXA

RXmax.value = RXB

RYmin.value = RYA

RYmax.value = RYB

RZmin.value = RZA

RZmax.value = RZB


SXmin.value = SXA

SXmax.value = SXB

SYmin.value = SYA

SYmax.value = SYB

SZmin.value = SZA

SZmax.value = SZB

X_CHK.state = LX

Y_CHK.state = LY

Z_CHK.state = LZ

SCl_CHK.state = L_ALL

DistSPN.value = DIST / 100.0

OverCHK.state = Over

CollideCHK.state = Collide

PhysXCHK.state = PhysX




if SCl_CHK.checked == true then

SXmin.enabled = true 

if X_CHK.checked == true then

SXmax.enabled = false


SXmax.enabled = true

SYmin.enabled = false

SYmax.enabled = false 

SZmin.enabled = false

SZmax.enabled = false 



SXmin.enabled = true 

SYmin.enabled = true

SZmin.enabled = true

if X_CHK.checked == true then

( SXmax.enabled = false )


( SXmax.enabled = true ) 

if Y_CHK.checked == true then

( SYmax.enabled = false )


( SYmax.enabled = true ) 

if Z_CHK.checked == true then

( SZmax.enabled = false )


( SZmax.enabled = true ) 


if POS_CHK.checked == true then


PXmin.enabled = true 

PXmax.enabled = true 

PYmin.enabled = false

PYmax.enabled = false 

PZmin.enabled = false

PZmax.enabled = false 




PXmin.enabled = true 

PXmax.enabled = true 

PYmin.enabled = true

PYmax.enabled = true 

PZmin.enabled = true

PZmax.enabled = true 


if ROT_CHK.checked == true then


RXmin.enabled = true 

RXmax.enabled = true 

RYmin.enabled = false

RYmax.enabled = false 

RZmin.enabled = false

RZmax.enabled = false 




RXmin.enabled = true 

RXmax.enabled = true 

RYmin.enabled = true

RYmax.enabled = true 

RZmin.enabled = true

RZmax.enabled = true 

PhysXPainterROL.height = 645

( -- load INI

INIfile = ( getdir #plugcfg_ln ) + "\\KinematicLAB_PhysXPainterPreset.ini"

LoadPath = ( getINISetting INIfile "PhysXPainter" "PresetFolder" ) 

--update preset list

if LoadPath != undefined do


files = getFiles (LoadPath + "\\*.phxp")

presetLIST = #()

for f in files do


Filename = getFilenameFile  f

append presetLIST Filename


Load_LIST.items = presetLIST







on VFBTabsRollout02 close do


if LIC do


INIfile =( getdir #plugcfg_ln ) + "\\KinematicLAB_PhysXPainterPreset.ini"

-- setINISetting INIfile "PhysXPainter" "StaticCOLOR" (StaticCOL.color as string)  forceUTF16:false --force ASCII

-- setINISetting INIfile "PhysXPainter" "SimCOLOR" (SimCOL.color as string)  forceUTF16:false --force ASCII

setINISetting INIfile "PhysXPainter" "PresetFolder" LoadPath  forceUTF16:false --force ASCII

-- setINISetting INIfile "PhysXPainter" "UIpos" ((GetDialogPos  PhysXPainterROL ) as string)  --forceUTF16:false --force ASCII

( -- Save Settings in the Helper to be loaded on each tool launch

if K_ISVALID PhysXPainter_HELPER and LIC do


local Settings = ""

local ROL = "PhysXPainterROL.theSubRollout.rollouts[2]."

Settings += ROL + "DistSPN.value = " + ( DistSPN.value as string )  + "\n"

Settings += ROL + "OverCHK.state = " + ( OverCHK.state as string ) + "\n"

Settings += ROL + "CollideCHK.state = " + ( CollideCHK.state as string ) + "\n"

Settings += ROL + "PhysXCHK.state = " + ( PhysXCHK.state as string ) + "\n"

local SpinnerLIST = #(PXmin, PXmax, PYmin, PYmax, PZmin, PZmax, RXmin, RXmax, RYmin, RYmax, RZmin, RZmax, SXmin, SXmax, SYmin, SYmax, SZmin, SZmax, Force_SPN)

for n in SpinnerLIST do


Settings += ROL +  (n.name) + ".value = " + (n.value as string ) + "\n"


local CheckBoxLIST = #(X_CHK, Y_CHK, Z_CHK, SCl_CHK, POS_CHK, ROT_CHK, Normal_BTN, Direct_BTN, Gravity_BTN, Attract_BTN, Explode_BTN, UseCOL_CHK)

for n in CheckBoxLIST do


Settings += ROL +  (n.name) + ".state = " + (n.state as string ) + "\n"


Settings += ROL + "StaticCOL.color = " + (StaticCOL.color as string ) + "\n"

Settings += ROL + "SimCOL.color = " + (SimCOL.color as string ) + "\n"


-- Settings += "SetDialogPos PhysXPainterROL " + ((GetDialogPos  PhysXPainterROL ) as string)


with printAllElements on


setAppData PhysXPainter_HELPER 16573547 Settings  







on StaticCOL changed  col  do


if LIC do


StaticCOLOR = col



on SimCOL changed  col  do


if LIC do


SimCOLOR = col



on X_CHK changed state do


if LIC do


LX = state

if state == true then

( SXmax.enabled = false )


( SXmax.enabled = true )



on Y_CHK changed state do


if LIC do


LY = state

if SCl_CHK.state == false then


if state == true then

( SYmax.enabled = false )


( SYmax.enabled = true )




SYmax.enabled = false




on Z_CHK changed state do


if LIC do


LZ = state

if SCl_CHK.state == false then


if state == true then

( SZmax.enabled = false )


( SZmax.enabled = true )




SZmax.enabled = false




on SCl_CHK changed state do


if LIC do


L_ALL = state

if state == true then

if X_CHK.state == false then


SXmin.enabled = true 

SXmax.enabled = true 




SXmin.enabled = true

SXmax.enabled = false 


SYmin.enabled = false

SYmax.enabled = false 

SZmin.enabled = false

SZmax.enabled = false 



-- SXmin.enabled = true 

-- SXmax.enabled = true 

if X_CHK.state == false then

( SXmin.enabled = true

SXmax.enabled = true 




SXmin.enabled = true

SXmax.enabled = false 


if Y_CHK.state == false then

( SYmin.enabled = true

SYmax.enabled = true 




SYmin.enabled = true

SYmax.enabled = false 


if Z_CHK.state == false then


SZmin.enabled = true

SZmax.enabled = true 




SZmin.enabled = true

SZmax.enabled = false 





on POS_CHK changed state do


if LIC do


POS_ALL = state

if state == true then

PXmin.enabled = true 

PXmax.enabled = true 

PYmin.enabled = false

PYmax.enabled = false 

PZmin.enabled = false

PZmax.enabled = false 



PXmin.enabled = true 

PXmax.enabled = true 

PYmin.enabled = true

PYmax.enabled = true 

PZmin.enabled = true

PZmax.enabled = true 




on ROT_CHK changed state do


if LIC do


ROT_ALL = state

if state == true then

RXmin.enabled = true 

RXmax.enabled = true 

RYmin.enabled = false

RYmax.enabled = false 

RZmin.enabled = false

RZmax.enabled = false 



RXmin.enabled = true 

RXmax.enabled = true 

RYmin.enabled = true

RYmax.enabled = true 

RZmin.enabled = true

RZmax.enabled = true 





fn GW_displayObjectDATAS =


gw.setTransform (matrix3 1)

gw.setRndLimits #(   ) -- draw all on top


if MAT != undefined do


local CNT = 25

local TheAngle = ( 360.0 / CNT ) as float 


vPOS = TheViewPoint 

if ToolType == "Paint" then



local CirclePOS = #()

for v=1 to CNT do


local div = TheAngle*(v+1)  

local X = RAD * cos( div  )

local Y = RAD * sin( div  )

append CirclePOS ( [X, Y,0] + [vPOS.X, vPOS.Y, 0 ] )


gw.setColor  #line red    -- setcolor light green

for n=1 to  CNT - 1 do


local VA =  CirclePOS[n]

local VB =  CirclePOS[n+1]

gw.wPolyline #(VA, VB) false  


gw.wPolyline #(CirclePOS[CNT], CirclePOS[1]) false  


( -- Distance Number 

local DISTstr = (DIST / 100.0) as string

local TXTsize = getTextExtent DISTstr  

gw.wtext ([vPOS.X-(TXTsize.X/2) , vPOS.Y - RAD-5  , 0 ]   ) DISTstr color:white


else if ToolType == "Drop" do


( -- Vertical Line

gw.setColor  #line red

gw.Polyline #(MAT.pos, MAT.pos + [0,0,DropHEIGHT]) false  

gw.Marker MAT.pos  #circle  color:red

gw.Marker (MAT.pos + [0,0,DropHEIGHT]) #circle  color:red


( -- Assets poses 

for P in DropPoses do


P += MAT.pos + [0,0,DropHEIGHT]

gw.Marker P  #smallHollowBox       color:yellow




local CirclePOS = #()

for v=1 to CNT do


local div = TheAngle*(v+1)  

local X = DropRAD * cos( div  )

local Y = DropRAD * sin( div  )

append CirclePOS ( [X, Y,0] + MAT.pos + [0,0,DropHEIGHT] )


gw.setColor  #line red    -- setcolor light green

for n=1 to  CNT - 1 do


local VA =  CirclePOS[n]

local VB =  CirclePOS[n+1]

gw.Polyline #(VA, VB) false  


gw.Polyline #(CirclePOS[CNT], CirclePOS[1]) false  


( -- Count Number 

local CNTstr =  DropCount  as string

local TXTsize = getTextExtent CNTstr 

gw.text ( MAT.pos + [DropRAD + 2,0,DropHEIGHT ] ) CNTstr color:white



gw.enlargeUpdateRect #whole 



fn DisplayVECS state = 


if state == true then


unregisterRedrawViewsCallback GW_displayObjectDATAS

registerRedrawViewsCallback GW_displayObjectDATAS





unregisterRedrawViewsCallback GW_displayObjectDATAS




fn GetHighestBBvalue o SZ = 


local BB = nodeLocalBoundingBox o

local X = ( BB[2].X - BB[1].X ) * SZ.X

local Y = ( BB[2].Y - BB[1].Y ) * SZ.Y

local Z = ( BB[2].Z - BB[1].Z ) * SZ.Z

amax #(X,Y,Z)




fn getObjectsARROUND_A objPOS obj GroundNODES =


( -- get the objects arround from viewport bounding box coords

-- local vmTM = inverse ( viewport.getTM() )

-- local bbMax = obj.max

-- local bbMin = obj.min

-- local DIST = ( (distance bbMax bbMin ) / (distance vmTM.pos objPOS) ) --; print DIST


