macroScript Copy_Objects_To_File Category:"场景清理" toolTip:"垃圾清理(帅气的彬哥)"
global Supclear
try(destroyDialog Supclear)catch()
rollout Supclear " 超级场景清理器 1.0" width:218 height:367
dotNetControl bq_neirong "System.Windows.Forms.Label" pos:[0,33] width:218 height:20
dotNetControl bq_biaoti "System.Windows.Forms.Label" pos:[0,0] width:218 height:33
checkbox _chkBox1 "清除轨迹节点:" pos:[16,65] width:100 height:16 checked:true across:2
dotNetControl _lblStatus1 "System.Windows.Forms.label" pos:[156,65] width:52 height:14
checkbox _chkBox2 "清除场景垃圾:" pos:[16,86] width:120 height:16 checked:true across:2
dotNetControl _lblStatus2 "System.Windows.Forms.label" pos:[156,86] width:52 height:14
checkbox _chkBox3 "清除位图缓存:" pos:[16,107] width:100 height:16 checked:true across:2
dotNetControl _lblStatus3 "System.Windows.Forms.label" pos:[156,107] width:52 height:14
checkbox _chkBox4 "清除丢失的贴图:" pos:[16,128] width:120 height:16 checked:false across:2
dotNetControl _lblStatus4 "System.Windows.Forms.label" pos:[156,128] width:52 height:14
checkbox _chkBox5 "清除碰撞缓存:" pos:[16,149] width:120 height:16 checked:true across:2
dotNetControl _lblStatus5 "System.Windows.Forms.label" pos:[156,149] width:52 height:14
checkbox _chkBox6 "清除无用动画图层:" pos:[16,170] width:120 height:16 checked:true across:2
dotNetControl _lblStatus6 "System.Windows.Forms.label" pos:[156,170] width:52 height:14
checkbox _chkBox7 "清除场景缓存:" pos:[16,191] width:120 height:16 checked:true across:2
dotNetControl _lblStatus7 "System.Windows.Forms.label" pos:[156,191] width:52 height:14
checkbox _chkBox8 "清除粒子视图:" pos:[16,212] width:120 height:16 checked:true across:2
dotNetControl _lblStatus8 "System.Windows.Forms.label" pos:[156,212] width:52 height:14
checkbox _chkBox9 "清除返回缓存(慎用):" pos:[16,233] width:126 height:16 checked:false across:2
dotNetControl _lblStatus9 "System.Windows.Forms.label" pos:[156,233] width:52 height:14
checkbox _chkBox10 "清除空物体(手动提示删除)" pos:[16,254] width:180 height:16 checked:false across:2
dotNetControl _lblStatus10 "System.Windows.Forms.label" pos:[156,233] width:52 height:14
dotNetControl tips "System.Windows.Forms.Label" pos:[0,278] width:218 height:20
button _btnStart "开始清理" pos:[9,302] width:200 height:40
HyperLink website "By:Coronaer" pos:[42,348] width:150 height:15 color:(color 93 102 106) hovercolor:(color 120 170 207) visitedcolor:(color 93 102 106) address:""
global _DISABLED = "未开启"
global _OK = "已清理"
global _NOTFOUND = "未发现"
global _WAIT = "等待中.."
fn createLabel lbl =
dotnetColor = dotnetclass "System.Drawing.Color"
maxUiBg = (colorman.getcolor #background) * 255
bgColor = dotnetColor.FromArgb maxUiBg[1] maxUiBg[2] maxUiBg[3]
fgColor = dotnetColor.FromArgb 200 200 200
lbl.BackColor = bgColor
lbl.ForeColor = fgColor
lbl.BorderStyle = (dotnetclass "System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle").Fixed3D
fn lablelStatus lbl status: #disabled =
dotnetColor = dotnetclass "System.Drawing.Color"
txt = ""
bgColor = dotnetColor.FromArgb 255 255 255
fgColor = dotnetColor.FromArgb 0 0 0
lbl.BorderStyle = (dotnetclass "System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle").None
bold = (dotnetclass "System.Drawing.FontStyle").Bold
lbl.Font = dotnetobject "System.Drawing.Font" "微软雅黑" 8 bold
case status of
bgColor = dotnetColor.FromArgb 255 229 153
fgColor = dotnetColor.FromArgb 215 144 0
bgColor = dotnetColor.FromArgb 147 196 125
fgColor = dotnetColor.FromArgb 56 118 79
bgColor = dotnetColor.FromArgb 224 102 102
fgColor = dotnetColor.FromArgb 153 0 0
txt = _OK
bgColor = dotnetColor.FromArgb 183 183 183
fgColor = dotnetColor.FromArgb 67 67 67
txt = _WAIT
lbl.BackColor = bgColor
lbl.ForeColor = fgColor
lbl.Text = txt
fn initDotNet disabled: false =
createLabel _lblStatus1
createLabel _lblStatus2
createLabel _lblStatus3
createLabel _lblStatus4
createLabel _lblStatus5
createLabel _lblStatus6
createLabel _lblStatus7
createLabel _lblStatus8
createLabel _lblStatus9
if(disabled == true) do
lablelStatus _lblStatus1 status:#disabled
lablelStatus _lblStatus2 status:#disabled
lablelStatus _lblStatus3 status:#disabled
lablelStatus _lblStatus4 status:#disabled
lablelStatus _lblStatus5 status:#disabled
lablelStatus _lblStatus6 status:#disabled
lablelStatus _lblStatus7 status:#disabled
