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双胞胎兄弟Nik 和 Jon Daughtry梦想着建造自己的家庭住宅,可以彼此相邻,却又不互相影响。在英国建筑师CODA Bespoke的帮助下,他们的梦想不仅实现了,而且在2018年Northern Design Awards上被评为最佳住宅开发项目,也赢得了全国的赞誉。该玉米场位于英国谢菲尔德北部Oughtibridge的老工业基地上,是一座有着200年历史的玉米磨坊的旧址。他们花了18个月艰苦的时间挖掘、建造、油漆、上光、打磨和上蜡,在这段时间里,他们不厌其烦地亲自动手、朴实无华地设计出了一种真正意义上的功能主义建筑。
Designers, gallery owners and identical twins Nik and Jon Daughtry had a dream of building their family homes next to each other, by themselves no less. With some help from English architects CODA Bespoke, their dream not only came true but it has also attracted national acclaim when it was named Best Residential Development at the 2018 Northern Design Awards. Built on an old industrial site in Oughtibridge in the north of Sheffield, UK, where a 200-year-old corn mill used to operate, the fittingly named ‘Corn Yard’ was designed for low maintenance living based on the use of untreated materials, exposed services and energy efficiency. The bothers’hands-on, no-frills approach has resulted in a truly functionalist architectural design whose beauty has been painstakingly imprinted into the building fabric during the 18 arduous months they spent digging, building, painting, varnishing, sanding, and waxing.
Located amidst lush vegetation next to a mill pond, the only reminder of the site’s industrial past, the twin houses are built on stilts enabling the creation of parking spots underneath while at the same time allowing for expansive views of the surrounding nature courtesy of large glazed areas. Clad in black corrugated steel and super insulated to minimize energy loss, the houses have been sustainably designed as further attested by the fact that both the underfloor heating and hot water systems use energy extracted from the pond.
室内参考了房屋的自建起源,使用未经处理的材料,主要是混凝土块、胶合板和钢,这暗示了该地的工业遗产,同时又给内部注入了DIY的感觉。裸露的铜管道和天花板及墙壁上的镀锌管道进一步增强了这座建筑原始未上漆的美感。在一些地方,设计师利用铜管创造出有趣的几何结构图案,这可能是他们参考了DED设计工作室的作品。而在某些情况下,铜管被转换成条形灯管配件。这些缎面铜灯是Nik和 Jon与灯具制造商TYSON Studio合作设计的,被命名为“Strip”,有着大胆的图形线条,它们被挂在墙上和吊坠上,贯穿整个住宅。
The interiors are dominated by the use of untreated materials, predominantly concrete blocks, plywood and steel, which allude to the site’s industrial heritage as well as imbue the interiors with a DIY sensibility that reference the self-built origin of the houses. The raw, unvarnished aesthetic is further enhanced by exposed copper plumbing and galvanised conduits that run along ceilings and walls. In several places, the copper pipes create interesting geometric compositions, a possible reference to the brothers’graphic design studio DED, while in some cases the pipes are transformed into linear light fittings. Featured throughout both houses in wall-mounted and pendant versions, these satin brass lights were developed by Nik and Jon as bold graphic lines in collaboration with lamp manufacturer TYSON Studio. Named ‘Strip”, they are now available for purchase in satin brass as well as black steel in several configurations.
室内设计的精简感使得池塘和周围广阔的自然景观成为焦点,但Nik和Jon也想通过选择不拘一格的家具和艺术品来建立了自己的个人审美,在浴室瓷砖的挑选上,Niks的主浴室中六角形的“蒲公英”瓷砖是不可或缺的。在楼下一层,黄色的Valchromat厨房中岛成为Nik厨房的重要角色,而他对中世纪设计的热情可以从客厅和餐厅中看到,如Charles&Ray Eames的休闲椅和塑料椅,Robin Day沙发和由VS设计的Richard Neutra Boomerang椅子等经典作品。
The stripped down sensibility of the interior design allows the expansive views of the pond and surrounding nature to take centre stage but have also enabled Nik and Jon to establish their own personal aesthetic through their eclectic selection of furniture, artwork and even bathroom tiles if the hexagonal ‘dandelion’ tiles in Niks’s master bathroom is anything to go by. On the floor below, Nik’s kitchen is dominated by the yellow Valchromat kitchen island while his passion for mid-century design can be seen in the living and dining rooms by the inclusion of classic pieces such as Charles & Ray Eames’ Lounge chair and Plastic Chair, a Robin Day sofa and Richard Neutra’s Boomerang chair by VS.
Jon的房子也有着中世纪的现代主义色彩,且专注于斯堪的纳维亚设计,包括瑞典公司String的搁架和丹麦Herman Studio设计师为Skagerak设计的椅子,以及在客厅取代电视的火炉,当家人在冬天围坐在火炉边时,可以彼此交谈。更妙的是在夏天,两个家庭都可以聚集在池塘前的篝火旁,吃着 Nik 和Jon 为寻求家庭幸福而购买的户外木火炉自制的披萨。
Jon’s house also flirts with mid-century modernism with a focus 试读已结束,请付费阅读全文。   本文只能试读49%,付费后可阅读全文。  |