-- local objsUnderCursorArr =  (boxPickNode (box2 (mouse.pos - [DIST,DIST]) (mouse.pos + [DIST,DIST])) crossing:true )

-- select objsUnderCursorArr

( -- test

/*local bbMax = obj.max

local bbMin = obj.min

local DIST =  (distance bbMax bbMin )


local VX = gw.getWinSizeX()

local VY = gw.getWinSizeY()

local VpointA = gw.getPointOnCP [0,0] 

local VpointB = gw.getPointOnCP [VX, VY]  

local VPdiagonal = distance VpointA VpointB

local ViewSZ = sqrt ( (VX)^2 + (VY)^2  )

local DIV =  DIST / (VPdiagonal as float)

local ScreenSZ = (ViewSZ * DIV)


local focal_d = viewport.getFocalDistance()

local ViewDIST = distance vmTM.pos objPOS

local ScreenToView = ( mapScreenToView [ScreenSZ, ScreenSZ]  focal_d ) / 10.0


-- local objsUnderCursorArr =  (boxPickNode (box2 (mouse.pos - [20,20]) (mouse.pos + [20,20])) crossing:true )

-- print objsUnderCursorArr.count

-- select objsUnderCursorArr 


with undo off


local bbMax = obj.max

local bbMin = obj.min

gw.setTransform (Matrix3 1) 

local ViewPT_A = gw.TransPoint bbMax  

gw.setTransform (Matrix3 1) 

local ViewPT_B = gw.TransPoint bbMin




local objsUnderCursorArr = (boxPickNode (box2 ViewPT_A ViewPT_B) crossing:true ) 



if objsUnderCursorArr.count > 0 then -- sort by distance 


local ArroundDATA = for o in objsUnderCursorArr where o!=obj and finditem GroundNODES o == 0 and finditem tempLIST  o != 0 collect #(o,  VEC = objPOS - o.center ,   length VEC )

fn sortByHitDistance n1 n2 = if n1[3] < n2[3] then -1 else if n1[3] > n2[3] then 1 else 0 

qsort ArroundDATA sortByHitDistance






fn getColliders Neighbors objPOS obj =


with undo off


local MaxCNT = 4

if Neighbors.count < MaxCNT then CNTlimit = Neighbors.count else CNTlimit = MaxCNT


Colliders = #() 

for o=1 to CNTlimit do


local N = Neighbors[o]

local Nobj = N[1] 

local VEC = objPOS - Nobj.center

local DIST = length VEC

local NormVEC = normalize VEC

local MAT = matrixfromnormal NormVEC ; MAT.row4 = objPOS

local objBB = nodeGetBoundingBox obj MAT

local nBB = nodeGetBoundingBox Nobj  MAT

local objH = abs (objBB[2].Z - objBB[1].Z )

local nH = abs (nBB[2].Z - nBB[1].Z )

local MinDIST = ( ( objH + nH )/2.0 ) --*1.5

if DIST < MinDIST do -- collide 


local Diff = abs (MinDIST - DIST)

append Colliders #(Nobj, NormVEC, Diff )







fn AvoidNodes obj  viewDIR GroundNODES =


with undo off


local objPOS = obj.center

local BB = nodeLocalBoundingBox obj

local objSIZE = ( distance BB[1] BB[2] ) / 150.0 -- get the object BB size to help moving away from obstacles faster depending on their size

local Neighbors = getObjectsARROUND_A objPOS obj GroundNODES -- the 4(or less) closest objects with vectors and distances

with redraw off


local Colliders = getColliders Neighbors objPOS obj



while Colliders.count > 0 do


local objPOS = obj.center

( -- get the Colliding objects their vector and collide Distance

Colliders = getColliders Neighbors objPOS obj


if Colliders.count > 0 do


obj.pos += (normalize viewDIR ) * objSIZE








fn UndoNewAssets LIST theMOD =

( -- Undo test 

with undo off


with redraw off


local OBJDAT = for o in LIST collect 


  local Appdata = (getAppData  o 20100805)

local SourceINSTANCE = getAnimByHandle (execute Appdata)

#(o.transform , SourceINSTANCE, Appdata as string) 


delete LIST

free LIST

LIST = #()

LIST[OBJDAT.count] = 0--initialize a 100 elements array in memory



with undo label:"PhysXPainter_ADD" on


with redraw off


for o=1 to OBJDAT.count do


local DAT = OBJDAT[o]

local COP = copy DAT[2] ; COP.transform = DAT[1]   

OBJDAT[o][1] = COP




with undo off


with redraw off


for o=1 to OBJDAT.count do


local DAT = OBJDAT[o]

local COP = DAT[1]

COP.wirecolor = StaticCOLOR

setAppData COP 20100805 ( DAT[3] as string )

( -- Put the New Object in the Arrays

append theMOD.CopiesLIST COP 

append tempLIST COP 

LIST[o] = COP 



free OBJDAT  



gc light:true



fn UndoSIMAssets LIST theMOD =

( -- Undo test 

if LIST.count > 0 do


with redraw off


with undo off


local OBJDAT = for o in LIST collect 


local Appdata = (getAppData  o 20100805)

local SourceINSTANCE = getAnimByHandle (execute Appdata)

#(o.transform , SourceINSTANCE, Appdata as string) 


delete LIST

free LIST

LIST = #()

LIST[OBJDAT.count] = 0--initialize a 100 elements array in memory



with undo label:"PhysXPainter_ADD_PhysX" on


for o=1 to  OBJDAT.count do


local DAT = OBJDAT[o]

local COP = copy DAT[2] ; COP.transform = DAT[1] 

OBJDAT[o][1] = COP




with redraw off


with undo off


for o=1 to OBJDAT.count do


local DAT = OBJDAT[o]

local COP = DAT[1]

COP.wirecolor = SimCOLOR

setAppData COP 20100805 ( DAT[3] )


( -- Put the New Object in the Arrays

append theMOD.CopiesLIST COP 

append tempLIST COP 

LIST[o] = COP 


COP.modifiers[MassFX_RBody].type = 1

COP.modifiers[MassFX_RBody].RBMeshRegenerate 1





gc light:true






fn UndoSIMonly LIST theMOD =


if LIST.count > 0 do


with redraw off


with undo label:"PhysXPainter_SimALL" on


for o in LIST do


o.transform = o.transform



gc light:true





fn UndoDELassets DelASSETS theMOD =

( -- Undo test 

with undo off


with redraw off


unhide DelASSETS



with undo label:"PhysXPainter_DEL" on


with redraw off


delete DelASSETS



with undo off


with redraw off


free DelASSETS



gc light:true


on Paint_BTN pressed do -- PAINT


if K_ISVALID PhysXPainter_HELPER and LIC do


max create mode

theMOD = PhysXPainter_HELPER


if theMOD.SourceLIST.count > 0 and foo == undefined do


SIMALL.checked = SIMSEL.checked = false

-- if foo != undefined do ( ManualExit = true ; stoptool foo ; foo = undefined )

ITM = for o in SourceAssets where K_ISVALID o   collect o

tempLIST = for o in ( theMOD.CopiesLIST as array) where K_ISVALID o collect o

theMOD.CopiesLIST = deepcopy tempLIST

join tempLIST theMOD.CollidersLIST


tool foo  


local test = undefined

local OBJ  = undefined

local PrevPOS

local PrevDIST

local POS

local hit_nodes

local currentSZ = 0.1

local PrevVEC = [1,0,0]

local UniqueScale = [1,1,1]

local RX, RY, RZ = 0.0

local DelASSETS = #()

local ADDmode, DELmode, RESIMmode, DISTmode, ONEmode  = false


on freeMove do -- FREE


TheViewPoint = viewpoint

if K_ISVALID PhysXPainter_HELPER  then

with undo off


myRay = mapScreenToWorldRay viewPoint   -- make a ray from active viewport

if OverCHK.state == false then -- paint only on the ground


objsUnderCursorArr = (boxPickNode (box2 (mouse.pos - [2,2]) (mouse.pos + [2,2])) crossing:true )

if objsUnderCursorArr.count >0 do


hit_nodes = for n in objsUnderCursorArr where not n.isHidden and not n.isFrozen and finditem theMOD.CollidersLIST  n !=0 and (tempRay = intersectRay n myRay )!=undefined collect


#( n, distance tempRay.pos myRay.pos, tempRay )


fn sortByHitDistance n1 n2 = if n1[2] < n2[2] then -1 else if n1[2] > n2[2] then 1 else 0 

qsort hit_nodes sortByHitDistance

if hit_nodes.count > 0 then --Get the closest HIT


POS = hit_nodes[1][3].pos

ROT = hit_nodes[1][3].dir







objsUnderCursorArr = (boxPickNode (box2 (mouse.pos - [2,2]) (mouse.pos + [2,2])) crossing:true )

if objsUnderCursorArr.count >0 do


hit_nodes = for n in objsUnderCursorArr where not n.isHidden and not n.isFrozen and finditem tempLIST  n !=0 and (tempRay = intersectRay n myRay )!=undefined collect


#( n, distance tempRay.pos myRay.pos, tempRay )


fn sortByHitDistance n1 n2 = if n1[2] < n2[2] then -1 else if n1[2] > n2[2] then 1 else 0 

qsort hit_nodes sortByHitDistance

if hit_nodes.count > 0 then --Get the closest HIT


POS = hit_nodes[1][3].pos

ROT = hit_nodes[1][3].dir




if POS != undefined and ROT != undefined then -- define the visual BRUSH MATRIX 


MAT = inverse ( viewport.getTM() )

MAT.pos = POS 



MAT = undefined




on mousePoint clickno do -- 1er CLIC


if clickno == 1  then 


with undo off

if ALtKEY then ( DELmode = true ; ADDmode = RESIMmode = DISTmode = ONEmode = false ) -- DELmode



if CtrlKEY and not ShiftKEY then -- RESIMmode


RESIMmode = true ; DELmode = ADDmode = DISTmode = ONEmode = false


else if ShiftKEY and not CtrlKEY then -- paint One Asset : ADDmode


ADDmode = ONEmode = true ; RESIMmode = DELmode = DISTmode = false 


else if not ShiftKEY and not CtrlKEY then -- Paint Multiple : ADDmode


ADDmode = true ; RESIMmode = DELmode = DISTmode = ONEmode = false 


else if ShiftKEY and CtrlKEY do -- Shift + Ctrl : Distance value


DISTmode = true ; ADDmode = RESIMmode = DELmode = ONEmode = false 



(-- Get the Transform values from UI : do it here to take the new parameters even when brush is active

