Design studio Biasol has recently completed Greenwich Grind, a coffee-and-cocktail restaurant that’s located opposite the famous Greenwich Market in London, England.
Located within a heritage-listed building, the venue is divided into three spaces – deli/takeaway, cocktail bar, and dining room – with an easy flow and operational connection between each. 熟食店/外卖店有自己的入口,被设计成一个有趣、大胆的空间,墙壁和天花板上有Grind标志性的粉色,与黑色的架子和凳子形成对比。
The grab-and-go deli/takeaway has its own entrance, and has been designed as a fun, bold space with Grind’s signature pink on the walls and ceiling, contrasted by black shelving and stools.
Green Room是一间温馨的鸡尾酒吧,深蓝色的背景和优雅的凳子围绕着酒吧和窗户。
The Green Room is an intimate cocktail bar with a deep-turquoise-blue backdrop and elegant stools around the bar and window. 淡粉色的长椅环绕在餐厅的前面,为酒吧和餐厅的客人提供休闲座位,而标志性的粉红色霓虹灯招牌、经过打磨的大理石桌面和黑白马赛克地板,都有助于营造一个有趣和温馨的环境。
Pale-pink banquettes wrap around the front of the restaurant providing lounge seating for bar and restaurant guests, while signature pink neon signage, honed marble tabletops, and black-and-white mosaic flooring, all help to create a fun and welcoming environment.