佐野文彦工作室(Fumihiko Sano Studio)为旧金山的巧克力制造商Dandelion Chocolate设计了一家咖啡馆和商店。
Fumihiko Sano Studio has created a cafe and shop for San Francisco chocolatier Dandelion Chocolate, which occupies a century-old house in Kyoto, Japan. Dandelion Chocolate是一家来自旧金山的小批量豆制巧克力手工艺品制造商,在美国和日本各地都有咖啡馆。该品牌在京都的最新分店坐落在城市Ichinenzaka街区的一条安静的街道上。
Dandelion Chocolate is a small-batch bean-to-bar craft chocolate maker from San Francisco that has cafes dotted across the US and Japan.The brand’s latest Kyoto branch is located on a quiet street in the city’s Ichinenzaka neighbourhood.
The 200-square-metre cafe is arranged over two floors of a 100-year-old timber-framed house.It comprises a cacao bar where customers can order pairings of alcohol with chocolate desserts, a shop and a traditional Japanese courtyard garden. 东京建筑师佐野文彦(Fumihiko Sano)的同名工作室负责咖啡馆的内部设计,他们选择了杉木作为项目的主要材料。
The self-titled studio of Tokyo architect Fumihiko Sano, which was charged with developing the cafe’s interiors, opted to use cedarwood as the main material for the project.
“Considering the parallels between craft chocolate and cedar, both require authentic craftsmanship and carefully selected natural ingredients – so I made the decision to place cedar at the centre of materials used for this project,” said Sano, who began his career as a Sukiya-Daiku – a carpenter for traditional teahouses.”Cedarwood is also one of the main materials of Japanese architecture.” “我的计划是恢复传统京都的氛围,这座建筑曾经属于京都,同时创造一个休闲、开放的空间,让人想起这个品牌的诞生地旧金山,”他说。“内部也需要重建,就像它从未消失过一样。”
“My plan was to revive the atmosphere of the traditional Kyoto to which this building used to be