PXA = PXmin.value

PXB = PXmax.value

PYA = PYmin.value

PYB = PYmax.value

PZA = PZmin.value

PZB = PZmax.value

RXA = RXmin.value 

RXB = RXmax.value

RYA = RYmin.value

RYB = RYmax.value

RZA = RZmin.value 

RZB = RZmax.value

SXA = SXmin.value

if X_CHK.state == true then SXB = SXA else SXB = SXmax.value

SYA = SYmin.value

if Y_CHK.state == true then SYB = SYA else SYB = SYmax.value

SZA = SZmin.value

if Z_CHK.state == true then SZB = SZA else SZB = SZmax.value

if SCl_CHK.state == true then ( SYA = SZA = SXA ; SYB = SZB = SXB )

if POS_CHK.state == true then ( PYA = PZA = PXA ; PYB = PZB = PXB )

if ROT_CHK.state == true then ( RYA = RZA = RXA ; RYB = RZB = RXB )



PrevPOS = viewpoint


TheViewPoint = viewpoint



CurrentCopies = for o in CurrentCopies where K_ISVALID o collect o



with redraw off

( -- RESET the SIM and set assets STATIC



local EnableGravity = Gravity_BTN.checked

for Cop in CurrentCopies   do --put already simulated copies to static


local MFXMOD = Cop.modifiers[MassFX_RBody]

MFXMOD.type = 3

(-- Remove force

MFXMOD.enableGravity = EnableGravity

MFXMOD.forcesList = #()

MFXMOD.VelocitySpeed = MFXMOD.SpinSpeed = 0.0



CurrentCopies.wirecolor = StaticCOLOR

if K_ISVALID FRC do delete FRC

-- CurrentCopies = #()

gc light:true 






free CurrentCopies

with undo off



( -- Random Item

RNDITM = random 1 ITM.count

Source = ITM[RNDITM]


if K_ISVALID PhysXPainter_HELPER  then --HIT pos and DIR


local myRay = mapScreenToWorldRay viewPoint  -- make a ray from active viewport

if OverCHK.state == false then -- paint only on the ground


objsUnderCursorArr = (boxPickNode (box2 (mouse.pos - [20,20]) (mouse.pos + [20,20])) crossing:true )

if objsUnderCursorArr.count >0 do


hit_nodes = for n in objsUnderCursorArr where not n.isHidden and not n.isFrozen and finditem theMOD.CollidersLIST  n !=0 and (tempRay = intersectRay n myRay )!=undefined collect


#( n, distance tempRay.pos myRay.pos, tempRay )


fn sortByHitDistance n1 n2 = if n1[2] < n2[2] then -1 else if n1[2] > n2[2] then 1 else 0 

qsort hit_nodes sortByHitDistance

if hit_nodes.count > 0 then --Get the closest HIT


POSB = hit_nodes[1][3].pos

ROT = hit_nodes[1][3].dir




else -- Project pivot on other Assets


( -- New detection method using boxPickNode to get the objects under the cursor

objsUnderCursorArr = (boxPickNode (box2 (mouse.pos - [20,20]) (mouse.pos + [20,20])) crossing:true )

if objsUnderCursorArr.count >0 do


hit_nodes = for n in objsUnderCursorArr where not n.isHidden and not n.isFrozen and finditem tempLIST  n !=0 and (tempRay = intersectRay n myRay )!=undefined collect


#( n, distance tempRay.pos myRay.pos, tempRay )


fn sortByHitDistance n1 n2 = if n1[2] < n2[2] then -1 else if n1[2] > n2[2] then 1 else 0 

qsort hit_nodes sortByHitDistance

if hit_nodes.count > 0 then -- Get the closest HIT


POSB = hit_nodes[1][3].pos

ROT = hit_nodes[1][3].dir





if POSB != undefined do -- define the visual BRUSH MATRIX 


MAT = inverse ( viewport.getTM() )

MAT.pos = POSB



if ONEmode do -- Create one Asset


( -- Create ASSET 

-- COPY asset

OBJ =  copy Source ; OBJ.wirecolor =  SimCOLOR -- pas en instance sinon soucis avec le calcul du Hull

setAppData OBJ 20100805 ( (getHandleByAnim Source) as string )

( -- Put the New Object in the Arrays

if K_ISVALID OBJ  then

append theMOD.CopiesLIST OBJ 

append tempLIST OBJ 

append CurrentCopies OBJ



( -- Transforms from UI

( --Calculate random screen pos

PX = random PXA PXB

PY = random PYA PYB

PZ = random PZA PZB


(-- SCALE values

SX = random SXA SXB

SY = random SYA SYB

SZ = random SZA SZB

if SCl_CHK.state == true do SY = SZ = SX

UniqueScale = [SX, SY, SZ]


(-- ROT values

RX = random RXA RXB

RY = random RYA RYB

RZ = random RZA RZB


in coordsys gimbal OBJ.rotation = eulerangles RX RY RZ -- Rotate the Asset ::: REMOVE this, it's just for testing. The Correct stuff is Above

OBJ.scale = UniqueScale



if CollideCHK.checked == true then

(--Self COllide

OBJ.pos = POSB --place l'objet en position d'intersection

( -- Hit on closest Asset

local Closest = hit_nodes[1][1]

local ClosestHIT = hit_nodes[1][3]


(-- Avoid

( --get the lower point under 0, and move the asset allong the ray vector by this value

local myRay = mapScreenToWorldRay viewPoint  -- make a ray from active viewport

local VEC = normalize ( ClosestHIT.dir - myRay.dir )

local TR = copy OBJ.transform

local ViewMAT = matrixfromnormal (normalize VEC)

ViewMAT.row4 = OBJ.pos  

OBJ.transform *= inverse ViewMAT

local BB = nodeGetBoundingBox OBJ  (matrix3 1)

local MinZ = amin #(BB[1].Z, BB[2].Z)



OBJ.transform = TR 

move OBJ (VEC * (abs MinZ))



POS = OBJ.pos




OBJ.pos = POSB



if tempRay != undefined then


OBJ.pos.Z += PZ --Position


if PhysXCHK.checked and CollideCHK.checked and OverCHK.checked   do


OBJ.modifiers[MassFX_RBody].type = 1

OBJ.modifiers[MassFX_RBody].RBMeshRegenerate 1









test = undefined




if PhysXCHK.checked   and OverCHK.checked  and  CollideCHK.checked and  not DELmode    then


if RESIMmode then -- reSIM


UndoSIMonly CurrentCopies theMOD 




CurrentCopies = UndoSIMAssets CurrentCopies theMOD


with undo off


with redraw off


-- start = timeStamp()

if Attract_BTN.checked or Explode_BTN.checked then

( -- Create Attract Gravity

( -- get assets Average Position and MAX distance between them

local BoundingBoxes = #()

local AVpos= [0,0,0]

local AVsize = 0.0

for Cop in CurrentCopies   do 


AVpos += Cop.center

BB = nodeLocalBoundingBox  Cop 

append BoundingBoxes BB

AVsize += distance BB[1] BB[2]


local CNT = CurrentCopies.count

AVpos /= CNT

AVsize /= CNT


local MaxDIST = 0.0

local AVdist = 0.0

local AVtoCenterDISTS = #()

for Cop in CurrentCopies   do 


local DIST = distance AVpos Cop.center


AVdist += DIST

append AVtoCenterDISTS DIST


AVdist /= CNT



( -- create a force object

if Attract_BTN.checked do


FRC = gravity pos:AVpos isSelected:off iconSize:30.5152 transform:(matrix3 1) gravitytype:1 strength:(PhysXPanelData.gravity * -2.5 * Force_SPN.value )

hide FRC




local ForceVAL =  Force_SPN.value

local UseGravity = Gravity_BTN.checked

local UseAttract = Attract_BTN.checked

local UseExplode = Explode_BTN.checked

local GravityOBJ = nvpx.gravityObject

for o=1 to CurrentCopies.count   do --put MassFX on Copies


local Cop = CurrentCopies[o]

local MFXMOD = Cop.modifiers[MassFX_RBody]

if MFXMOD != undefined do

(-- ADD force

MFXMOD.forcesList = #()

if UseAttract then   ForceLIST = #(FRC) else ForceLIST = #()

if UseGravity and   GravityOBJ != undefined then -- width Custom Gravity


MFXMOD.enableGravity = off -- n'utilise pas la gravity du World

append ForceLIST  GravityOBJ




MFXMOD.enableGravity = UseGravity


MFXMOD.forcesList = ForceLIST


if UseExplode do


local VEC =   Cop.center - (AVpos  - [0,0,AVdist])  

MFXMOD.InitialVelocityX = VEC.X

MFXMOD.InitialVelocityY = VEC.Y

MFXMOD.InitialVelocityZ = VEC.Z

MFXMOD.InitialSpinX = VEC.X

MFXMOD.InitialSpinY = VEC.Y

MFXMOD.InitialSpinZ = VEC.Z  

local BB = BoundingBoxes[o]

local DIST = AVtoCenterDISTS[o]

local DistVAL = 1.0 - DIST / MaxDIST

MFXMOD.VelocitySpeed =   10.0 * ( distance BB[1] BB[2] ) * DistVAL * ForceVAL

MFXMOD.SpinSpeed = MFXMOD.VelocitySpeed  * 0.7







local GravityOBJ = nvpx.gravityObject  

local UseGravity = Gravity_BTN.checked

for Cop in CurrentCopies   do --put MassFX on Copies


local MFXMOD = Cop.modifiers[MassFX_RBody]

if MFXMOD != undefined do

(-- ADD force

if UseGravity and   GravityOBJ != undefined then -- Custom Gravity


MFXMOD.enableGravity = off -- n'utilise pas la gravity du World

MFXMOD.forcesList = #()

MFXMOD.forcesList = #(  GravityOBJ )




MFXMOD.enableGravity = UseGravity

MFXMOD.forcesList = #()





-- end = timeStamp()

-- format "Processing took % seconds\n" ((end - start) / 1000.0)

-- START SIMULATION -- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

if CurrentCopies.count > 0 do 









if ADDmode then -- undo New assets


CurrentCopies = UndoNewAssets CurrentCopies theMOD 


else if DELmode do --  undo del ASSETS


UndoDELassets DelASSETS theMOD 




gc light:true





on mouseMove clickno do  --quand la sourie bouge ou nouveaux CLIC

if test != undefined  then -- si la sourie bouge

with undo off


if DISTmode then -- Resize Distance Value


DIST = PrevDIST + ( viewpoint.X - PrevPOS.X )--/100.0

if DIST <0.0 do DIST = 0.0

DistSPN.value = DIST / 100.0





if not DELmode then -- Paint ADD assets


if RESIMmode and PhysXCHK.checked and CollideCHK.checked and OverCHK.checked then -- paint SIM state


if K_ISVALID PhysXPainter_HELPER then --HIT pos and DIR


local myRay = mapScreenToWorldRay viewPoint  -- make a ray from active viewport

( -- New detection method using boxPickNode to get the objects under the cursor

objsUnderCursorArr = (boxPickNode (box2 (mouse.pos - [20,20]) (mouse.pos + [20,20])) crossing:true )

if objsUnderCursorArr.count > 0 do


hit_nodes = for n in objsUnderCursorArr where not n.isHidden and not n.isFrozen and finditem theMOD.CollidersLIST n == 0 and finditem tempLIST  n != 0 and (tempRay = intersectRay n myRay )!=undefined collect


