This design uses the continuation and transformation of materials to extend and separate the space, and allows the body to derive with the least intervention through observation. Holistic thinking, shaping space with material and shape.
以流畅的动线让客厅和餐厅发生关系,材质的转换让阳光流淌的客厅与气氛浓郁的餐厅形成对比,使得材质的特性、空间的张力得以体现。The smooth movement makes the living room and dining room have a relationship. The transformation of material makes the sunny living room contrast with the dining room with strong atmosphere, so that the characteristics of material and the tension of space can be reflected.
卧室偏灰色调,其设计以舒适为主。材质之间的细节转换,让卧室更加有品质感。The bedroom is gray, and its design is mainly comfortable. Detail conversion between materials makes the bedroom more quality.