Project information|项目信息
Project Name|项目名称 河畔新世界
Project location|项目区位河畔新世界
Design units |设计单位姚晓冰设计事务所
Chief designer | 主创设计师 姚晓冰、李雪、王梦然
Design team |设计团队 罗保安、肖雨晴、麦锦娣
Project area|项目面积448㎡
Main material |主要材料 地砖、石膏板、乳胶漆、艺术涂料、木饰面、木地板
Design style |设计风格 当代艺术
Space use |空间用途 住宅
Photographer|摄影师 季光
Life is nothing more than dwelling at home, going out, and returning home again; all our emotional, intellectual, and voliental pursuits or attempts are nothing more than mental disease of the soul, seeking a person, an event, a place to allow our body and mind to find a home in this vast world.