The existing store was to be converted and re-designed. Customers aged one to 80 and more can find everything that protects them from the sun and ensures a clear vision on about 370 sqm, spread out across two floors. The store design of the Luxemburg headquarters was to convey a new, up-to-date and comfortable flair in future.
新店铺设计理念是将舒适与现代主义融为一体,同时又不失“经典”。两层楼,底层200平方米,166平方米以上的车间,耐火实验室,浴室,办公室和公共休息室,以及订购区域的玻璃,都将被完全拆除以重新创建它们。 HEIKAUS规划团队的任务和挑战是根据房间概念重新考虑上层的设计。团队将开发新的材料,以一个可行的、舒适的和有吸引力的产品展示来激励客户消费。
The new shop design concept was to combine comfort with a fresh modernism, without losing sight of the “classics”. The two floors, with an impressive sales area of 200 sqm on the ground floor and 166 sqm above for a workshop, refractory lab, bathrooms, office and common rooms, as well as an area to order glasses, were to be entirely removed in order re-create them. The task and challenge for the planning team at HEIKAUS was reconsidering the development of the upper floor based on the room concept as well. New materials, shapes and presentation elements were to be developed to permit a workable, comfortable and attractive product presentation to inspire customers.
在其新的店面设计中,HEIKAUS将现代、永恒的色彩和形状与天然材料相结合。 进入后,客户将在两侧找到矫正镜片和太阳镜,它们被展示在间接照明的长墙上。建筑师选择了石灰,棕色和绿色粉彩,与家具中的密度纤维板形成和谐的形象。通过乙烯基地板实现了特别舒适和可识别的效果,还巧妙地补充了石灰绿颜色,同样的绿色也反映在一些墙壁、室内装潢和椅子上。
In its new store design, HEIKAUS combined fresh, modern and yet timeless colours and shapes with natural materials. Upon entering, the customers will find corrective lenses and sunglasses on either side, arranged on long presentation walls with indirect lighting. The architects chose lime, brown and green pastels that form a harmonious image with the natural MDF of the sales furniture. A particula