全球设计风向感谢来自 朴居设计研究室(PUJU) 的上海小户型项目案例分享:
— 王 澍 《设计的开始》 从“两室一厅”突围 Break Through the “2-Bedroom Suite” 对于习惯了居无定所的年轻一代,在城市中拥有一处属于自己的小小的家是一件令人欣喜的事情。可问题也随之显现 – 这个城市,一如它渗透到每个角落的成规和秩序,能提供的居住选择是如此有限 – 当我们不得不住进高度产品化的“两室一厅”,“三室一厅“…对于生活的想象也被压缩进毫无生气的分隔墙之中。
For the younger generation who are used to renting, to own a pad in the city is something to happy for. However, the question then came – as with a highly standardized society, there is not much alternatives for individualized living space. As we got no choice but move into the normalised product of living on the market such as “2-bedroom suite”, the expectation for a non-restricted life is compromised with the lifeless partition walls.
∇ 原始平面图
所以,当我们的业主 – 一位年轻的白领 – 找到我们,提出她对于不拘一格的艺术生活的向往时,我们看到了设计突围的可能性。
Thus, when our client – a young and care-free white collar – came to us with the mind for a limitless and artistic life, we see the chance to make some break through.
∇ 原始结构动图
If the normailised living space has become a invisible constraint on the free mind, we have to unchain it; if the taxonomy of living units have put up a wall against spatial innovation, we have to break it. 借由一个住宅我们要建立一种完全私人的、敏锐的生活经验我们相信这更加接近“艺术生活”的本质
With the design of this project, we aim to build up a personalised and sincere life experience. We believe that will make it closer to the essence of an artistic life.
An Inhabitable Museum 设计始于剥离 – 将所有非承重隔墙拆除之后,这个60多平米的空间呈现出原真的本质。为保留这份原真,我们用最极简的方式处理现有空间分隔。
The design starts with stripping off – as we stripped off all the non-structural elements, the 60-square-metre space began to shine with its authenticity. To keep that authenticity, we only use minimal material for the space and leave everything else open.
∇ 彩平动图
The short wall, curtain, closet and table top added to the space all act as parts of a play, their theatrical performance refering to the art installations in the museum. They form a few cluster of artistic objects so that the space becomes an “inhabitable museum”.
∇ Dan Flavin的荧光管艺术装置
Art and life shall have no gap in between. 入口玄关的灯光设计