“初夏午后树影摇曳,阳光悄悄得溜进屋内,置身其中,周围的一切仿佛瞬间静止。”In the early summer afternoon, the shadows sways, the sun sneaked in the house and was surrounding by everything.?
「这是一篇回访倒序,致我的老朋友June。」This a return visit, to June.
「很遗憾,3年前没能留住房屋初成的模样。」Unfortunately, I couldn’t keep the appearance of the house three years ago.?「也很庆幸,3年后当我们再次回访踏进这间房屋时,和记忆里的样子相差无几。哪怕以当下的眼光审视依然如新。」But at the same time, I was very fortunate that when we have returned to the house three years later, it was almost as the same as it was in my memory.??
Denny一直相信,设计只是一种表达方式,它所能传递的内容有限。Denny believes design is just an expression, and that deliver a limited amount of content.
对一个设计师来讲,超前意识才是核心。它驱使着你,打破时间和空间的界限,去创造可持续的居住空间。使其,不论是10年还是20年后,依旧如故。For a designer, forward thinking is an essential skill, it drives you to break the boundaries between time and space to create sustainable living spaces. ?Whether in 10 or 20 years, the appearance of the house stays the same.??
客厅墙面以大面积米灰色系为主,电视墙从上至下用木饰面板搭配石材,体现极简主义。The living room wall is dominated by large areas of beige color, and the TV wall is made of veneered?panels with stainless-steel from top to bottom, reflecting minimalism.
空间以极简为主,利用黑白灰块面打造空间层次感。The entire space is mainly minimalist, using black to white blocks to create a sense of space.
加入木质颜色打破冰冷格局,细节处利用光源营造温馨氛围。By adding wood elements and natural light sources, we aim to create a warm atmosphere.
深色家具营造空间厚重感,线条简单与整体风格匹配。Dark colored furniture creates a sense of spaces with simple lines that matches the overall style.
By raising the platform in the 2nd?floor bedroom, it highlights the spatial layering and creates comforts with the use of soft and warm colors.?大块面色彩加入线条感极强的现代家具及硬朗元素软装。