LOFT中国感谢来自 今古凤凰空间策划机构的住宅项目案例分享: 本案业主是一对园林设计师,对生活向往宁静,喜欢一切自然的事物。空间结构非常有特点,地下室、一层、二层都是错层结构,让每一楼层与上下空间都有互动,让人与人、人与空间多了几分场景交流,这就是空间本来该有的面貌,处处流露着生活的细节。整个空间以中间天井与楼梯展开思索,天井种下一棵老宅挪过来的绿枫树,地下室房间、一楼客厅的茶区、二楼厨房都以天井绿植展开,每处都与自然和谐融合,充满着生活的气息。
The client is a landscape designer couple, who have a particular affection for nature and a serene lifestyle. The interior space consists of one basement and two floors on the ground, and each floor features staggered interior structures, which enriches the interaction between the occupants and spaces. The atrium and staircase are in the central area, with a green maple brought into the atrium from the previous residence. The underground rooms, tea drinking area and kitchen are dotted with plants. Each area within the space well integrates with nature and is awash with a living atmosphere.
On the first floor, the living room’s original wall structure is retained and finished with white special-effect paint. Besides, its front French window introduces the garden landscape into the interior, allowing the coexistence and dialogue between the occupants and nature. Based on the arrangement of original structural columns, a tatami-style tea drinking area is set on one side of the living room. A sliding walnut screen is placed between the tea drinking area and the atrium, enabling the interior space to interact with sunshine, greenery and air when it opens.
The staircase is made of walnut wood, which separates the left and right parts of the entire space and strengthens the connection between different floors with its warm textures.
The whole third floor is the private space of the house owners. A skylight can be seen above the staircase, which allows abundant natural light to filter in. The master bedroom adopts sliding doors, which closely connect it to the study. Considering that the client is an avid reader, the designers arranged a large latticed shelf in the study for stocking books. Comprising of a reading area and a tatami area, the study provides a cozy living environment, where the house owners can enjoy various activities.