全球设计风向感谢来自 QRDG其然设计 的样板房空间软装项目案例分享: 艮山门外封存着杭州城市华丽的记忆,如今正蜕变成城市的新中心。绿城汲取“春天明月”之境与“半为西湖半为绸”之底蕴相融合,淬炼打造出高品质居所——春月锦庐。一街之隔即为30万㎡的“城市厨房”大型综合体,真实体验出则繁华,入则宁静。
The project is a show flat of an upscale residential development named Greentown· Magnificent Residence in Hangzhou, China. Drawing on the fascinating scenery and profound culture of the city and adjoining a 300,000 square-meter urban complex, the development boasts a prosperous surrounding environment and a serene interior atmosphere.
其然设计(QIRAN DESIGN GROUP)以自然而然的手法糅合简约的基底、精致的装饰与宁静的色彩,为进入空间的人掠去心中浮躁,回归真实自我。整个居室犹如一首沉静的诗,需要慢慢读,慢慢品……
QIRAN DESIGN GROUP was entrusted to conceive the show flat. Through adopting a natural design approach and combining simple, elegant tones with exquisite decorations, the design team created a serene and peaceful living space.
The interior decoration design extends bezel-less elements of the building facade. Every line and every plane within the space are depicted in a careful and reasonable manner, either set at staggering heights or intersecting each other. Materials of different textures and hues integrate yet contrast with each other, thereby enriching visual effects and enhancing the sense of layering in the space.
The living & dining area is set at the center of the space. The designers brought in several grille-like partitions, which separate different functional areas while also ensuring openness and transparency of the space to some extent. Flexible layout and comfortable scale help strengthen the interaction among family members, and at the same time create appropriate living scenes for daily activities.
The space is interspersed with artworks and greenery, which together inject aesthetics and vitality into the space whilst evoking the dialogue between dwellers and the space and enhancing the living quality.
Functional areas are laid out around the center of the space, and are given different hues and adornments based on specific users. The overall design produces an elegant and restrained Oriental-style poetry. All the details are meticulously refined, embodying an attitude towards life.
The study room that allows for mediation, the bedroom that eases the body and mind, as well as the dining room for enjoying delicious food, all enable the dwellers to stay away from the hustle and bustle of the city, listen to the inner voice and release the mind.