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Overview━项目位于汕头龙湖区新溪镇中三合村。基地处在新溪镇中心,拥有最繁华的生活圈,集市/学校/医院/与基地形成了500米的生活圈,一个完整保留传统乡镇生活气息的中心区域。The project is located in Zhongsanhe Village, Xinxi Town, Longhu District, Shantou. The site is situated in the center of Xinxi Town, a 500m-diameter busy life circle which consists of markets, schools and hospitals and completely retains the features of the traditional town.
村落集群的现象与秩序Village clusters featured by order━
The word “landmark” has been prevailing in recent years, leading to a boom of high-rise buildings over 100 meters in cities. This trend can be also seen in today's rural construction. Residents in Zhongsanhe Village are apt to build 6.5-floor buildings, to approximate the maximum height of self-built rural houses stipulated by national regulations as much as possible. Those new rural constructions together create a smooth, level skyline, with old houses wedged in between. Such built environment is caused by replications and order in rural construction, and indicates power and wealth to some extent.However, the current lifestyle in the village hasn’t changed a lot and laughter still fills the community. The chief designer Xie Peihe holds that the lifestyle here is pleasing and can be continued.
对秩序的挑战与反叛Challenge to the established order━关于当代城镇村落的思考、跟风、共振,没有对自己的所需环境的思考,遵守秩序的约束,在乎他人的感受(跟着邻居建房子),这是当下农村房建设所存在的问题。这种没有美学的盒子正在以一种固有的形式在野蛮生长,庆幸的是人与人之间还能保持温度。
Constructions in today's town villages in China tend to blindly follow order and trends. Many rural residents construct houses after their neighbors, with no consideration of their personalized needs. For this reason, unaesthetic and uniform “box-like” buildings are sprawling in Zhongsanhe Village. Fortunately, an intimate relationship is still kept between residents in the neighborhood.
The chief designer Xie Peihe, as a native of Xinxi Town, intended to challenge the established architectural order and to explore the new possibilities of connecting the present and the future. For him, breaking and redefining the order is to make a revolution whilst retaining the intimate relationship between people, people and architecture. This is in line with the AD ARCHITECTURE’s commitment to pursuing innovation and harmony.
环境肌理Surroundings━ 一座座的农民房,一个个的小盒子,有序的排列,新居住用地与旧居住用地的融合,新房与老屋的碰撞,像无数个像素点,有规律又无序的形成了城市边缘的肌理。With an identically box-like shape, houses surrounding the site are organized in an orderly manner. The fusion of new and old houses, which are like numerous pixels, shapes the built fabric at the edge of the town regularly, yet disorderly.
基地关系Site━ 东侧紧贴临屋外墙,北侧和西侧距邻家只有30公分,北面一条12米宽的大路,也是村里面的中心要道,南面是4米的小路。The east side of the site is close to the external wall of the neighboring house, and its north and west sides are only 90cm and 30cm away from the neighbors. In addition, there is a 12-meter-wide main road on its north, and a 4-meter-wide road on the south.
建筑肌理与机能Building fabrics and functions ━建筑外墙选用了红色劈开砖与具有时尚感的纯白色哑光砖,整体建筑与周围的环境产生强烈对比的同时传达着一种和谐与尊重。建筑高调地融入乡里的大环境中,白色与红色的盒子通过不同比例的切割、分离、融合,构成了一个极具现代美学的建筑表皮。The building of the project adopts red split bricks and fashionable white matt tiles on facades. The whole building forms a strong contrast with the surroundings, and meanwhile conveys a sense of harmony and respect. It blends into the wider built environment in a high profile. White and red boxes with varying sizes and proportions are combined yet separated subtly, producing modern and aesthetic building exteriors.
构成关系Constitutive Relationship━室内功能一层为预留商铺,二至五层为预留手工作坊,六层为居住空间,七层为休闲接待楼层。The overall building consists of 7 floors. 1F is for shops, 2F-5F for handicraft workshops, 6F for residence, and 7F for leisure and reception.
室内空间整体设计强调简洁与舒适度,家庭厅与餐厅公共部分地面采用天然的白色大理石,强调我们的设计意图。墙面大面积的奶白色艺术漆与暖色木饰面,干净的同时强调空间的温度。厨房的红色玻璃成为了空间中的亮点,与软装中的红色与外墙的红色构成了一个整体色彩的运用逻辑,在舒适的同时彰显设计的张力。The overall interior design of the residence emphasizes simplicity and comfort. The floor of the living room and the dining room are covered with white marbles, which show simplicity. Walls are clad in large areas of milky-white art paint and warm-color wooden veneers, to produce cleanness and the warm tone of the space. The red glass of the kitchen is a highlight in the space, echoing with the red furniture and red exterior walls, and also giving a sense of comfort and dramatic visual effects.
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