Rob Kennon Architects是一家位于澳大利亚的住宅建筑工作室,由建筑师Rob Kennon于2011年创立,拥有一系列住宅和商业项目,专注于可持续规划和遗产条件的考虑。。
Rob Kennon Architects is an Australian residential construction studio founded in 2011 by architect Rob Kennon with a range of residential and commercial projects focused on sustainable planning and consideration of heritage conditions.
Rob毕业于墨尔本大学,并获得了规划与设计学士一等荣誉和建筑硕士学位。他被授予Ernest Fooks纪念设计奖,并入选Dean荣誉榜。
Rob graduated from the University of Melbourne with a Bachelor of Planning and Design First Class Honours and a Master of Architecture. He was awarded the Ernest Fooks Memorial Award for Design and was selected in the Dean’s Honours List.
Rob曾在Bochsler&Partners工作,凭借多年与墨尔本最具影响力和最受尊敬的设计公司Bates Smart和Jackson Clements Burrows合作的经验,成立了Rob Kennon Architects。
Rob has worked for Bochsler & Partners, and has established Rob Kennon Architects with years of experience with Melbourne's most influential and respected design practices, Bates Smart and Jackson Clements Burrows.
Rob Kennon Architects的目标是提供最好的建筑,室内和城市设计,以改善建筑环境。空间,光线和纹理的调整与设计过程中的特定