






发表于 2021-9-11 19:01:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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DSC0000.png 本案居者為一家四口,設計師通過對生活的洞察,將空間進行拆解、整合,以人性化、品質感、無界化構建完整的家,滿足家庭共享、禮儀社交、孩童成長等多元場景,營造一處溫馨舒適並且充滿藝術的家居空間。The residents in this case are a family of four. Through insights into life, the designer disassembles and integrates the space, and builds a complete home with humanity, quality and unboundedness, satisfying multiple scenes such as family sharing, etiquette and social interaction, and children's growth. , To create a warm, comfortable and artistic home space.

# 01當代藝境 / Contemporary Art
生活需要溫暖 也需要藝術

The home garden is presented with low-key, restrained skills and pure free artistic conception. The connection between the building and the surrounding natural landscape such as flowers, plants and trees is natural. Through artistic design techniques, the living space can carry the inhabitants' aspirations and lifestyle.

The route design of the double-movement line to the home brings a humanized and noble home-entry experience. You can always enter the tea room directly; the other is the living room, full of the ritual of returning home. A resort-style life experience created for contemporary urbanites opens elegantly in Mushi.


The color of the living room is mainly black, white and gray with strong modern style, and warm brown is added at the same time. Soft sofas, gentle lighting, and exquisite furnishings make the large-scale luxurious space without losing the comfort and warmth of home.


The jazz white marble on the TV background wall provides the tranquility of the whole surface, and the large area of white space on the point of view creates a new sense of balance inside. The calm and cold black is intertwined, and the furniture and utensils have an artistic effect on the material, texture and color. Combining the artistic conception of light and shadow, mobilize residents' rich and three-dimensional perception of a better life.


Slowly absorb energy in the tranquility, and the combination of simple lines and warm brown tones silently cares for the warmth of home.


With the movement of the interior, the open tea room is connected to the living room. The design is elegant and low-key. The leather seats return to the natural and simple nature of the space, creating a comfortable place to enjoy tea and cultivate the heart.


A green plant, three or two leaves, simple art lamps, the poetry of life naturally reveals.


The spiral staircase full of artistic structure runs through the space of the villa, with light and dark interlacing, light and shadow overlapping, the tomography and connection of the space can be felt in the whirlpool, giving people a complete experience of ups and downs.


Cubist abstract sculptures inject contemporary aesthetic spirit into this natural and flexible space, conveying the ideal living atmosphere of nature and art.

# 02饗食於居 / Eat at Home

至臻美味 傳遞愛和溫情

Aiming at the owner's personalized and refined lifestyle, the designer dismantles and integrates the space. As you step up to the next floor, the exquisite kitchen restaurant full of art and ceremonies will follow in, creating more possibilities for space scenes.

The sideboard of the restaurant adopts translucent glass window, with the light and shade effect brought by the built-in light strip, showing a strong sense of art, and the three-dimensional sculpture is used as decoration to create an atmosphere.

When night fell and the family returned one after another, the mother was busy in the kitchen in an orderly manner, the father was helpful and the children were chatting about today’s interesting things...the smoke and the human touch filled the scene, pure and plain happiness was slowly flowing.

Continue the overall color and style tone, giving the master bedroom a calm and comfortable look. The line design of the bedside background wall creates the level and rhythm of the space, and the echo of the color blocks between the bedding makes the space more lifelike and artistic.

The elegant curved lines flow in the space, and the smooth and smooth furniture scales combined with the patchwork lamps and lanterns are intended for the extraction and implantation of ecology. Between elevations, it provides residents with an immersive experience of art and nature.

# 03社交意趣 / Social Interest
共享空間 休閑時光裏的記憶

In order to break the limitation of space, the designer opened the sunken courtyard to the second floor, opened the original closed roof, and opened a light well. The lines are capable and powerful, allowing the external light to naturally pour down, illuminate the interior, and make The entire space has obtained a free breathing pillar.

When standing up in the exquisite leisure area in the morning, the outdoor greenery is like broken bamboo, which brings spiritual pleasure; at night, it shields the secular disturbances, enjoys the comfort of spring breeze, and obtains the appropriateness of the soul.

Accompanying is the most affectionate confession. In the audio-visual room, when the light is scattered from the ceiling, it echoes the changing screen images and the leisurely and comfortable indoor atmosphere, and the artistic tension is slowly released.

Space carries emotional memories, and life is alive because of its vividness. The design of this case grasps the handling of the dense and dense relationships of different scales, cuts into the interaction between man, nature and culture, and interprets the unique temperament of each space with the concise brushwork of contemporary design. Implications bring a life full of ritual and artistic sense to residents, as well as interesting daily life.


- END -

Yi Ru   D E S I G N



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