#( n, distance tempRay.pos myRay.pos, tempRay )


if hit_nodes.count > 0 do


fn sortByHitDistance n1 n2 = if n1[2] < n2[2] then -1 else if n1[2] > n2[2] then 1 else 0 

qsort hit_nodes sortByHitDistance

if hit_nodes.count > 0 then --Get the closest HIT


POSB = hit_nodes[1][3].pos

ROT = hit_nodes[1][3].dir


if POSB != undefined do -- define the visual BRUSH MATRIX 


MAT = inverse ( viewport.getTM() )

MAT.pos = POSB


local HitOBJECT = hit_nodes[1][1]

HitOBJECT.modifiers[MassFX_RBody].type = 1

HitOBJECT.wirecolor = SimCOLOR

appendifunique CurrentCopies HitOBJECT






else if ADDmode do-- Paint ADD


( --Calculate random screen pos

PX = random PXA PXB

PY = random PYA PYB

PZ = random PZA PZB


( -- Random Item

RNDITM = random 1 ITM.count

Source = ITM[RNDITM]


if K_ISVALID PhysXPainter_HELPER then --HIT pos and DIR

VP = [viewPoint.X+(PX*3), viewPoint.Y+(PY*3)]

myRay = mapScreenToWorldRay VP  -- make a ray from active viewport

if OverCHK.state == false then --Peindre seulement sur le SOL


( -- New detection method using boxPickNode to get the objects under the cursor

objsUnderCursorArr = (boxPickNode (box2 (mouse.pos - [20,20]) (mouse.pos + [20,20])) crossing:true )

if objsUnderCursorArr.count > 0 do


hit_nodes = for n in objsUnderCursorArr where not n.isHidden and not n.isFrozen and n!=OBJ and finditem theMOD.CollidersLIST   n != 0 and (tempRay = intersectRay n myRay )!=undefined collect (

#( n, distance tempRay.pos myRay.pos, tempRay )


fn sortByHitDistance n1 n2 = if n1[2] < n2[2] then -1 else if n1[2] > n2[2] then 1 else 0 

qsort hit_nodes sortByHitDistance

if hit_nodes.count > 0 then --Get the closest HIT


POSB = hit_nodes[1][3].pos

ROT = hit_nodes[1][3].dir





else -- peindre sur les autres


( -- New detection method using boxPickNode to get the objects under the cursor

objsUnderCursorArr = (boxPickNode (box2 (mouse.pos - [20,20]) (mouse.pos + [20,20])) crossing:true )

with redraw off


if objsUnderCursorArr.count > 0 do


hit_nodes = for n in objsUnderCursorArr where not n.isHidden and not n.isFrozen and n!=OBJ and finditem tempLIST  n != 0 and (tempRay = intersectRay n myRay )!=undefined collect


#( n, distance tempRay.pos myRay.pos, tempRay )


fn sortByHitDistance n1 n2 = if n1[2] < n2[2] then -1 else if n1[2] > n2[2] then 1 else 0 

qsort hit_nodes sortByHitDistance

if hit_nodes.count > 0 then --Get the closest HIT


POSB = hit_nodes[1][3].pos

ROT = hit_nodes[1][3].dir





-- hit_nodes = for n in (intersectRayScene myRay) where not n[1].isHidden and not n[1].isFrozen and finditem tempLIST  n[1] !=0 collect #(n[1], n[2], distance myRay.pos n[2].pos)

-- fn sortByHitDistance n1 n2 = if n1[3] < n2[3] then -1 else if n1[3] > n2[3] then 1 else 0 

-- qsort hit_nodes sortByHitDistance

-- hit_nodes[1] -- is closest

-- if hit_nodes.count > 0 then --Get the closest HIT

-- (

-- POSB =  hit_nodes[1][2].pos

-- ROT =  hit_nodes[1][2].dir

-- )


if POSB != undefined do -- define the visual BRUSH MATRIX 


MAT = inverse ( viewport.getTM() )

MAT.pos = POSB



if not ONEmode do

(-- SCALE values

SX = random SXA SXB

SY = random SYA SYB

SZ = random SZA SZB

if SCl_CHK.state == true do SY = SZ = SX


with redraw off

( -- Get the Separation Distance between the Previous Asset and the New POS

if K_ISVALID OBJ and not ONEmode then


local PrevSZ = GetHighestBBvalue OBJ OBJ.scale

local currentSZ = GetHighestBBvalue Source [SX, SY, SZ]

SepDIST = ( PrevSZ + currentSZ )/2.0 * (DIST/100.0)


else SepDIST = 0.0




if POS != undefined and POSB != undefined then


D = distance POS POSB

if D > SepDIST then -- if distance between prev OBJECT and new POS is higher than the Distance value


-- COPY asset

if not ONEmode do with redraw off


OBJ =  copy Source ; OBJ.wirecolor =  SimCOLOR -- pas en instance sinon soucis avec le calcul du Hull

setAppData OBJ 20100805 ( (getHandleByAnim Source) as string )

( -- Put the New Object in the Arrays

-- if K_ISVALID OBJ  then

append theMOD.CopiesLIST OBJ 

append tempLIST OBJ 

append CurrentCopies OBJ




if not ONEmode do

(-- ROT values

RX = random RXA RXB

RY = random RYA RYB

RZ = random RZA RZB 


if ROT != undefined then --ROTATIONS -  FOLLOW et SURFACE

with redraw off


if Direct_BTN.checked   then --FOLLOW

if Normal_BTN.checked   then --ORIENT ON SURFACE

Z = normalize ROT

if ONEmode then


vec = (normalize ( POSB - POS) )

local ANG = K_GetVectorsAngle vec PrevVEC 

if ANG > 5.0 and distance POSB POS > 2.0 then


X = vec

PrevVEC = vec





X = PrevVEC





X = (normalize ( POSB - POS) )


Y = normalize (cross X Z)

Z = normalize (cross X -Y   )

local theMatrix = matrix3 X -Y Z OBJ.pos

OBJ.transform = theMatrix 

in coordsys local rotate OBJ  (eulerangles RX RY RZ)



local vec = normalize ( POSB - POS )

if ONEmode then


local ANG = K_GetVectorsAngle vec PrevVEC 

if ANG > 5.0 and distance POSB POS > 2.0 then


dir = vec

PrevVEC = vec





dir = PrevVEC





dir = vec



X = Dir

Z = [0,0,1]

Y = normalize (cross X Z)

Z = normalize (cross X -Y   )

local theMatrix = matrix3 X -Y Z OBJ.pos

OBJ.transform = theMatrix 

in coordsys local rotate OBJ  (eulerangles RX RY RZ)





if Normal_BTN.checked   then

OBJ.dir = ROT

in coordsys local rotate OBJ  (eulerangles RX RY RZ)



( in coordsys gimbal OBJ.rotation = eulerangles RX RY RZ )




with redraw off


if not ONEmode then OBJ.scale = [SX, SY, SZ]

else OBJ.scale = UniqueScale




if CollideCHK.checked == true and OverCHK.checked == true then

(--Self COllide

OBJ.pos = POSB --place l'objet en position d'intersection

--choppe toutes les intersections de Bounding box

-- Colliders = for o in theMOD.CopiesLIST where   o!=OBJ and isvalidnode o==true and  intersects OBJ  o == true collect o

-- fn GetColliders OBJ    = 

-- (

-- for o in theMOD.CopiesLIST where K_ISVALID o and   o!=OBJ and  intersects OBJ  o   collect o 

-- )

( -- previous Method : avoid the closest object under mouse


( -- Hit on closest Asset

local Closest = hit_nodes[1][1]

local ClosestHIT = hit_nodes[1][3]


(-- Avoid

( --get the lower point under 0, and move the asset allong the ray vector by this value

local myRay = mapScreenToWorldRay VP  -- make a ray from active viewport

with redraw off


local VEC = normalize ( ClosestHIT.dir - myRay.dir )

local TR = copy OBJ.transform

local ViewMAT = matrixfromnormal (normalize VEC)

ViewMAT.row4 = OBJ.pos  

OBJ.transform *= inverse ViewMAT

local BB = nodeGetBoundingBox OBJ  (matrix3 1)

local MinZ = amin #(BB[1].Z, BB[2].Z)



OBJ.transform = TR 

move OBJ (VEC * (abs MinZ) )



-- ( --get the lower point under 0, and move the asset allong the ray vector by this value

-- local myRay = mapScreenToWorldRay VP  -- make a ray from active viewport


-- local VEC = normalize ( ClosestHIT.dir - myRay.dir )



-- local ViewMAT = matrixfromnormal (normalize VEC)

-- ViewMAT.row4 = OBJ.pos  


-- local BB = nodeGetBoundingBox OBJ  ViewMAT

-- local MinZ = amin #(BB[1].Z, BB[2].Z)



-- move OBJ (VEC * (abs MinZ) )

-- )  



local viewDIR = -myRay.dir

AvoidNodes OBJ viewDIR  theMOD.CollidersLIST  





OBJ.pos = POSB


if not ONEmode do

( POS = OBJ.pos )

if tempRay != undefined then with redraw off


OBJ.pos.Z += PZ --Position


if PhysXCHK.checked and CollideCHK.checked and OverCHK.checked and not ONEmode  do

(-- Refresh MASSFX modifier

OBJ.modifiers[MassFX_RBody].type = 1

OBJ.modifiers[MassFX_RBody].RBMeshRegenerate 1







if DELmode do --DELETE


( -- New detection method using boxPickNode to get the objects under the cursor

objsUnderCursorArr = (boxPickNode (box2 (mouse.pos - [20,20]) (mouse.pos + [20,20])) crossing:true )

if objsUnderCursorArr.count >0 do


myRay = mapScreenToWorldRay viewPoint  -- make a ray from active viewport

hit_nodes = for n in objsUnderCursorArr where not n.isHidden and not n.isFrozen and finditem theMOD.CollidersLIST n == 0 and finditem tempLIST  n != 0 and (tempRay = intersectRay  n myRay )!=undefined collect


#( n, distance tempRay.pos myRay.pos )


fn sortByHitDistance n1 n2 = if n1[2] < n2[2] then -1 else if n1[2] > n2[2] then 1 else 0 

qsort hit_nodes sortByHitDistance

if hit_nodes.count > 0 then --Get the closest HIT


hitOBJ = hit_nodes[1][1]


delID = finditem TempList hitOBJ 

if delID != 0 do


deleteItem TempList delID


Copies = ( theMOD.CopiesLIST as array )

delID = finditem Copies hitOBJ 

if delID != 0 do


deleteItem Copies delID


theMOD.CopiesLIST = Copies

delID = finditem CurrentCopies hitOBJ

if delID != 0 do


deleteItem CurrentCopies delID



append DelASSETS hitOBJ

hide hitOBJ

-- delete hitOBJ





TheViewPoint = viewpoint





else if lbutton  then -- ?chaque nouveau clic


test = "toto"


else -- FREE move after 1st clic


TheViewPoint = viewpoint

-- nothing happens here




on mouseAbort clickno do -- vrai exit


ManualExit = true

ToolType = undefined

DisplayVECS false


on start do 


ToolType = "Paint"

