SILENT SPACE 缄默空间 | Residence | 2019
Flat Apartment | Interior DesignDesign Company | 深白空间设计 Design Master | Mr.LiPhotographer | RICCI Furniture Soft Design | 别漾陈设 Location:Tianjin,ChinaDesign Time : Oct , 2019Area:190 m2
普遍观念里深色代表冷静克制,如同此件作品之名「 缄默 」。不仅仅只是克制,设计思考中包含对空间形体结构的无限扩展,简洁表达独特性,细腻之处的美学。
A narrow space ensures that natural light flows as much as possible, while the owner's activity line is reasonably imagined throughout the dark area. In the general concept, darkness represents calm restraint, as the name of this work is "silent." More than just restraint, design thinking includes infinite expansion of the spatial structure, simple expression of uniqueness, and aesthetics of delicateness.
“生活中每一样增加的物品,都会增添我们新的疲倦。过滤杂质,化繁为简。黑白灰是最鲜明直白的视觉触感。” “Every new item in life adds to our new tiredness.Filtration of impurities, simplifying and simplifying.Black and white ash is the most clear and straightforward visual touch.”
The sense of security in life comes from dark colors and all figurative substances. At the entrance to the home, there is no special renovation. When entering the door, it is a completely open and open space. The line of sight is facing abstract art, and the left and right are dining and public rest spaces. Without too much color, dark color is the best protagonist.
Aside from the traditional way, the small-body ceiling lights are arranged in a focused manner, and the display cabinets adopt a linear track, which is orderly in the square space. In the next eye, the orange jumped out of the black and white order, the color began to collide, and after quality and deep thinking, life was full of positive enthusiasm.