全球设计风向感谢来自 奈时设计 的商业空间项目案例分享: Cosmetea快闪店——镜像里的时光隧道
Cosmetea Pop-up Shop | Time Tunnel in a Mirror
——小尺度,大思考(在镜像时光里反思人与自然) 茶,是人类文化的一种载体。茶中蕴藏的悠久智慧,和醇厚净亮的美,已跨越东西方的认知而为世所共通。茶兼有健康属性和社交属性,新的时代背景之下,这双重属性亦被赋予更加丰富多元的表达,使之契合当代都市人群的生活方式。
Tea embodies humanity and culture. Its inherent ancient wisdom as well as its pure and clean beauty have surpassed an awareness of East and West to gain universal acceptance. This beverage is healthy and suitable for social interactions. In the context of a new era, tea’s dual advantages express it in more enriched and diverse ways, making it a suitable aspect of modern urban residents’ lifestyles. 茶妆品牌Cosmetea,颠覆美妆以往定义,将传统的Tea与潮流的Cosmetics创新融合,运用“Tea Beauty Science”,衍生自然主义的东方情愫为当代时尚美学。Nax Architects奈时设计为Cosmetea打造线下快闪店,从空间设计和品牌策划的维度,构筑艺术化和沉浸式的场景体验,探索自然与人造之间,既有环境与未来建筑之间的关系哲学,也将品牌引向创意与可续的进化之道。
The tea cosmetics brand Cosmetea subverts the previous definition of cosmetics by innovatively integrating tea with trendy cosmetics. It uses Tea Beauty Science to create modern fashion aesthetics based on natural Eastern sentiments.
Nax Architects was entrusted to conceive a pop-up shop for the brand in Shanghai. Based on the dimensions of spatial design and brand planning, construction of art and an immersive scenario experience, as well as an exploration of differences between natural and artificial realms, the pop-up represents the philosophy of relationships between existing environments and future architecture. Moreover, it promotes the brand’s creative and sustainable evolution.
以空间激活场所新生 项目位于愚园路,一条历经百年沧桑的马路,凝刻着上海的历史与文脉精华。如今的愚园路更被视作魔都的“潮流聚集地”,见证着创意的力量渗入老旧街区的有机微更新。设计委托是将愚园路转角处的一家汤包店改造为零售与展览快闪店,创造一隅契合都市人群生活方式的全新风景,完成独属于Cosmetea基因的理念传达。
The project is located on Yuyuan Road, a hundred-year-old road that has undergone many changes and represents the essence of Shanghai’s history and culture. Today’s Yuyuan Road has gained further recognition as Shanghai’s trendy gathering place, demonstrating the power of innovation to influence the organic micro-regeneration of old neighborhoods. Our design commission involved transforming a steamed dumpling shop on the corner of Yuyuan Road into a retail and exhibition pop-up shop, as well as creating a brand-new scene that suits urban residents’ lifestyles and shares Cosmetea’s exclusive brand philosophy with the world.
极小尺度内“别有洞天” 我们从Cosmetea的品牌logo中寻获主题灵感,它本是茶具公道杯的简笔形象,也形似一个自带时光印记的钟摆,潜藏着美妆使用者愿“留住时光”的心语。Logo的钟摆形象被内化为设计手法,由立面凿出的戏剧化洞窟开始,延展到9平方米的内部空间,在极致限制条件下开辟出一片无限之域。
We found inspiration for our theme from Cosmetea’s logo. This logo is based on a simplified image of a fairness cup, and resembles a pendulum with a time imprint, which implies cosmetics users’ inner wish to ‘retain time’. The logo’s pendulum image is internalized as a design language and starts with the façade being dramatically chiseled out to create a cave, which extends to become a 9-square-meter interior space and creates infinite possibilities within the limited spatial scale.
自然与人造物自成一体 隧道通体运用镜面不锈钢和LED灯带,结合大面积开窗,将城市与自然景观的倒影纳入,模糊内外界限。空心层板架序列以榫卯原理安插于定制卡槽,墙面橱窗柜体兼有储藏功能,覆以红色涂料呼应品牌主视觉。
The “time tunnel” uses a stainless steel mirror with LED string lights, and combines with a large window to bring in urban and natural landscapes while blurring the boundaries between its interior and exterior. The hollow layer has pallets that are inserted into customized slots in a sequence based on the principles of mortise and tenon structures. The wall cabinet can be used for product display and storage, and its surfaces are painted red to match the brand’s main color scheme.
When stepping and walking on the glass floor, visitors will encounter a se