DisplayVECS true

with undo off


ManualExit = false 



on stop do 


if ManualExit == false then 


gc light:true 



starttool foo -- restart 


else -- vrai EXIT


with undo off

with redraw off


ToolType = undefined

DisplayVECS false

fn setStatic Asset =


local MFXMOD = Asset.modifiers[MassFX_RBody]

MFXMOD.type = 3

(-- Remove force

MFXMOD.enableGravity = Gravity_BTN.checked

MFXMOD.forcesList = #()


MFXMOD.VelocitySpeed =  MFXMOD.SpinSpeed = 0.0


Asset.wirecolor = StaticCOLOR


if PhysXCHK.checked and CollideCHK.checked then




for o in CurrentCopies where K_ISVALID o  do  -- set Assets to static


setStatic o





for o in CurrentCopies where K_ISVALID o  do  -- set Assets to static


o.wirecolor = StaticCOLOR







with undo off

with redraw off


if K_ISVALID FRC do delete FRC

( displayColor.shaded = #material )

if K_ISVALID theMOD do select theMOD


gc light:true  


foo = undefined 









( -- ADD  MassFX modifiers


with undo off

( -- Add MassFX on Colliders

with redraw off


for o in theMOD.CollidersLIST where K_ISVALID o do


if  o.modifiers[MassFX_RBody] == undefined do


MFX = MassFX_RBody()

addmodifier o ( MFX ) ui:off before:1

MFX.type = 3

MFX.meshType = 5

MFX.bounciness = 0

MFX.staticFriction = 1

MFX.dynamicFriction = 1

MFX.contactShellOverrideGlobals = off






with undo off

( -- Add MassFX on SOURCE objects

with redraw off


for o in theMOD.SourceLIST do


local theMOD = o.modifiers[#K_Hull]

if theMOD == undefined do

(-- K_HULL activation

MakeHULL #(o) VertsCNT

o.modifiers[#K_Hull].Switch_BTN = on


if o.modifiers[MassFX_RBody] == undefined do

( -- ADD Mass FX modifier

local MFX = MassFX_RBody()

addmodifier o ( MFX ) ui:off

MFX.meshInflation = -1.0

MFX.type = 3

MFX.meshType = 4

MFX.RBMeshRegenerate 1

MFX.bounciness = 0

MFX.staticFriction = 1

MFX.dynamicFriction = 1

MFX.contactShellOverrideGlobals = off


o.wirecolor = StaticCOLOR

( -- Replace all the instances by copies and recalculate Hull : usefull when the user has turned the copies to instances from the PhysX_Painter Attribute holder 

NewLIST = #()

InstanceMgr.GetInstances o &instances

Instances = for i  in  Instances  where K_ISVALID i collect i--list of the instances before switch

InstanceMgr.MakeObjectsUnique Instances #individual 

for i in instances where i!=o do


i.wirecolor = StaticCOLOR

if PhysXCHK.checked == true do i.modifiers[1].RBMeshRegenerate 1

setAppData i 20100805 ( (getHandleByAnim o) as string )



( -- Turn to Low res from the K_Hull modifier


for o in theMOD.CopiesLIST where K_ISVALID o do 


local theMOD = o.modifiers[#K_Hull]

if theMOD != undefined and theMOD.Switch_BTN == false do


theMOD.Switch_BTN = true


o.wirecolor = StaticCOLOR

MFX = o.modifiers[MassFX_RBody]

MFX.type = 3 


theMOD.Hull_CHK = on






with undo off

( -- prepare the Assets Percentages

AssetsPercents = #()

RNDITM = random 1 ITM.count

Source = ITM[RNDITM]

Percs = #()

Total = 0.0

AssetsOK = #()

for o=1 to SourceAssets.count where K_ISVALID SourceAssets[o]   do


P = SourcePerc[o]

Total += P

append AssetsOK SourceAssets[o]

append Percs P


RealPercs = #()

for o=1 to Percs.count  do


P = ( Percs[o]*100 / Total as float ) as integer

append RealPercs P


ITM = #()

for o=1 to Percs.count do


for i=1 to Percs[o] do


append ITM AssetsOK[o]



Percs = undefined

AssetsOK = undefined


if ITM.count > 0 do


if UseCOL_CHK.checked do 


with undo off

displayColor.shaded = #object 


gc light:true  


startTool foo

with undo off


if PhysXCHK.checked == true then


-- macros.run "PhysX" "PxCaptureCurrXFormMS"

-- macros.run "PhysX" "PxResetSimMS"










on Drop_BTN pressed do -- DROP


if K_ISVALID PhysXPainter_HELPER and LIC do


max create mode

theMOD = PhysXPainter_HELPER

if   theMOD.SourceLIST.count > 0 and foo==undefined do


SIMALL.checked = SIMSEL.checked = false

ITM = for o in SourceAssets where K_ISVALID o   collect o

tempLIST =  ( theMOD.CopiesLIST as array)

join tempLIST theMOD.CollidersLIST



tool foo  


local test = undefined

local PrevPOS

local PrevRAD

local PrevHeight

local PrevCOUNT

on freeMove do -- FREE


TheViewPoint = viewpoint

if K_ISVALID PhysXPainter_HELPER  then

with undo off


myRay = mapScreenToWorldRay viewPoint   -- make a ray from active viewport

if OverCHK.state == false then -- paint only on the ground


objsUnderCursorArr = (boxPickNode (box2 (mouse.pos - [2,2]) (mouse.pos + [2,2])) crossing:true )

if objsUnderCursorArr.count >0 do


hit_nodes = for n in objsUnderCursorArr where not n.isHidden and not n.isFrozen and finditem theMOD.CollidersLIST  n !=0 and (tempRay = intersectRay n myRay )!=undefined collect


#( n, distance tempRay.pos myRay.pos, tempRay )


fn sortByHitDistance n1 n2 = if n1[2] < n2[2] then -1 else if n1[2] > n2[2] then 1 else 0 

qsort hit_nodes sortByHitDistance

if hit_nodes.count > 0 then --Get the closest HIT


POS = hit_nodes[1][3].pos

ROT = hit_nodes[1][3].dir







objsUnderCursorArr = (boxPickNode (box2 (mouse.pos - [2,2]) (mouse.pos + [2,2])) crossing:true )

if objsUnderCursorArr.count > 0 do


hit_nodes = for n in objsUnderCursorArr where not n.isHidden and not n.isFrozen and finditem tempLIST  n !=0 and (tempRay = intersectRay n myRay )!=undefined collect


#( n, distance tempRay.pos myRay.pos, tempRay )


fn sortByHitDistance n1 n2 = if n1[2] < n2[2] then -1 else if n1[2] > n2[2] then 1 else 0 

qsort hit_nodes sortByHitDistance

if hit_nodes.count > 0 then --Get the closest HIT


-- select hit_nodes[1][1] 

POS = hit_nodes[1][3].pos

ROT = hit_nodes[1][3].dir







if POS != undefined then -- define the visual BRUSH MATRIX 


MAT = matrixfromnormal ROT

MAT.pos = POS 



MAT = undefined




on mousePoint clickno do -- 1er CLIC, and each new Clic 


if clickno == 1  then 


with undo off


TheViewPoint = viewpoint

with redraw off


PrevPOS = TheViewPoint

PrevRAD = DropRAD 

PrevHeight = DropHEIGHT

PrevCOUNT = DropCount

( -- Get the Transform values from UI

PXA = PXmin.value

PXB = PXmax.value

PYA = PYmin.value

PYB = PYmax.value

PZA = PZmin.value

PZB = PZmax.value

RXA = RXmin.value 

RXB = RXmax.value

RYA = RYmin.value

RYB = RYmax.value

RZA = RZmin.value 

RZB = RZmax.value

SXA = SXmin.value

if X_CHK.state == true then SXB = SXA else SXB = SXmax.value

SYA = SYmin.value

if Y_CHK.state == true then SYB = SYA else SYB = SYmax.value

SZA = SZmin.value

if Z_CHK.state == true then SZB = SZA else SZB = SZmax.value

if SCl_CHK.state == true then ( SYA = SZA = SXA ; SYB = SZB = SXB )

if POS_CHK.state == true then ( PYA = PZA = PXA ; PYB = PZB = PXB )

if ROT_CHK.state == true then ( RYA = RZA = RXA ; RYB = RZB = RXB )


( -- RESET the SIM and set assets STATIC



for Cop in CurrentCopies where K_ISVALID Cop do --put already simulated copies to static


local MFXMOD = Cop.modifiers[MassFX_RBody]

(-- Remove force

MFXMOD.enableGravity = Gravity_BTN.checked

MFXMOD.forcesList = #()


MFXMOD.type = 3

Cop.wirecolor = StaticCOLOR


if K_ISVALID FRC do delete FRC

CurrentCopies = #()


( -- Create assets

if not ShiftKey and not AltKey and not CtrlKey and MAT != undefined do


for POS in DropPoses do

( -- Random Item

local RNDITM = random 1 ITM.count

local Source = ITM[RNDITM]

local OBJ =  copy Source ; OBJ.wirecolor =  SimCOLOR -- pas en instance sinon soucis avec le calcul du Hull

setAppData OBJ 20100805 ( (getHandleByAnim Source) as string )

( -- Put the New Object in the Arrays

append theMOD.CopiesLIST OBJ 

append tempLIST OBJ 

append CurrentCopies OBJ


(-- SCALE values

SX = random SXA SXB

SY = random SYA SYB

SZ = random SZA SZB

if SCl_CHK.state == true do SY = SZ = SX


OBJ.scale = [SX, SY, SZ]



(-- ROT values

RX = random RXA RXB

RY = random RYA RYB

RZ = random RZA RZB


in coordsys gimbal OBJ.rotation = eulerangles RX RY RZ


(-- Placement on the Brush

OBJ.pos = POS + MAT.pos + [0,0,DropHEIGHT]


-- if PhysXCHK.checked and CollideCHK.checked and OverCHK.checked and not shiftKEY  do

(-- Refresh MASSFX modifier

local MFXMOD = OBJ.modifiers[MassFX_RBody]

if MFXMOD != undefined do


MFXMOD.type = 1

MFXMOD.RBMeshRegenerate 1

if Gravity_BTN.checked and nvpx.gravityObject != undefined then -- Custom Gravity


MFXMOD.enableGravity = off -- n'utilise pas la gravity du World

MFXMOD.forcesList = #()

MFXMOD.forcesList = #(nvpx.gravityObject)




MFXMOD.enableGravity = Gravity_BTN.checked

MFXMOD.forcesList = #()









