situated in mumbai’s central business district, ‘cardboard bombay’ by NUDES literally explores ‘thinking outside the cardboard box.’ the project by the architect uses the 100% recyclable and biodegradable material to form the interior of the cafe. the material has been selected as it is extremely versatile and also has excellent sound absorption properties.
the entire landscape of ‘cardboard bombay’ including the dynamic free flowing geometries, bespoke furniture and light fixtures have been sculpted entirely from cardboard. building with cardboard meant constant exploration and inquiry into material performance. NUDES approached the material as students, constantly diving into research which included prototyping and testing the material in real world constraints including humidity, water resistance and temperature fluctuations. 台面采用蜡处理,防止吸水,便于维修。纸板还包含约50%的空气,使其轻巧耐用。此外,纸板微观弯曲凹槽的几何形状与宏观弯曲自由流动形态之间存在着很强的相互关系。
the table tops are impregnated with wax treatment to prevent water absorption and facilitate ease of maintenance. the cardboard is also comprised of approximately 50% air which makes it lightweight and durable. in ad