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是藉由空间表达人的独特语言Space and art are constantly intertwined, balanced, and refined in details
is the hidden law
seems to look at someone in the mirror
diverse look and feel
Isthe unique language of expressing people through space
The profound time and space keep advancing,and the pace of life keep saccelerating,do you want to stop and feel the warmth and tranquility of hom?When you stare atspace,space is staring at you。Atouch of blue greeted us as soon as we entered the house, bringing light andshadow into our eyes,putthe extra clothes on your body into the corresponding shoe and hat room,theshoes can be arranged neatly,meticulous.
大气沉稳又不乏时尚气质的家具陈设与硬装的干净自然配合地天衣无缝,局部的蓝色和爱马仕橙跃于主调高级灰之上,精致优雅感以一种自然克制的方式得以呈现。 The elegant and stylish furnishings are seamlessly matched with the clean and natural decoration of the hardwear. The partial blue and Hermèsorange leap above the main tone of high-grade gray, and the sense of exquisite elegance is presented in a natural restraint.
自然生长的朴素力量,后天促成的艺术纹理,和着金属质感的现代轻奢,看到了你想象中家的模样。 The simple power of natural growth,artistictexture promoted by later changes,modernluxury with metal texture,I sawwhat your home looks like.
大面的灰镜与岩板墙面的契合,表现了简单品质的生活态度,亦是对空间的延伸,不必过多的缀饰,璀璨的金色艺术吊灯足以渲染氛围。The fit of the large gray mirror and the slate wall shows a simple and quality lifeattitude and an extension of the space. There is no need for excessive decoration. The bright golden artistic chandeliers are enough to enhance the atmosphere.
移步换景的透视景象,在家里是时常能发现的惊喜。 The perspective scene of changing sceneries,it's always a surprise to find at home.
透过被香槟金属加持的门厅口,看到的是排序规律的黑色金属开放柜,放上一瓶珍藏的红酒,摆一件玩物,赏心悦目。Through the entrance of the hall blessed with champagne metal,what you see is a regular black metalopen cabinet,put abottle of red wine,put a plaything,pleasing tothe eye
在最能体现生活仪式感的餐厅空间,大面雅白带有肤感的柜体作为背景,金属、玻璃和木饰材质的交融,任由光感游弋,慢慢坐下来,在低调的繁华中享受生活。In the restaurant space that best reflects the sense of life,thecabinet body with skin feeling of large facial leucorrhea is taken as the background,blending ofmetal, glass and wood materials,let thelight sense swim。
设计师通过对空间布局的合理改造与巧妙优化,将原始结构中被厚梁紧紧笼罩住的餐厅采光窗,采用温润的木饰面将其包裹,将原本略显压抑的空间,打造了一个纯粹的喝茶休憩地。同时还增加了不少的收纳空间,一茶两人,静静相处,岁月也如此慢慢悠悠、夫复何求。The designer through reasonable transformation,and optimization of the space lay out,the lighting windows of the restaurant tightly enveloped by thick beams,in the original structure.Wrap it in a warm wood finish,the originally slightly depressed space,createda pure tea,drinking place.It also adds too much storage space,a tea for two people, get along quietly timeis so slow, so what can I do.
Orange is the traction of space,associated with and opposed to other materials,becomea land scape alone.invisible door leading to the master bedroom,a superimposed decorative painting hanging,highlightthe sense of hierarchy,alsoadd mystery.
The master bedroom continues the overall design style trend,basedon soft light colors。supplementedby dark blue, Hermes orange as the embellishm 试读已结束,请付费阅读全文。   本文只能试读50%,付费后可阅读全文。  |