lablelStatus _lblStatus8 status:#disabled
lablelStatus _lblStatus9 status:#disabled
fn fnMissingFiles name j =
append j name
fn pruneBitmap1 =
szMissingFiles = #()
enumerateFiles fnMissingFiles szMissingFiles #missing
for i in szMissingFiles do
for b in (getClassInstances bitmapTexture) do
if (pathConfig.pathsResolveEquivalent b.filename i) do
b.filename = ""
return szMissingFiles.count
fn pruneBitmap2 =
szMissing = #()
for b in (getClassInstances missing_texturemap asTrackViewPick:true) where b != undefined do appendIfUnique szMissing b.client
for b in szMissing where b != undefined do
bProp = getPropNames b
for a in bProp do
p = getProperty b a
if classOf p == missing_texturemap do try setProperty b bProp undefined catch()
return szMissing.count
on Supclear open do
bq_neirong.text = "彻底解决文件保存慢,体积大等问题." --set the text of the label
bq_neirong.backcolor = bq_neirong.backcolor.fromARGB 180 180 180
bq_neirong.foreColor = bq_neirong.backcolor.fromARGB 90 90 90
bq_neirong.font= dotnetobject "System.Drawing.Font" "微软雅黑" 9
bq_biaoti.text = "— SPCleaner —"
bold = (dotnetclass "System.Drawing.FontStyle").Bold
bq_biaoti.font= dotnetobject "System.Drawing.Font" "微软雅黑" 16 bold
bq_neirong.font= dotnetobject "System.Drawing.Font" "微软雅黑" 9 bold
bq_biaoti.backcolor = bq_biaoti.backcolor.fromARGB 50 107 193
bq_biaoti.foreColor = bq_biaoti.backcolor.fromARGB 214 214 214
bq_biaoti.TextAlign = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.ContentAlignment").MiddleCenter
bq_neirong.TextAlign = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.ContentAlignment").MiddleCenter
tips.text = "PS:清理大场景请事先做好备份"
tips.backcolor = bq_neirong.backcolor.fromARGB 60 60 60
tips.foreColor = bq_neirong.backcolor.fromARGB 90 90 90
tips.TextAlign = (dotNetClass "System.Drawing.ContentAlignment").MiddleCenter
on _chkBox9 changed state do
if _chkBox9.checked==true do(
if querybox "勾选此项会清除您所有的操作记录(Ctrl+Z),一般情况无需清理,是否确认勾选呢?" beep: true then
on _btnStart pressed do
initDotNet disabled: true
if(_chkBox1.checked == true) do
lablelStatus _lblStatus1 status:#wait
deleteTrackViewController trackViewNodes trackViewNodes[#Max_MotionClip_Manager].controller
trackViewNodes[#Max_MotionClip_Manager].track = copy trackViewNodes[#Max_MotionClip_Manager].track
lablelStatus _lblStatus1 status:#ok
lablelStatus _lblStatus1 status:#notfound
if(_chkBox2.checked == true) do
lablelStatus _lblStatus2 status:#wait
gc light:true
for o in objects where matchpattern ((classof o) as string) pattern:"*miss*" do delete o
lablelStatus _lblStatus2 status:#ok
if(_chkBox3.checked == true) do
lablelStatus _lblStatus3 status:#wait
lablelStatus _lblStatus3 status:#ok
if(_chkBox4.checked == true) do
lablelStatus _lblStatus4 status:#wait
iMiss1 = pruneBitmap1()
iMiss2 = pruneBitmap2()
lablelStatus _lblStatus4 status:#notfound
if(iMiss1 > 0 or iMiss2 > 0) do lablelStatus _lblStatus4 status:#ok
if(_chkBox5.checked == true) do
lablelStatus _lblStatus5 status:#wait
lablelStatus _lblStatus5 status:#ok
lablelStatus _lblStatus5 status:#notfound
if(_chkBox6.checked == true) do
lablelStatus _lblStatus6 status:#notfound
animLayer = (getproperty trackviewnodes.Anim_Layer_Control_Manager.controller #animlayers)
if(animLayer.count > 0) do lablelStatus _lblStatus6 status:#ok
animLayer.count = 0
deleteTrackViewController trackViewNodes trackViewNodes[#Anim_Layer_Control_Manager].controller
if(_chkBox7.checked == true) do
lablelStatus _lblStatus7 status:#wait
lablelStatus _lblStatus7 status:#ok
lablelStatus _lblStatus7 status:#notfound
if(_chkBox8.checked == true) do
--lablelStatus _lblStatus8 status:#wait
if ((delete $'particle view*') as string) =="0" then (
lablelStatus _lblStatus8 status:#notfound
lablelStatus _lblStatus8 status:#ok
if(_chkBox9.checked == true) do
lablelStatus _lblStatus9 status:#wait
lablelStatus _lblStatus9 status:#ok
if(_chkBox10.checked == true) do
for i in geometry do
a=getPolygonCount i
if (classof i!= VRayProxy ) do if (classof i!= CProxy ) do
if a[1]==0 then append NoneObj i
if NoneObj.count == 0 then messagebox"当前未发现有空物体"
select NoneObj
messagebox ("当前场景有"+ (selection.count as string) +"个空物体,已为您选择,请确认后手动删除")
--delete $;
createdialog Supclear --style:#(#style_toolwindow, #style_sysmenu)