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木君建筑 | 万科良渚郡西云台合院样板房

Aaron LV10


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  LOFT中国感谢来自 MDO木君建筑 的住宅项目案例分享:
  郡西云台位于良渚文化村中心白莺郡西山脊海拔约43米的制高点,背靠五郎山,内藏五郎山水库 ,三面云山一面城。在如此秀美景色之下,郡西云台便坐落在此 ,它的设计理念一脉传承于良渚博物馆“一把玉锥散落地面”,依山就势、水物赋形。筑一方高处的佳宅 ,半边是城,半边是自然。以真质璞无华的精神 ,打造这座城市精妙的山地美学别墅作品。
  Junxi Mountain Villa is located in Liangzhu village Cultural Centre, at the highest point of the West Mountain Ridge of Baiyingjun. It is set between the Wulang mountain and Wulangshan reservoir, a beautiful scenery surrounded by mountains. The concept is inspired by the nearby Liangzhu Museum by David Chipperfield, “a jade cone scattered on the ground”. The show apartment offers and elevated living experience located high in its surroundings, partially surrounded by city, and partially immersed in nature. The spirit of untouched nature is key element to create an exquisite mountain villa.
  在远离尘嚣的环境中 ,设计师以“自然、城市、山居生活”为概念 ,以生动却不张扬的语言去探索与自然之间的暖昧关系。利用山地高差 ,全资源设计 ,打造三台庭院、露台、阳台。
  In an environment far from the busy lifestyle of the downtown city, the designer explores the ambiguous relationship of “nature, city and mountain life”. Creating a truly contemporary modern home set in an idyllic landscape. The villa is organized around a series of external spaces which connect to the outside, the courtyard, the terrace and the balcony.

  住宅总共分为三层 ,根据每个空间朝向与景色的不同,为了让日常活动与自然达到协调统一, 每个空间被重新赋予了意义 ,使得他们能在“城市山居生活”这个核心概念中充当着合适的角色。
  The house is divided into three levels, and each space is given a distinct meaning, in order to let the daily activities harmonize with nature, spaces are designed according to the views and how the sun moves around the house during the day, based on the concept of “Urban Mountain Living”.
  主入口被重新安置在基地较高处 ,入户后直接与户外的观景平台相连接 ,这里被重新定义为家庭聚餐和观景的核心空间。
  The main entrance is relocated to a higher level. In the centre is an external terrace which functions in good weather as an external living room. This space embodies the role the traditional hearth, the gathering space for the family, the space to host guests and share quality family times.




  入户观景台,俯瞰城市 The outdoor observation terrace overlooks the city
  设计整体围绕着“城市山居生活”的概念展开 ,一层核心空间功能上由中厨 ,西厨与就餐区组成,西厨中岛的设计在空间中与中厨相互补充 ,同时为追求生活品质感的使用者提供一个与家人互动拉近距离的平台。
  The first floor living and dining room is based on the concept of “Urban Mountain Living”. The space on the first floor is composed of a Chinese kitchen, a western-style kitchen and the dining area. The design of the western kitchen island becomes an informal meeting point, it provides a space for daily interaction, for breakfast with family, to dinner parties with guests.
  保证视野和豪宅私密性 ,二层核心空间功能上设置主卧、270度阳台和儿童房等。满足主人的起居功能。
  The more private functions are located on the second floor, composed by a main bedroom with a large balcony oriented to the view and a children’s room.




  流线型楼梯缓缓步行而下可至标高层空间,步入楼梯区域可以感受到一气呵成的整体扶手设计,贯穿整体的设计 ,为云台“简洁、自然”的氛围奠定了基调。会客厅被安置在地势较高的坡地之上 ,灵活的布局与可分可合的空间隔断让起居空间与书房被联通起来,让室内活动与户外庭院连接起来 。
  A timber-clad curved staircase gently winds up through the villa, linking each floor with a unique move, like a painter’s stroke.  It leads down to the lower level which opens out onto a large sun terrace. At this level are the family living room and study which are designed to be flexible to accommodate different configurations.  Both spaces are side lit with full height glass doors which overlook the mountain scenery.
  材料选择上主要遵循着与自然“衬”与“点”的关系,色彩采用了整体且具有丰富变化的暖灰色系,一方面柔和的色彩为家提供了素雅且温馨的氛围,另外色彩与质感统一处理 ,使得室内空间成为环境的背景 ,在让自然色彩成为了空间的主导。
  The selection of the materials includes a palette of calm and rich warm gray tones. The soft colors provide a simple, yet elegant atmosphere for the home. This minimal palette allows the interior space to frame and become a beautiful backdrop to the natural environment; simplicity enhancing the contrasts and colors of the rich landscape.





  楼梯空间视线的尽头再一处由著名建筑师Frank Loyd Wright的代表作“Fallingwater”等比缩放模型,赖特的建筑作昂充满着天然气息和艺术魅力 ,对于材料的内在性能 ,包括形态、纹理 、色泽、等等有着独特的见解 ,在设计过程中赖特的设计理念启发着设计师去思考设计的内在因素,力求设计与自然的和谐共鸣。
  At the end of the staircase we find an isometric scale model of the “Fallingwater”, a masterpiece of Frank Lloyd Wright. Wright’s architectural work is full of references to nature and man’s relationship to it, and he has unique views on the inherent properties of materials, including shape, texture, color, etc. His inspiration and lessons resonate in the philosophy underlying the whole design, pursuing harmonious relationship between design and nature.






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