RUST Architects has realized the office design for the B.S.R. Group, an engineering firm located in Tel Aviv, Israel.The new offices are located on the 31st floor of “Gibor Sport Tower”, in a rectangle and semicircle plan that includes executive & personal offices, lounges and meeting rooms of various sizes, hotspots for engineer supervisors, a large kitchen and service rooms. 为了创造一个统一和优雅的结构,设计了一个木制砌面模块,该模块覆盖了建筑物的核心并包含功能室和服务室。 木制壁板成为隐藏的门,橱柜或厨房,根据计划,它可以弯曲并适应空间。
To create a uniform and elegant structure, a wooden cladding module was designed that covered the core of the building and contains functions and service rooms. The wood cladding becomes a hidden door, cabinets or kitchens and, according to the plan, it curves and adapts to the walls of the space.
大型会议室的视野朝向“Kikar Hamedina”,它一直延伸到大海,被透明的隔墙包围着。大型接待处模拟了放置在木板上的两个弯曲的混凝土铸件。廊上深色的水磨石地板与不同用途的镶木地板交替使用,并以精致的铜细节分隔。
The large conference room frames a view towards “Kikar Hamedina” which continues to the ocean and is enclosed in a transparent partition with a wooden profile and metal cabinet units that are reflected by passers-by in the hall.The large reception simulates two curved concrete castings placed on wooden planks. The dark terrazzo floor in the corridors alternates to parquet oak in various applications and is separated with a delicate copper detail.
每位员工都有一张定制的桌子和储物单元,其中包括由建筑师与照明设计师Asaf Weinbrum设计的照明灯具,允许工作照明和向上照明,以温暖的光线覆盖办公室的天花板。为了在不使用墙壁的情况下创建功能之间的区别,在公共空间中还使用了三种不同的天花板覆盖层。
Each employee received a customized table and storage units, including a lighting fixture designed by the architects with the lighting designer Asaf Weinbrum, allowing work lighting and up-light lighting that covers the office ceiling in warm light.To create a distinction between functions without using walls, 3 types of ceiling claddings are used that vary in public spaces. B