Alain Carle Architecte是一家位于加拿大蒙特利尔的室内设计工作室,由建筑师Alain Carle创立,擅长创造小而精致的空间、捕捉细节、尽可能的低调。
Alain Carle Architecte is an interior design studio based in Montreal, founded by architect Alain Carle, who specializes in creating small, sophisticated spaces, capturing details and making as low-key as possible.
Alain Carle 在蒙特利尔的建筑领域工作了15年,基于他在蒙特利尔大学建筑学院硕士课程中担任教师和研究员的教学方法,他的成就基于设计过程中表征的批判性视角。
Alain Carle has been working in Montreal for 15 years in the field of architecture. Based on a pedagogical approach that he develops as a teacher and researcher in the master’s program at the School of Architecture at the University of Montreal, his achievements are based on a critical perspective of representation in the design process.
自2000年以来,Alain Carle Architecte公司为公共和私人机构设计了不同规模的城市设计和建筑项目。其设计工作的独创性及其对纽约市的兴趣使其能够作为蒙特利尔开发服务研究所的顾问参与各种城市发展项目。
Since 2000, Alain Carle Architecte has designed urban design and construction projects of varying sizes for public and private institutions. The originality of its design work and its interest in New York City enable it to participate as a consultant to the Montreal Development Services Institute in various urban development projects.