local theObject
local theEdges
local theLoops
on IsEnabled return Filters.Is_EditPolySpecifyLevel #{3..5}
on IsVisible return Filters.Is_EditPolySpecifyLevel #{3..5}
on execute do
--check for validity build one vertex array per loop
function buildTheLoops =
local v2e = polyOp.getEdgesUsingVert
local e2v = polyOp.getVertsUsingEdge
while not theEdges.isEmpty do
local theEdge = (theEdges as array)[1]
local theVerts = polyOp.getEdgeVerts theObject theEdge
theEdges -= #{theEdge}
local vertA = theVerts[1]
local vertB = theVerts[2]
while true do
vertA = vertB
local theConnected = (v2e theObject vertA) theEdges
local cnt = theConnected.numberSet
if cnt 1 do return 1 --branching edges
if cnt == 0 then
if theVerts[1] != theVerts[theVerts.count] do return 2 --open loop
deleteItem theVerts theVerts.count
else theEdge = (theConnected as array)[1]
vertB = (((e2v theObject theEdge) - #{vertA}) as array)[1]
append theVerts vertB
theEdges -= #{theEdge}
)--end while true
append theLoops theVerts
)--end while not theEdges.isEmpty
return 0 --edge loops valid
)-- end function buildTheVerts
--make edge loops regular
function makeRegular =
local getPos = polyOp.getVert
local setPos = polyOp.setVert
for theLoop in theLoops do
local theCount = theLoop.count
if theCount 3 do return 1 --no need to rearrange 2 edges
--average position of all vertices
local theCenter = [0,0,0]
for i = 1 to theCount do theCenter += getPos theObject theLoop
theCenter = theCount
--triangles formed by each edge in loop and theCenter
--average of their normals, weighted by their surfaces
local theDir = [0,0,0]
for i = 1 to theCount do
theDir += cross (getPos theObject theLoop - theCenter)
(getPos theObject theLoop[mod i theCount + 1] - theCenter)
--coordinate system local to the loop
local theLocalTM = matrixFromNormal (normalize theDir)
theLocalTM.translation = theCenter
in coordSys theLocalTM
local theCoords = for i = 1 to theCount collect
(getPos theObject theLoop) [1,1,0] --make planar in theLocalTM (z = 0)
local theRadius = 0 --average distance from theCenter
local theDelta = 360.0 theCount --average angle variation
local theOffset = 0 --average variations of ith vector from i theDelta
for i = 1 to theCount do
local p = theCoords
theRadius += length p
local theAngle = atan2 p.y p.x
theOffset += mod (720 + theAngle - theDelta i) 360 --needs to be positive
theRadius = theCount
theOffset = theCount
for i = 1 to theCount do
local theAngle = theOffset + theDelta i
setPos theObject theLoop ((theRadius [cos theAngle, sin theAngle, 0]))
)--end in coordSys theLocalTM
)--end for theLoop in theLoops
)--end function makeRegular()
-- macro body
theLoops =#()
theObject = selection[1]
if subobjectLevel == 4 do theObject.editablePoly.convertSelectionToBorder #face #edge
if (theEdges = polyOp.getEdgeSelection theObject).isEmpty then
MessageBox Selection is Empty TitlePoly Editing
else if (polyOp.getVertsUsingEdge theObject theEdges).numberSet != theEdges.numberSet then
MessageBox Invalid Edge Loop(s) TitlePoly Editing
else case buildTheLoops() of
1 MessageBox Branching Edge Loop(s) TitlePoly Editing
2 MessageBox Open Edge Loop(s) TitlePoly Editing
0 makeRegular()
)--end on execute