这是一个马蹄形的房间,位于上海法租界某座老花园洋房的底层南侧,有一整面半圆形的窗户朝向后花园。上海的老洋房大都经历过这样的变迁,本为一个大户人家建造和居住使用,而后每个单独房间被分割给不同的家庭,十多户混居在一个房子里,共用走道上的公共厨房和卫生间。多年杂居导致的设施陈旧、卫生条件不佳和缺乏隐私等问题慢慢浮现,于是近年来那些住户们又开始纷纷搬离。▼室内空间一览,overall view of the interior
▼半圆型窗户连接阳台,U-shape window connected to the balcony
这个42平米的半圆厅就是众多被空置出来的房间之一。这个房间是原主人家的舞厅,一对夫妇居住使用了几十年,终因年岁已长生活不便而迁出。一个老房子里的原本单一功能的房间,如何更新以适应年轻的小家庭的生活需求,是很多产权复杂的老洋房面临的问题。How to revive an original single function room to meet new need of living is a problem faced by many vacant rooms as such. In this project, Atelier tao+c seeks to explore the potential of living in a single room within an outdated house, for young couples to live together but didn’t deny the possibility of being alone.▼入口,entrance
▼从入口看向室内空间,view to the interior from the entrance
atelier tao+c在这个项目中,试图去挖掘单间的居住潜力,并满足既住在一起又有独处空间的可能性。设计师在房间里置入了一个巨型的复合家具,或者说是一个微型的家具化的建筑。保留房间的轮廓、窗户和顶面不动的情况下,—个用枫木多层板构造的几何体块占据了房间的大半部分,形成一种独立的内部结构。在木板构造的深度内,嵌入了所有的功能需求——容纳淋浴间、厨房、壁橱、书架、台阶和座椅。并通过木板不同方向的挤压和转折,严密层列并互相咬合的组合,围合出了不同的角落和活动空间——餐厅和起居室。▼多层板制成的巨型复合家具
a huge composite piece of furniture made by plywood
▼入口一侧的卫生间和厨房,kitchen and toilet beside the entrance
▼起居室,living space
▼明亮通透的空间,open and bright space
家具细部,details of the furniture
家具体块的顶部作为第二层的地面,容纳私密性的功能空间。床垫嵌入在木板结构的顶部形成卧室;书桌在家具转角处拉伸起来,定义出书房。又通过挖空局部的地面,形成上下层之间的挑空。在有限的面积内,又嵌入了两条不同的连接上下层的路径:木板构造的楼梯连接起居室和卧室,纤细的金属楼梯连接书房和餐厅。居住在此的情侣可以拥有独立互不干扰的动线和空间。The top of the “furniture” serves as the secondary floor, which accommodates the private spaces. The mattress is embedded in the plinth to form the bedroom; the desk is stretched at the corner to define the study. By opening up floor partially, formed the conversation between two levels. Two different paths enhanced the connection – a wooden staircase leads from the living room to the bedroom, and a thin metal staircase that connects the study to the dining room.▼通向夹层的楼梯,和家具一体,stair to the mezzanine, integrated with the furniture
▼夹层空间,mezzanine space
家具体块交织形成的丰富界面,将日常生活的表面和平面吸收到复杂的结构中,由此获得更松散的活动空间。一个42平米的房间,却拥有11平米的起居室、20平米的厨房和餐厅、4平米的卫生间、5平米的玄关、15平米的卧室和4 平米的书房。The rich interface formed by the interweaving of concrete blocks absorbs the surface and plane of daily life into complex structures, thereby obtaining a looser space for activities. A 42 sqm room results with a living room in 11 sqm, kitchen and dining room in 20 sqm, a bathroom in 4 sqm, a foyer with wardrobe in 5 qm, a bedroom in 15 sqm and a study in 4 sqm.▼交织的家具体块形成丰富的空间界面,rich interface formed by the furniture blocks