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全球设计风向感谢来自 羽築设计 的住宅空间/别墅项目案例分享:
设计概念 Design Concept
风水,为中国人蕴藏数千年的习俗,尽管万物更迭,方位卦象、趋吉避凶的家居设计,仍是华人文化里不可忽视的元素要件。业主对于案场的要求为「明亮」,呼应了风水中带进好运气的明厅概念,羽筑设计 徐泛羽 设计总监 的设计手法亦着重「开敞」,以无梁柱概念增添透视的延伸感。
Geomancy – a Chinese custom that persists thousands of years, and nowadays is still an essential element of the interior design in pursuing good fortune and avoiding disaster. The major requirement of the property owner for the site is “bright”, which echoes the concept that a clear-sighted space would bring good luck. Therefore, Feather Design design director Hsu Fan-Yu accentuates on the “open” layout; adopt the flat slab construction concept to bring out the penetrating and extending visual perception.
We measure all the dimensions of the house furnishing in compliance with the red scripts on the “carpenter’s square”, which indicates the desire of the homeowner of praying for the good fortune for the whole family. The good fortune should be taken care of, as well as the body and mind, thereupon we make use of the anti-sensitivity coating for the space. The spatial pattern holds the principle of “harmony is precious”, thus we transform any facade with rigid right angles into arc shape to reply harmonious and well-rounded living attitude.
设计方法 Design Techniques
二重叙事交互相构 Interactive configuration of dual factors
Exploit two different aspects to construct the synergistic space. First, take the advantage of the “penetration and brightness” layout of the whole space, and well utilized the color scheme and curve lines to create the layering visual sense, thence cast the refreshing yet warm-hearted touching of the entertaining space, the lounge room and the living area. Moreover, the functional design gently leads the fluent and well-matched feature of the space. We make use of the character of glass mirrors to soften the sharp right angles and extending the sightline of the site, meantime creates the grand and elegant atmosphere, look to be hearkening the symphony.
Harmony of Chinese and western patterns accommodate each other
Secondly, the functional elements of the space are incorporate of Chinese and western style. Taking the marble kitchen island as an example, the edge chamfering treatment presents the Continental style, which is the most challenging item in design and construction. Furthermore, the kitchen appliances, the master bedroom, the second bedrooms, audio-visual room and other spatial patterns all comply with the red lucky numbers on the “carpenter’s square”, which work in concert with the housing geomancy of Chinese faith. The vertical and horizontal site plans by way of the excellent design techniques are well organized.
恰如其份划设合宜 Appropriate planning and designing
This is a five-story building including the basement. The basement is an audio-visual entertaining space; the ground floor serves as an entry hall, the living area and the kitchen; the second floor is the master bedroom with a walk-in closet; the third floor is the c 试读已结束,请付费阅读全文。   本文只能试读50%,付费后可阅读全文。  |