





[公寓] 台湾的“蓝眼”公寓:极简主义对自然的珍爱

发表于 2019-7-16 01:07:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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  Located in Tamsui, a seaside district north of Taiwan’s capital, this new one bedroom apartment by Taipei and Shanghai-based Wei Yi International Design Associates embraces poetic minimalism as a paean to the surrounding natural landscape. Lying between the estuary of Tamsui River and the mountainous Yangmingshan National Park, the area, despite its urban character, is blessed with natural landmarks including an adjacent mangrove forest and wetlands reserve. The surrounding natural beauty, and in particular the ocean that resplendently looms on the horizon, was the initial inspiration for the project named “Blue Eye”—blue referencing the ocean as well as “the tears of the Earth”, as the architects explain in a valiant effort to draw attention to the preciousness of nature and its precarious future.       这家位于台北和上海的Wei Yi International Design Associates新一居室公寓位于台湾首都北部的淡水区,拥有诗意的极简主义,是对周围自然景观的赞歌。 该地区位于淡水河口和阳明山国家公园之间,尽管具有城市特色,但却拥有自然的地标,包括相邻的红树林和湿地保护区。 周围的自然美景,特别是在地平线上熠熠生辉的海洋,是该项目的最初灵感,名为“蓝眼” - 蓝色参考海洋以及“地球的眼泪”,正如建筑师解释的那样 一种勇敢的努力,以引起人们对自然的宝贵及其不稳定的未来的关注。 DSC0000.jpg   Photo by Hey!Cheese.
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  Photo by Hey!Cheese.
  The designers approached this project as an exercise of artistic expression underpinned by a desire to create a unique space connected to nature where the owner’s pursuit of serenity could also be rewarded. Based on a nuanced palette of grey hues and the predominance of concrete surfaces, the apartment is a marvel of minimalist design and conceptual rigor, unfolding as a spacious living room that opens up onto an open-plan kitchen and dining area, both enjoying expansive vistas of the estuary and the surrounding hills, as do the bedroom and bathroom further on.
  Despite the monochromatic colour palette, the concrete landscape that the designers have conjured is anything but monotonous.A variety of concrete finishes and textures - from polished, to stained, to rough stucco - create a rich spatial tapestry, made richer by the shifting light and moving shadows as the day progresses, while a series of geometrical volumes, recesses and niches create a sculptural morphology that poetically reflects the neighboring wetlands.
       设计师将这个项目视为一种艺术表现形式的运动,其基础是创造一个与大自然相关的独特空间,而主人对平静的追求也可以得到回报。公寓以灰色色调和混凝土表面的优势为基础,是一个极简主义设计和概念严谨的奇迹,展现为宽敞的起居室,可通往开放式厨房和用餐区,享受广阔的远景河口和周围的山丘,以及更远的卧室和浴室。尽管有单色调,但设计师所形容的混凝土景观却不过是单调的。各种混凝土饰面和纹理 - 从抛光,染色到粗糙的灰泥 - 创造出丰富的空间挂毯,通过变换光线变得更加丰富。随着时间的推移移动阴影,而一系列几何体积,凹陷和壁龛创造了一种雕塑形态,诗意地反映了邻近的湿地。
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  The predominance of concrete is enriched by the subtle presence of complementary materials such as copper, iron, timber and marble, featured in bespoke furnishings and select artworks, as well as by a small cactus garden in the living room. By the entrance, a hundred-year-old hemp carpet from Uzbekistan hanging on the wall adds splashes of colour, while its worn out quality is lyrically juxtaposed with the robustness of the concrete surfaces. A similar juxtaposition is provided by a sculptural trio of timber posts made out of weathered Taiwan cypress, referencing  Taiwan’s architectural heritage.
  The solidity of the concrete volumes is further contrasted with the floor-to-ceiling partitions/bookcases constructed out of slender copper rods which appear as ethereal frameworks magically sketched by some invisible hand. As eye catching, a custom-made burgundy chandelier of curved metal strips above the dining table was inspired by the iconic Guandu Bridge, a red arch bridge over the Tamsui River that can be seen in the distance. In the bedroom, an upholstered dark grey headboard set against a white marble wall makes a luxuriant yet austere centerpiece, while the use of cement and bleached colour-washed plaster in the master bathroom, seductively illuminated by filtered daylight, creates a meditative ambience which echoes the contemplative tranquility of nature, and evocatively encapsulates the architects’ intent.
      混合物的优势在于铜,铁,木材和大理石等辅助材料的微妙存在,定制的家具和精选的艺术品,以及客厅的小仙人掌花园。在入口处,悬挂在墙上的乌兹别克斯坦有一百年历史的麻地毯增添了色彩,而其破旧的质量则与混凝土表面的坚固性完美地并置。由风化的台湾柏树制成的雕塑三重木柱提供了类似的并置,参考台湾的建筑遗产。      混凝土体积的坚固性与由细长铜杆构成的落地隔板/书柜形成了鲜明的对比,细长的铜杆看起来像一些看不见的手神奇勾勒出的空灵框架。引人注目的是,餐桌上方的弧形金属条定制的勃艮第枝形吊灯的灵感来自标志性的官渡大桥,这是一座可以在远处看到的淡水河上的红色拱桥。在卧室里,一个白色大理石墙壁上的软垫深灰色床头板构成了一个华丽而朴素的中心装饰,而在主浴室中使用水泥和漂白的彩色石膏,被过滤的日光诱惑,营造出一种冥想的氛围,与之相呼应沉思的大自然的宁静,并且唤起了建筑师的意图。
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