This restaurant opened for the first time at the port area in Hakata City, Fukuoka Prefecture. It is a large space of roughly 300 m2 looking directly onto the ocean, positioned on a corner of a commercial complex connected to a cruise ship terminal. Meetings with the owner revealed that the kitchen should be as open as possible so that those preparing the food and the customers be close to one another. 接到这样的任务,设计团队考虑活用现有压倒性的空间规模感的同时,也让整体成为一个无缝的空间。首先,在空间的中央制作了一个大型矮吧台和开放式厨房,通过使用现有的网格天花板,营造出连通的空间感。
Having heard this, we decided to create an entirely seamless space that took advantage of the innate overwhelming scale of it. We placed a huge counter scaled to the>
In addition, we placed a large sliding door and window at the entrance of the kitchen, so that one would feel that the space was connected all the way to the back. The ceiling above the corner section opens up to a 7m>