D’Arcy Jones Architects将一个拥有百年历史的建筑改造成了他们在加拿大温哥华的第三个办公地点。
D’Arcy Jones Architects has transformed a century old structure into their third office location in Vancouver, Canada. 这次改造的重点是在这个106年历史的空间里建造一个充满雕塑般的光线的内衬。在节约的前提下,四层旧建筑和改造没有受到影响。
This renovation focused on building a sculptural light-filled liner inside a 106 year old space. With thrift, four layers of old construction and modifications were left untouched.
All of the desks are simple glulam beams laid on their sides, all of the fixtures are custom made from raw steel, and the monolithic cabinetry is made from practical and cost-effective plastic laminate. The service spaces feel dark, hefty and crude, to contrast with the glowing, faceted and crisp work spaces.