CurrentCopies = UndoSIMAssets CurrentCopies theMOD



if CurrentCopies.count > 0 do









test = undefined





on mouseMove clickno do  --quand la sourie bouge ou nouveaux CLIC

with undo off


if test != undefined  then -- si la sourie bouge

if not ShiftKey and not AltKey and not CtrlKey then -- PAINT


-- TheViewPoint = viewpoint


else if ShiftKey and CtrlKey and not AltKey then -- RADIUS


DropRAD = PrevRAD +  ( viewpoint.X - PrevPOS.X ) / 5.0 

if DropRAD <0.0 do DropRAD = 0.0

( -- get assets poses 


local ML = DropMaxLEN * (SXA + SXB ) --/ 2.0

DropPoses = PackCircle DropRAD ML DropCount



else if ShiftKey and not CtrlKey and not AltKey then -- Height


DropHEIGHT = PrevHeight - ( viewpoint.Y - PrevPOS.Y ) / 5.0 

if DropHEIGHT <0.0 do DropHEIGHT = 0.0


else if CtrlKey and not ShiftKey and not AltKey then -- COUNT


DropCount = PrevCOUNT - ( ( viewpoint.Y - PrevPOS.Y )   ) as integer

if DropCount < 1 do DropCount = 1


( -- get assets poses 

local ML = DropMaxLEN * (SXA + SXB ) --/ 2.0

DropPoses = PackCircle DropRAD ML DropCount



else if AltKey and not ShiftKey and not CtrlKey do -- Delete


TheViewPoint = viewpoint




else if lbutton  then -- ?chaque nouveau clic


test = "toto"


else -- FREE move after 1st clic


TheViewPoint = viewpoint

-- nothing happens here





on mouseAbort clickno do -- vrai exit


ManualExit = true

ToolType = undefined

DisplayVECS false


on start do 

( --print "start Drop tool"

ToolType = "Drop"

DisplayVECS true

-- with undo off


ManualExit = false 



on stop do 

if ManualExit == false then 

gc light:true


starttool foo -- restart 


else -- vrai EXIT


with undo off


with redraw off


ToolType = undefined

DisplayVECS false

if PhysXCHK.checked == true then




-- for o in theMOD.SourceLIST do -- delete the MassFX modifier on the Source Meshes

-- (

-- o.wirecolor = StaticCOLOR

-- )



for o in CurrentCopies where K_ISVALID o  do -- replace copies by instances


o.modifiers[MassFX_RBody].type = 3

o.wirecolor = StaticCOLOR


displayColor.shaded = #material

if K_ISVALID theMOD do select theMOD



gc light:true

-- clearUndoBuffer()

foo = undefined 





( -- ADD  MassFX modifiers

with undo off

( -- Add MassFX on Colliders

with redraw off


for o in theMOD.CollidersLIST do


if  o.modifiers[MassFX_RBody] == undefined do


MFX = MassFX_RBody()

addmodifier o ( MFX ) ui:off before:1

MFX.type = 3

MFX.meshType = 5

MFX.bounciness = 0

MFX.staticFriction = 1

MFX.dynamicFriction = 1

MFX.contactShellOverrideGlobals = off





with undo off

( -- Add MassFX on SOURCE objects

with redraw off


for o in theMOD.SourceLIST do


(-- K_HULL activation

if o.modifiers[#K_Hull] == undefined do

MakeHULL #(o) VertsCNT

if o.modifiers[#K_Hull].Switch_BTN == off do

o.modifiers[#K_Hull].Switch_BTN = on


if o.modifiers[MassFX_RBody] == undefined do

( -- ADD Mass FX modifier

MFX = MassFX_RBody()

addmodifier o ( MFX ) ui:off

MFX.meshInflation = -1.0

MFX.type = 3

MFX.meshType = 4

MFX.RBMeshRegenerate 1

MFX.bounciness = 0

MFX.staticFriction = 1

MFX.dynamicFriction = 1

MFX.contactShellOverrideGlobals = off


o.wirecolor = StaticCOLOR

( -- Replace all the instances by copies and recalculate Hull : usefull when the user has turned the copies to instances from the PhysX_Painter Attribute holder 

NewLIST = #()

InstanceMgr.GetInstances o &instances

Instances --list of the instances before switch

InstanceMgr.MakeObjectsUnique Instances #individual 

for i in instances where i!=o do


i.wirecolor = StaticCOLOR

if PhysXCHK.checked == true do i.modifiers[1].RBMeshRegenerate 1

setAppData i 20100805 ( (getHandleByAnim o) as string )



( -- Turn to Low res from the K_Hull modifier


for o in theMOD.CopiesLIST where K_ISVALID o do 


local KMOD = o.modifiers[#K_Hull]

if KMOD != undefined and KMOD.Switch_BTN == off do


KMOD.Switch_BTN = on


o.wirecolor = StaticCOLOR


theMOD.Hull_CHK = on





with undo off

( -- prepare the Assets Percentages

AssetsPercents = #()

RNDITM = random 1 ITM.count

Source = ITM[RNDITM]

Percs = #()

Total = 0.0

AssetsOK = #()

for o=1 to SourceAssets.count where K_ISVALID SourceAssets[o] do


P = SourcePerc[o]

Total += P

append AssetsOK SourceAssets[o]

append Percs P


RealPercs = #()

for o=1 to Percs.count  do


P = ( Percs[o]*100 / Total as float ) as integer

append RealPercs P


ITM = #()

for o=1 to Percs.count do


for i=1 to Percs[o] do


append ITM AssetsOK[o]



Percs = undefined

AssetsOK = undefined


with undo off

( -- get the maximum LENGTH, for asset spacing in the brush Circle

fn getmaxLength OBJ =


BB = nodeLocalBoundingBox OBJ

LenA = abs (BB[2].X - BB[1].X )

LenB = abs (BB[2].Y - BB[1].Y )

LenC = abs (BB[2].Z - BB[1].Z )

list = #(LenA, LenB, LenC)

amax list


local Lengths = for o=1 to SourceAssets.count where K_ISVALID SourceAssets[o] and SourcePerc[o] > 0.0 collect getmaxLength SourceAssets[o]  

DropMaxLEN = ( amax  Lengths ) * 0.5

-- DropMaxLEN = 0.0

-- local DropCNT = 0

-- local Lengths = for o=1 to SourceAssets.count where K_ISVALID SourceAssets[o] and SourcePerc[o] > 0.0 do DropMaxLEN += getmaxLength SourceAssets[o] ; DropCNT+=1  

-- DropMaxLEN /= DropCNT


if ITM.count > 0 do


with undo off


-- Get Assets Spacing

local ML = DropMaxLEN * (SXA + SXB ) --/ 2.0

DropPoses = PackCircle DropRAD ML DropCount

if UseCOL_CHK.checked do ( displayColor.shaded = #object )



startTool foo


with undo off


with redraw off













on SIMALL changed state  do -- SIM ALL


if K_ISVALID PhysXPainter_HELPER and LIC do


local theMOD = PhysXPainter_HELPER

if theMOD.CopiesLIST.count > 0 and foo == undefined then


SIMSEL.checked = false

max create mode

local ITM = for o in theMOD.CopiesLIST where K_ISVALID o  collect o

if state == true then


with undo off


with redraw off


if UseCOL_CHK.checked do ( displayColor.shaded = #object )

( -- ADD missing MassFX modifiers

( -- Add MassFX on Colliders

for o in theMOD.CollidersLIST do


if  o.modifiers[MassFX_RBody] == undefined do


MFX = MassFX_RBody()

addmodifier o ( MFX ) ui:off before:1

MFX.type = 3

MFX.meshType = 5

MFX.bounciness = 0

MFX.staticFriction = 1

MFX.dynamicFriction = 1

MFX.contactShellOverrideGlobals = off





( -- Replace all the instances by copies and recalculate Hull : usefull when the user has turned the copies to instances from the PhysX_Painter Attribute holder 

for o in theMOD.SourceLIST do 


with redraw off


InstanceMgr.GetInstances o &instances

Instances --list of the instances before switch

InstanceMgr.MakeObjectsUnique Instances #individual 

for i in instances where i!=o do


i.wirecolor = StaticCOLOR

if PhysXCHK.checked == true do i.modifiers[1].RBMeshRegenerate 1

setAppData i 20100805 ( (getHandleByAnim o) as string )






theMOD.Hull_CHK = on

for Cop in ITM   do --put MassFX on Copies


(-- K_HULL activation

if Cop.modifiers[#K_Hull] == undefined do ( MakeHULL #(Cop)  VertsCNT )

if Cop.modifiers[#K_Hull].Switch_BTN == off do

Cop.modifiers[#K_Hull].Switch_BTN = on


if  Cop.modifiers[MassFX_RBody] == undefined then


local MFX = MassFX_RBody()


addmodifier Cop ( MFX ) ui:off

MFX.meshInflation = -1.0

MFX.type = 1

MFX.meshType = 4

MFX.RBMeshRegenerate 1

MFX.bounciness = 0

MFX.staticFriction = 1

MFX.dynamicFriction = 1

MFX.contactShellOverrideGlobals = off



MFX = Cop.modifiers[MassFX_RBody]

MFX.type = 1 

MFX.RBMeshRegenerate 1


Cop.wirecolor = SimCOLOR



if Attract_BTN.checked or Explode_BTN.checked then

( -- Create Attract Gravity

( -- get assets Average Position and MAX distance between them


local AVpos= [0,0,0]

local AVsize = 0.0

for Cop in ITM where K_ISVALID COP  do 


AVpos += Cop.center

BB = nodeLocalBoundingBox  Cop ; AVsize += distance BB[1] BB[2]


local CNT = ITM.count

AVpos /= CNT

AVsize /= CNT


local MaxDIST = 0.0

local AVdist = 0.0

for Cop in ITM   do 


local DIST = distance AVpos Cop.center


AVdist += DIST


AVdist /= CNT



( -- create a force object

if Attract_BTN.checked do


FRC = gravity pos:AVpos isSelected:off iconSize:30.5152 transform:(matrix3 1) gravitytype:1 strength:(PhysXPanelData.gravity * -2.5 * Force_SPN.value )

hide FRC




local GravityOBJ = nvpx.gravityObject 

local UseGravity =  Gravity_BTN.checked 

local UseAttraction = Attract_BTN.checked

local UseExplode = Explode_BTN.checked 

for Cop in ITM   do --put MassFX on Copies


local MFXMOD = Cop.modifiers[MassFX_RBody]

if MFXMOD != undefined do

(-- ADD force

MFXMOD.forcesList = #()

if UseAttraction then   ForceLIST = #(FRC) else ForceLIST = #()

if UseGravity and  GravityOBJ != undefined then


MFXMOD.enableGravity = off -- n'utilise pas la gravity du World

append ForceLIST GravityOBJ




MFXMOD.enableGravity = UseGravity


MFXMOD.forcesList = ForceLIST

if UseExplode do


local VEC =   Cop.center - (AVpos  - [0,0,AVdist])

