这栋建造于1960年代的住宅由著名建筑师Aris Konstantinidis设计,坐落于Attica一个面积为5英亩的半岛上,设计师Katerina Veremi Xynogala负责住宅的室内设计,范围不仅包括家具和装饰,还包括电力系统、地面材料和色调等等。建筑师决定保留住宅原有结构不变,窗框在维持原有尺寸和颜色的条件下,更换为现代隔热材料。
“The house was built in the 1960s from a well-known architect Aris Konstantinidis, located in Attica in a peninsula of 5 acres and I took it over as an interior designer all the study for the interior not only furnishing and accessorizing, as also electricity study, materials floors, colours etc. I decided to keep the architectural construction without any change from the building, I replaced the window frames with contemporary materials for insulation, keeping the original sizes and colours.
▼项目外观及入口庭院,project exterior and entrance courtyard
▼入口庭院户外休闲区,leisure area in the courtyard
▼休息区景观,view at the leisure area
▼户外泳池,outdoor swimming pool
‘原有住宅被分割为许多小房间,设计师拆除房间隔墙来塑造一个更大的空间,避免小房间和大量的门占用住宅面积。地面原有旧大理石瓷砖也被移除,在尽可能遵循住宅美感的情况下重新铺设地面。起居室内,设计师将墙面与壁炉结合起来,形成展示一系列绿色装饰物的石材框架。As the house by his age was with small separate rooms we demolished them in order to create bigger space and avoid have small rooms with a lot of doors to win space.I remove the old marble tiles from the floor and place them again following as much as possible the aesthetic of the house. In the living area we kept the wall with the stones on the fireplace creating shelves from stone to demonstrate a collection of decorative items working on green colours.
▼起居室内石墙与壁炉相结合,in the living area designers kept the wall with the stones on the fireplace
▼连接厨房餐厅的走廊区域,walkway to the kitchen and dinning area
设计师设计的主厨房和餐桌使用拼花木质元素(西班牙Mh parquets公司),希腊大理石用于制作厨房中岛。The main kitchen was also my design using parquet tiles (Mh parquets Spanish company) for the wooden elements as also I created a kitchen island from Greek marble, as well as the dining table.
▼拼花木质元素的厨房及用餐区,main kitchen and dinning table in parquet wooden elements
▼希腊大理石用于制作厨房中岛,a kitchen island in Greek marble
▼希腊大理石用于制作厨房中岛,a kitchen island in Greek marble
设计师将原本是仓库的地下室改造为一个放松空间,配备了酒窖、使用与地面相同木材的辅助厨房、屏幕嵌入书房的电视区。这里就像带有展示石墙的主楼层一样,是一个宜人舒适的区域。The basement which was a warehouse, turned it to a relaxing place with a wine cellar, an auxiliary Kitchen of wooden tiles same as the floor and a TV area with screen immersed in the library. It is a livable place like the main floor displaying / showing the stone wall .▼楼梯,stairs