午餐盒是该水疗吧的一个扩建项目。Hydrospinning在意大利第一个中心Waterbeat Society就职一年多后,决定为该空间提供额外的功能。因此,休息区诞生了,还可以购买和消费食物和饮料。
Lunch box is a project within the project.A little over a year after the inauguration of Waterbeat Siciety, Hidrospinning’s first center in Italy, it was decided to enrich the space with an additional activity.
And so the old massage areas contained in the cocoons on the mezzanine level were removed and tables and seats were added.
On the lower floor, instead, a self service fridge area has been created, where it is possible chose from a variety of different dishes. 设计主题与其他空间探索的内容,清新的色彩,加州风情以及小巧的设计相得益彰。
The design theme is in line with what has been explored in