MFXMOD.InitialVelocityX = VEC.X

MFXMOD.InitialVelocityY = VEC.Y

MFXMOD.InitialVelocityZ = VEC.Z

MFXMOD.InitialSpinX = VEC.X

MFXMOD.InitialSpinY = VEC.Y

MFXMOD.InitialSpinZ = VEC.Z

BB = nodeLocalBoundingBox  Cop

local DIST = distance AVpos Cop.center

local DistVAL = 1.0 - ( DIST / MaxDIST )

MFXMOD.VelocitySpeed = 10.0 * ( distance BB[1] BB[2] ) * DistVAL * Force_SPN.value

MFXMOD.SpinSpeed = MFXMOD.VelocitySpeed  * 0.7







local GravityOBJ = nvpx.gravityObject 

local UseGravity =  Gravity_BTN.checked 

for Cop in ITM   do --put MassFX on Copies


local MFXMOD = Cop.modifiers[MassFX_RBody]

if MFXMOD != undefined do

(-- ADD force

if UseGravity and  GravityOBJ != undefined then -- Custom Gravity


MFXMOD.enableGravity = off -- n'utilise pas la gravity du World

MFXMOD.forcesList = #()

MFXMOD.forcesList = #( GravityOBJ )




MFXMOD.enableGravity = UseGravity

MFXMOD.forcesList = #()







UndoSIMonly ITM theMOD

(-- SIMULATE ------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>








with undo off


with redraw off




for o in ITM   do


local MFXMOD = o.modifiers[MassFX_RBody]

MFXMOD.type = 3

(-- Remove force

MFXMOD.enableGravity = Gravity_BTN.checked

MFXMOD.forcesList = #()

MFXMOD.VelocitySpeed = MFXMOD.SpinSpeed = 0.0


o.wirecolor = StaticCOLOR


if K_ISVALID FRC do delete FRC

displayColor.shaded = #material

gc light:true






SIMALL.checked = false



on SIMSEL changed state  do -- SIM SEL

max create mode

if K_ISVALID PhysXPainter_HELPER and LIC do


local theMOD = PhysXPainter_HELPER

if theMOD.CopiesLIST.count > 0 and foo==undefined then


SIMALL.checked = false

max create mode

local Sel = selection as array

max select none

local ITM = for o in Sel where finditem theMOD.CopiesLIST o != 0 collect o

local COPIES = for o in theMOD.CopiesLIST where K_ISVALID o   collect o


if state == true then


with undo off


with redraw off


if UseCOL_CHK.checked do ( displayColor.shaded = #object )

( -- ADD missing MassFX modifiers

( -- Add MassFX on Colliders

for o in theMOD.CollidersLIST do


if  o.modifiers[MassFX_RBody] == undefined do


MFX = MassFX_RBody()

addmodifier o ( MFX ) ui:off before:1

MFX.type = 3

MFX.meshType = 5

MFX.bounciness = 0

MFX.staticFriction = 1

MFX.dynamicFriction = 1

MFX.contactShellOverrideGlobals = off





( -- Replace all the instances by copies and recalculate Hull : usefull when the user has turned the copies to instances from the PhysX_Painter Attribute holder 

for o in theMOD.SourceLIST do 


InstanceMgr.GetInstances o &instances

Instances --list of the instances before switch

InstanceMgr.MakeObjectsUnique Instances #individual 

for i in instances where i!=o do


i.wirecolor = StaticCOLOR

if PhysXCHK.checked == true do i.modifiers[1].RBMeshRegenerate 1

setAppData i 20100805 ( (getHandleByAnim o) as string )




theMOD.Hull_CHK = on

for Cop in COPIES  do --put MassFX on Copies


(-- K_HULL activation

if Cop.modifiers[#K_Hull] == undefined do ( MakeHULL #(Cop)  VertsCNT )

if Cop.modifiers[#K_Hull].Switch_BTN == off do

Cop.modifiers[#K_Hull].Switch_BTN = on


if  Cop.modifiers[MassFX_RBody] == undefined then


local MFX = MassFX_RBody()


addmodifier Cop ( MFX ) ui:off

MFX.meshInflation = -1.0

MFX.type = 3

MFX.meshType = 4

MFX.RBMeshRegenerate 1

MFX.bounciness = 0

MFX.staticFriction = 1

MFX.dynamicFriction = 1

MFX.contactShellOverrideGlobals = off




MFX = Cop.modifiers[MassFX_RBody]

MFX.type = 3 

MFX.RBMeshRegenerate 1


Cop.wirecolor = StaticCOLOR


if Attract_BTN.checked or Explode_BTN.checked then

( -- Create Attract Gravity

( -- get assets Average Position and MAX distance between them

local AVpos= [0,0,0]

local AVsize = 0.0

for Cop in ITM  do 


AVpos += Cop.center

BB = nodeLocalBoundingBox  Cop ; AVsize += distance BB[1] BB[2]


local CNT = ITM.count

AVpos /= CNT

AVsize /= CNT

local MaxDIST = 0.0

local AVdist = 0.0

for Cop in ITM   do 


local DIST = distance AVpos Cop.center


AVdist += DIST


AVdist /= CNT



( -- create a force object

if Attract_BTN.checked then


FRC = gravity pos:AVpos isSelected:off iconSize:30.5152 transform:(matrix3 1) gravitytype:1 strength:(PhysXPanelData.gravity * -2.5 * Force_SPN.value )

hide FRC




local GravityOBJ =  nvpx.gravityObject

local UseGravity = Gravity_BTN.checked

local UseAttract = Attract_BTN.checked

local UseExplode = Explode_BTN.checked

for Cop in ITM   do --put Force on Active Assets


local MFXMOD = Cop.modifiers[MassFX_RBody]

if MFXMOD != undefined do

(-- ADD force

MFXMOD.type = 1

MFXMOD.forcesList = #()

if UseAttract then ForceLIST = #(FRC) else ForceLIST = #()


if UseGravity and  GravityOBJ != undefined then


MFXMOD.enableGravity = off -- n'utilise pas la gravity du World

append ForceLIST  GravityOBJ




MFXMOD.enableGravity = UseGravity


MFXMOD.forcesList = ForceLIST

if UseExplode do


local VEC =   Cop.center - (AVpos  - [0,0,AVdist])

MFXMOD.InitialVelocityX = VEC.X

MFXMOD.InitialVelocityY = VEC.Y

MFXMOD.InitialVelocityZ = VEC.Z

MFXMOD.InitialSpinX = VEC.X

MFXMOD.InitialSpinY = VEC.Y

MFXMOD.InitialSpinZ = VEC.Z

BB = nodeLocalBoundingBox  Cop

local DIST = distance AVpos Cop.center

local DistVAL = 1.0 - ( DIST / MaxDIST )

MFXMOD.VelocitySpeed =   10.0 * ( distance BB[1] BB[2] ) * DistVAL * Force_SPN.value

MFXMOD.SpinSpeed = MFXMOD.VelocitySpeed * 0.7


Cop.wirecolor = SimCOLOR






local GravityOBJ =  nvpx.gravityObject

local UseGravity = Gravity_BTN.checked

for Cop in ITM   do --put Force on Active Assets


local MFXMOD = Cop.modifiers[MassFX_RBody]

if MFXMOD != undefined do

(-- ADD force

MFXMOD.type = 1

if UseGravity and GravityOBJ != undefined then -- Custom Gravity


MFXMOD.enableGravity = off -- n'utilise pas la gravity du World

MFXMOD.forcesList = #()

MFXMOD.forcesList = #( GravityOBJ )




MFXMOD.enableGravity = UseGravity

MFXMOD.forcesList = #()


Cop.wirecolor = SimCOLOR





UndoSIMonly ITM theMOD

( -- SIMULATE ------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

-- macros.run "PhysX" "PxPlaySimMS" --SIM







with undo off


with redraw off




local UseGravity = Gravity_BTN.checked

for o in ITM   do


local MFXMOD = o.modifiers[MassFX_RBody]

MFXMOD.type = 3

(-- Remove force

MFXMOD.enableGravity = UseGravity

MFXMOD.forcesList = #()

MFXMOD.VelocitySpeed = MFXMOD.SpinSpeed = 0.0


o.wirecolor = StaticCOLOR


if K_ISVALID FRC do delete FRC


displayColor.shaded = #material

select ITM

gc light:true






SIMSEL.checked = false



on  Force_SPN changed state do


if K_ISVALID PhysXPainter_HELPER and LIC do




FRC.strength = (PhysXPanelData.gravity * -2.5 * Force_SPN.value )




on Save_BTN pressed do --SAVE Preset


if SaveName_EDT.text != ""  and LIC  then


if LoadPath != undefined do


fichier = ("/" + SaveName_EDT.text+".phxp")

out_file = ( LoadPath + fichier )


fn SavePreset out_file =


( -- Save Preset XML file

local xmlDoc = dotNetObject "system.xml.xmlDocument"

local root = xmlDoc.createElement "Root"

xmlDoc.appendChild root


local Brush_XML = xmlDoc.createElement "BrushParameters"

Brush_XML.setAttribute "DistSPN" ( DistSPN.value as string ) 

Brush_XML.setAttribute "OverCHK" ( OverCHK.state as string )

Brush_XML.setAttribute "CollideCHK" ( CollideCHK.state as string )

Brush_XML.setAttribute "PhysXCHK" ( PhysXCHK.state as string )

local SpinnerLIST = #(PXmin, PXmax, PYmin, PYmax, PZmin, PZmax, RXmin, RXmax, RYmin, RYmax, RZmin, RZmax, SXmin, SXmax, SYmin, SYmax, SZmin, SZmax)

for n in SpinnerLIST do


Brush_XML.setAttribute (n.name) (n.value as string ) 


local CheckBoxLIST = #(X_CHK, Y_CHK, Z_CHK, SCl_CHK, POS_CHK, ROT_CHK, Normal_BTN, Direct_BTN, Gravity_BTN, Attract_BTN, Explode_BTN)

for n in CheckBoxLIST do


Brush_XML.setAttribute (n.name) (n.state as string ) 


root.appendChild Brush_XML


xmlDoc.Save out_file


--update list


files = getFiles (LoadPath + "\\*.phxp")

presetLIST = #()

for f in files do


Filename = getFilenameFile  f

append presetLIST Filename


Load_LIST.items = presetLIST

-- Load_LIST.selected = SaveName_EDT.text

Load_LIST.selection = finditem presetLIST (SaveName_EDT.text)



fn existFile fname = (getfiles fname).count != 0

if existFile out_file == true then


-- messageBox "Existing File"

if queryBox "This File exists,\n\nDo you want to replace it ?" beep:false then


SavePreset out_file





SavePreset out_file







text1 = "enter a name" 

messagebox text1



on Folder_BTN pressed do


if LoadPath == undefined do LoadPath = "$archives"

