





BIG | 香榭丽舍大道上的老佛爷百货

发表于 2019-7-30 00:12:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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  历史悠久的装饰艺术风格的银行大楼位于标志性的香榭丽舍大道上,建于1932年,为世界领先的时尚,食品和生活方式品牌走到一起,以便彼此和周围的城市相聚。占地面积为6,800平方米的老佛爷百货(Galeries Lafayette)概念店于2019年春季正式向公众开放,欢迎当地和全球购物者的到来。
  Located on the iconic Avenue des Champs-Élysées, the historic Art Deco bank building from 1932 is uncovered and celebrated to create a carefully curated retail laboratory for world’s leading fashion, food and lifestyle brands to come together with each other and the surrounding city. The 6,800m2 Galeries Lafayette concept store officially opened its doors to the public in Spring 2019, welcoming local and global shoppers into the restored Art Deco gem.
  Our design pays tribute to the tactility and texture of the historical building. Throughout the store, visitors encounter precious materials and refined details from the past that are reinterpreted and deployed in a contemporary way. Walking around the lofty gallery-like space feels as moving through a composition of architectural elements that operate at the scale of furniture and create defined experiential shopping zones.


  购物者可以通过街道上的反向天篷进入大楼。一座发光的桥梁将生命带入建筑的中心:一个由一个巨大的玻璃圆顶覆盖的圆形中庭,经过修复和改造,可以获得最大的日光。一楼的商店既能举办品牌活动和时装秀,还能组织一些特别的活动,让这里成为了一个明亮的新城市客厅。活动期间,一个大型楼梯还能够兼作礼堂,将游客带到一楼的综合用途空间 ,这里被创意和新兴品牌,牛仔布实验室,珠宝展示,限量版运动鞋和科技产品占据。连续金色环形穿孔金属环绕柱子,创造了一系列面向中庭的房间和壁龛。
  Shoppers are invited into the building through an inverse canopy on the street level. A glowing bridge ushers life into the heart of the building: a dramatic circular atrium covered by a monumental glass cupola that has been restored and uncovered for maximum daylight. The entire store unfolds itself on the ground floor and creates a bright new urban living room for brand activations, fashion shows and other special events. A grand staircase, which doubles as an auditorium during events, takes visitors to the mixed-use space on the first floor which features creative and emerging brands, as well as a denim lab, jewelry display, limited edition sneakers and tech products. A continuous golden ring of perforated metal wraps around all of the columns and creates a series of rooms and alcoves facing the atrium.
  From the ground floor, visitors are immediately able to see the upper levels enticing them to explore the different destinations and activities. The escalators are finished in warm metal and a ribbon of glass in the same material palette as the central atrium. Exploring the store and its different levels feels like a carefully curated environment where furniture is never only storage: interweaving carpets become dressing rooms, countertops are a sculptural stack of elements, magic carpets for the shoe display double as furniture for the shoppers to sit and try the footwear.


  The upper levels of the store are more refined and continue the idea of furniture as artifact. The top floor features a series of suspended glass vitrines that look like independent objects and can host a variety of experiences and activities visible from the lower levels.






  “为了创建一个人们愿意进来,追溯和探索历史的空间,我们设计了一些元素,能让人们发现自己处于建筑和家具的交汇处。项目设计了一系列的亭子,这些亭子可能会随着时间的推移而改变和变化,而并不是通过破坏建筑的结构或用墙壁来描绘功能。原始空间就几乎具有城市规模和特色,甚至还可以进行一些大胆的改变,这让我可以兴奋去想象下次来可能会在这里发现什么。所以它向我展示了老佛爷百货不仅在香榭丽舍大街开设了一家新的百货商店,而是为巴黎人开辟了一个新的城市空间。”Bjarke Ingels说道。
  “To create an invitation to enter, ascend and explore, we have designed a handful of elements that find themselves at the intersection of architecture and furniture. Rather than messing with the old bones of the building or delineating function with walls – the program has been provided with a family of pavilions that may change and transform over time. The raw space has an almost urban scale and character that makes it capable of accommodating even the wildest interventions, which makes me excited to imagine what I might expect to find here next time I come back. And it shows me that Galleries Lafayette is not only opening a new department store on Champs-Élysées, rather, they have opened up a new urban room for the Parisians,” continued Bjarke Ingels. 
  “当我们开始继承这个不可思议的来自1932年的空间时,大部分漂亮的材料和装饰艺术元素都被涂成黑色的干墙所覆盖,天窗也被薄板石遮蔽,与外部的联系也消失了。我们在改造时专注于建筑的核心,保留了所有珍贵的材料和精致的细节,将它们保留在了画廊般的空间中。天花板的高度和充足的日光也衬托出了历史建筑的原始品质,” BIG 建筑事务所合伙人Jakob Sand说道。
  “When we inherited this incredible space from 1932, most of the beautiful materials and Art Deco elements were covered with black painted drywall, the skylight was blinded by sheetrock and the connections to the outside had disappeared. We focused on the heart of the building and preserved all of its precious materials and refined details, wrapping them in gallery-like spaces. The historical architecture is supplemented by the raw qualities of ceiling heights and abundance of daylight,” said Jakob Sand, Partner at BIG.








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  项目名称:Galeries Lafayette Champs-Èlysèes
  设计公司:Bjarke Ingels Group
  首席建筑师:Bjarke Ingels, Jakob Sand
  摄影:Salem Mostefaoui, Delfino Sisto Legnani and Marco Cappelletti, Matthieu Salvaing, Michel Florent


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