对AIM而言,室内设计绝不仅仅是门后封闭的场景;好的设计可以促生改变,根植于城市肌理,创造生活,并影响着城市文化。在AIM最新完成的in the Park延平路店,呈现了生活、在地性及街区文化的融合,模糊了室内室外的界限。
Interiors are not simply staged scenes behind closed doors. At AIM, we believe a good interior can be a catalyst for change. It is rooting itself in the urban fabric, creating life and influencing city culture.
不同于当下社会生活围绕着CBD商业区所建立的中心化趋势,隐秘在静安边界街区内的in the PARK mall带来的是区别于传统百货的全新 “迷你百货“形式。门前巨大的花坛占据着主要的入口景观。圆润的体态也是来自中国传统文化对圆的美好寓意。
In the PARK Yanping Road presents this integration of life, local character, and street culture, blurring indoor and outdoor boundaries. Unlike the current trend of centralizing social life around The CBD, the PARK Mall, hidden within a bustling Jing’an city block, brings a new form of mini department store. Outside, large oval planter seat, where represents heaven. The organic shape is like a pond in a traditional Chinese garden.
作为一个多品牌集合店铺,我们将其想象为一个当代的 “多宝阁”:不同的物件、艺术品藏匿其中,供人们自由探索,欣赏着它们的独特和不拘一格。公园内的物件:大树、石头、滑梯、座椅,这些元素经过巧妙的设计转换之后被移植于室内之中。玻璃纤维的楼梯与花坛、类沥青地面与橡胶跑道色的滑梯,公园常见的环绕大树的座椅,在这里变为围绕水泥柱的环形置物架。
The brand seeks its products broadly, without pretense. It calls to mind a modern-day Wunderkammer, where various objects and artifacts are stored, admired, and celebrated for their eclectic-ness and rarity. The space is full of unexpected charm. Standard park objects become transformed in the interior. Fiberglass, a material more commonly used for slides and park playthings, is used for the staircase. Rubber lining, asphalt-like flooring, and other traditional outdoor materials find new purpose indoors. Circular park seating is turned into shelves around the tree-like columns.
原本的空间三层并非相互连接,高天花和大树般的水泥柱带着原始美感。灵感来自中国传统公园:曲径通幽的小道连接着不同区域,将人引入深处。于是我们造了这个巨大扶摇而上的楼梯,灵感来自公园的滑梯;它成为空间的视觉焦点,贯穿三层,犹如“公园”的蜿蜒小道, 路上还有一个悬空的“池塘”。
Initially not connected, the main space has three floors, high ceilings, and a forest of columns. We were strongly inspired by traditional Chinese parks, where winding paths lead the visitor to secluded areas. The result is a voluptuous staircase and walkway that claims the space and spills out to a suspended pond midheight.
The honeycomb aluminum board is light but strong; on the surface, overlay wood veneer and marble add the feeling of nature and industry. The materials and furniture speak to the relationship between nature and industry. They also help highlight another important purpose—Play.