LoadPath = getSavePath caption:"choose a preset Folder" initialDir:LoadPath

if LoadPath != undefined  and LIC do


files = getFiles (LoadPath + "\\*.phxp")

presetLIST = #()

for f in files do


Filename = getFilenameFile  f

append presetLIST Filename


Load_LIST.items = presetLIST

INIfile = ( getdir #plugcfg_ln ) + "\\KinematicLAB_PhysXPainterPreset.ini"

setINISetting INIfile "PhysXPainter" "PresetFolder" LoadPath  forceUTF16:false --force ASCII




on Load_LIST selected i do


if LoadPath != undefined  and LIC  do


FileName = Load_LIST.items[i]

SaveName_EDT.text = FileName

local F = (LoadPath + "\\" + FileName + ".phxp" )

( -- Load and Apply values from XML

local xmlDoc = dotNetObject "system.xml.xmlDocument"

xmlDoc.load F

local docEle = xmlDoc.documentElement 

local Brush_XML = docEle.ChildNodes.itemOf[0].attributes

local ParamsCNT = Brush_XML.Count

for o=0 to ParamsCNT-1 do


local ITEM = Brush_XML.ItemOf[o]

local N =  ITEM.Name

local val = ITEM.Value

local valTYPE = classof (execute val)

if valTYPE == Float then

execute ("PhysXPainterROL.theSubRollout.rollouts[2]." + N + ".value = " + val)


execute ("PhysXPainterROL.theSubRollout.rollouts[2]." + N + ".state = " + val)



if X_CHK.state == true then

( SXmax.enabled = false )


( SXmax.enabled = true ) 

if Y_CHK.state == true then

( SYmax.enabled = false )


( SYmax.enabled = true ) 

if Z_CHK.state == true then

( SZmax.enabled = false )


( SZmax.enabled = true ) 

if SCl_CHK.state == true then

SXmin.enabled = true 

SXmax.enabled = true 

SYmin.enabled = false

SYmax.enabled = false 

SZmin.enabled = false

SZmax.enabled = false 



SXmin.enabled = true 

SXmax.enabled = true 

SYmin.enabled = true

SYmax.enabled = true 

SZmin.enabled = true

SZmax.enabled = true 


if POS_CHK.state == true then

PXmin.enabled = true 

PXmax.enabled = true 

PYmin.enabled = false

PYmax.enabled = false 

PZmin.enabled = false

PZmax.enabled = false 



PXmin.enabled = true 

PXmax.enabled = true 

PYmin.enabled = true

PYmax.enabled = true 

PZmin.enabled = true

PZmax.enabled = true 


if ROT_CHK.state == true then

RXmin.enabled = true 

RXmax.enabled = true 

RYmin.enabled = false

RYmax.enabled = false 

RZmin.enabled = false

RZmax.enabled = false 



RXmin.enabled = true 

RXmax.enabled = true 

RYmin.enabled = true

RYmax.enabled = true 

RZmin.enabled = true

RZmax.enabled = true 




on Reset_BTN pressed do


if LIC  do


DistSPN.value = 1.0 ; DIST = 100.0

OverCHK.checked = CollideCHK.checked = PhysXCHK.checked = CollideCHK.enabled = PhysXCHK.enabled = Over = Collide = PhysX = true

StaticCOL.color = StaticCOLOR = color 30 30 30

SimCOL.color = SimCOLOR = green

( -- transforms settings

local SpinnerLIST = #(PXmin, PXmax, PYmin, PYmax, PZmin, PZmax, RXmin, RXmax, RYmin, RYmax, RZmin, RZmax)

for S in SpinnerLIST do S.value = 0.0

local SpinnerLIST = #( SXmin, SXmax, SYmin, SYmax, SZmin, SZmax)

for S in SpinnerLIST do S.value = 1.0

SCl_CHK.checked = true

POS_CHK.checked = true

ROT_CHK.checked = true

local SpinnerLIST = #(PYmin, PYmax, PZmin, PZmax, RYmin, RYmax, RZmin, RZmax, SYmin, SYmax, SZmin, SZmax)

for S in SpinnerLIST do S.enabled = false

local SpinnerLIST = #(PXmin, PXmax, RXmin, RXmax, SXmin, SXmax)

for S in SpinnerLIST do S.enabled = true

X_CHK.checked = LX = false

Y_CHK.checked = LY = false

Z_CHK.checked = LZ = false


Normal_BTN.checked = Direct_BTN.checked = false

Gravity_BTN.checked = true

Attract_BTN.checked = Explode_BTN.checked = false

SIMALL.checked = SIMSEL.checked = false

Force_SPN.value = 1.0




rollout VFBTabsRollout03 "Physics"


group "Gravity"


pickbutton  Gravity_BTN "pick Custom Gravity" width:210 align:#left across:2

button DelGravity_BTN "X" width:20 align:#right

spinner Gravity_SPN "Acceleration:" range:[-100000000.0,100000000.0, 1000.0] align:#right width:100


group "Ground"


checkbox Ground_CHK "Use Ground Collisions" across:2

spinner Ground_Height "Height" range:[-10000000.0, 100000000.0, 0.0] type:#float width:80 align:#left offset:[30,0]

-- button Ground_BTN "Set Ground\nproperties" width:100 height:40 pos:[145,50]


spinner ContactDIST_SPN "Contact Distance : " range:[-10000.0, 10000.0, 0.1] type:#float width:140 offset:[0,10] align:#right 

button OpenMassFX_BTN "Open MassFX Tools" width:230 height:30 align:#left tooltip:"some parameters can't be changed outside\nof the MassFX UI.\nYou can access it from here"

fn updateGravityValue VAL = 


px_sdk_gravityx = 0

px_sdk_gravityy = 0

px_sdk_gravityz = 0

px_sdk_gravityz = VAL

-- if nvpx.gravityMode == #directional then

-- (

-- px_sdk_gravityz = VAL

-- )

-- else if (nvpx.gravityMode == #object) and (nvpx.gravityObject != undefined) then

-- (

-- local gravityDir = nvpx.gravityObject.strength*nvpx.gravityObject.transform.row3

-- px_sdk_gravityx = gravityDir.x

-- px_sdk_gravityy = gravityDir.y

-- px_sdk_gravityz = gravityDir.z

-- )

px_sdk_enable_gravity = physXpaneldata.enableGravity



on VFBTabsRollout03 open do


if LIC do


if K_ISVALID PhysXPainter_HELPER  and  nvpx.gravityObject != undefined then

-- CustomGravity = PhysXPainter_HELPER.CustomGravity  

Gravity_BTN.text = "Gravity :  " + nvpx.gravityObject.name

Gravity_SPN.value = (nvpx.gravityObject).strength



Gravity_BTN.text = "pick Custom Gravity" 

Gravity_SPN.value = px_sdk_gravityz


ContactDIST_SPN.value = px_sdk_contactDistance

( -- Ground settings

Ground_CHK.state = gPxUseGround

Ground_Height.value = gPxGroundHeight



PhysXPainterROL.height = 270


on Gravity_BTN picked o do


if classof o == Gravity and LIC then

-- CustomGravity = o

Gravity_BTN.text = "Gravity :  " + o.name

Gravity_SPN.value = o.strength

-- if K_ISVALID PhysXPainter_HELPER do

-- ( PhysXPainter_HELPER.CustomGravity = CustomGravity )

-- PxSetProperty nvpx #gravityMode #object

PxSetProperty nvpx #gravityMode #directional

PxSetProperty nvpx #gravityObject o 

px_sdk_gravityDirection = 3

-- px_sdk_gravityz = -981.0

updateGravityValue -981.0



on Gravity_SPN changed state do


if  nvpx.gravityObject != undefined then


(nvpx.gravityObject).strength = state




updateGravityValue state



on DelGravity_BTN pressed do


if LIC do


-- CustomGravity = undefined

Gravity_BTN.text =  "pick Custom Gravity"

-- if K_ISVALID PhysXPainter_HELPER do

-- ( PhysXPainter_HELPER.CustomGravity = undefined )

PxSetProperty nvpx #gravityMode #directional

PxSetProperty nvpx #gravityObject undefined

px_sdk_gravityDirection = 3

-- px_sdk_gravityz = -981.0

-- px_sdk_gravityx = 0.0

-- px_sdk_gravityy = 0.0

updateGravityValue -981.0

Gravity_SPN.value = -981.0



on Ground_CHK changed state do


gPxUseGround = state 


on Ground_Height changed state do


gPxGroundHeight = state


on ContactDIST_SPN changed state do


px_sdk_contactDistance = state



on OpenMassFX_BTN pressed do


if LIC do ( macros.run "PhysX" "PxShowToolsWindowMS" )



rollout InfoRollout "Info"


label LicenceLAB "PhysX Painter 2.0 \n\nauthor : Clovis GAY\n\n?KinematicLAB 2021  \n\nwww.kinematiclab.com " height:100 width:165 align:#left  


PhysXPainter_Rollouts = #(

#(" Source  Objects ",#(VFBTabsRollout01)),

#(" Brush  Options ",#(VFBTabsRollout02)),

#(" Physics ",#(VFBTabsRollout03))


rollout PhysXPainterROL "PhysX Painter"


dotNetControl dn_tabs "System.Windows.Forms.TabControl" height:20 width:420 align:#left

subRollout theSubRollout width:270 height:650 align:#center

on dn_tabs Selected itm do


if LastSubRollout != (itm.TabPageIndex+1) do --do not update if the same tab clicked twice


for subroll in PhysXPainter_Rollouts[LastSubRollout][2] do

removeSubRollout theSubRollout subroll

for subroll in PhysXPainter_Rollouts[LastSubRollout = itm.TabPageIndex+1][2] do

addSubRollout theSubRollout subroll

)--end tabs clicked

on PhysXPainterROL open do


local sel = selection as Array

if sel.count == 1 and classof sel[1] == PhysXPainter then


PhysXPainter_HELPER = sel[1]


LIC = true

if LIC then


( -- ROL position

local RolPOS = PhysXPainter_HELPER.UIpos

if RolPOS != [0,0,0] do


SetDialogPos  PhysXPainterROL [RolPOS.X, RolPOS.Y]





-- if K_ISVALID PhysXPainter_HELPER.CustomGravity do

-- CustomGravity = PhysXPainter_HELPER.CustomGravity 

addSubRollout theSubRollout InfoRollout rolledUp:true

for aTab in PhysXPainter_Rollouts do


dn_tabs.TabPages.add aTab[1]


for subroll in PhysXPainter_Rollouts[1][2] do 

addSubRollout theSubRollout subroll

SetMassFX() -- set massfx properties only if they are wrong







on PhysXPainterROL close do


if K_ISVALID PhysXPainter_HELPER and LIC do


local RolPOS = (GetDialogPos  PhysXPainterROL )

PhysXPainter_HELPER.UIpos = [RolPOS.X, RolPOS.Y, 0]




createDialog PhysXPainterROL 270 490




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