Located in the San Francisco’s Financial District, the new Canopy office occupies a five-storey building dating back to 1890. The ground floor contains commercial space, while the upper levels offer a total of 32 private offices of varying sizes. Tenants have access to communal amenities such as conference rooms, lounges and kitchens. 室内设计旨在尊重原始建筑,并为会员提供一个“宁静、无干扰的环境,让他们专注、联系,并尽最大努力工作”。并有意避免使用诸如桌上足球桌和霓虹灯之类的时尚元素。
The interior design is meant to respect the original architecture and offer a “serene, distraction-free environment for members to concentrate, connect, and do their best work”. The team intentionally avoided trendy elements like foosball tables and neon signs.
设计师利用这座城市的标志性雾气和沿海地形,将银色,蓝色和棕褐色调融合在一起。 花旗松的大量使用——用于地板,墙板和橱柜——增添了亮度和温度。
Drawing upon the city’s iconic fog and coastal terrain, the designers incorporated shades of silver, blue and tan. Ample use of Douglas fir – for flooring, wall siding and cabinetry – adds lightness and warmth. Daylight flows in through large windows on three sides of the building. 原始的砖墙被涂成浅灰色,以营造一种平静的氛围。 墙壁上还加了一块蓝石板,让人联想到“当阳光洒在太平洋上时,浪花破浪、泡沫消退后海水的颜色”。
Original brick walls were painted pale grey to help create a calming atmosphere. A slate-blue glaze was added to walls, evoking “the colour of the water after a wave has broken and the foam has subsided, when the sun shines upon the Pacific Ocean”.
Glass walls delineate the individual offices, which can seat anywhere from one to 10 workers. The Modernus partitions are made of high-tech glass that helps block noise. For those who ne