When it came to designing the interiors for Le Hideout, a beauty salon in Montreal’s burgeoning Griffintown neighbourhood, two things could have stood in the way – a centrally located concrete column and an extremely tight budget. But for local firm Ménard Dworkind Architecture & Design (MRDK), they proved more opportunity than hindrance.
项目位于仍在建设中的Lowney sur ville公寓大楼的地面层,占据了一个60㎡的空间,店面有着整面的落地窗,店中心是一个巨大的混凝土柱子。
Situated at the ground-level of the still-under-construction Lowney sur ville condo tower, Le Hideout occupies a 60-square-metre-space fronted by street-facing glazing and centred around a large immovable column. 为了隐藏在柱子上的管道和电气管道网络,MRDK将整件作品装饰成一个由MDF制成的巨大的碳纳米管切割成的花朵形状。其底部大小为91×153厘米,在到达天花板时向外扩张。
To conceal a network of plumbing and electrical pipes that run up the column, MRDK dressed the entire thing in a massive CNC-cut floral formation made from MDF. The covering measures 91 by 153 centimetres at its base and grows upwards and outwards as it reaches the ceiling.
Acting as a central organizing element for the salon, the reception desk and manicure stations – made from laser-cut steel – sprout vertically from this core, with makeup stations affixed to its sides.All of these components, including the formation itself, were coated in the same cheery coral, a healthy dose of colour in the otherwise industrial space. 修脚台位于靠窗的一个角落,由瓷砖覆盖的基座、两个比例很大的粉色软垫椅子、洗手盆和定制的脚凳组成。
The pedicure station is located in a corner against the window and consists of a tile covered pedestal, two generously proportioned and pink-upholstered chairs, washbasins and custom-made footrests.