米洛映象 | 华一美达家园现代样板间:轻奢写意,舒雅天成PROJECT INTRODUCTION项目名称|华一美达家园现代Project Name | Puri Park项目类型|样板间Project Type | Prototype Room软装设计|米洛映象Soft outfit design | Millo Casa项目地点|湖南郴州Project Site | Hunan Chenzhou项目面积|123.6㎡Project Area | 123.6㎡完工时间|2019.09Completion Time | 2019.09 序本案采用简洁线条和几何空间布置提供灵活交错的空间,用纯色调节出灯光的柔和,浅色调与木色相搭配,创造出舒适的氛围。丰富多样的材料选择,选用简洁、直接、重视功能化、亲近自然,一般以纯白为主要特征,注入一些灵动的家居元素,从而衍生出不同的形态。不炫耀不骄奢,只享受“家”给生活带来的舒适。 客厅 LIVING ROOM
客厅空间整体风格雅而不俗,清亮通透。以莹润之白作为主要色彩基底,银灰饱和度参差披拂,明黄与雅黑作为空间的点睛之笔,相交相错间丰富了整体空间的层次感。 The overall style of the living room space is elegant and not vulgar, clear and transparent. With jargon-embellish white as the main color base, silver gray saturation is uneven, intersection phase between the fault rich overall spatial hierarchy.
不同色块间碰撞出不一样的艺术氛围,装置画以立体多元的形式展现,层次分明,格调十足。 Different color blocks collide with each other to create different artistic atmospheres. Installation paintings are displayed in three-dimensional and diversified forms, with distinct layers and full style.
餐厅盛放一方人间烟火,现代简约艺术不体现在过多冗杂的装饰,一张桌、几把椅,象征生命活力的橄榄果枝相互拥簇,墙壁上的艺术装置画表达出从不妥协的对美的向往。 The restaurant holds a human fireworks, modern simple art is not reflected in too many miscellaneous decoration, a table, a few chairs, a symbol of life and vitality of olive branches crowded each other, the wall of the art installation painting to express the uncompromising yearning for beauty.
主卧设计在拉满舒适度的同时,也定义出一幅盎然生机的艺术画卷。高级浅灰作为空间的色彩基底,点缀几抹绿意,有成枝成叶,亦有对称条理。 Master bedroom design is pulling full comfort while, also define an art picture scroll full of vitality. Advanced light gray as the color base of the space, embellished with a few green, branches into leaves, also symmetrical order.
阳光透过落地纱窗洒向室内,光影蹁跹,艺术与自然达到共生。 Sunshine through the floor screen window to