令人惊叹的极简主义和干净的OAV办公室,最近由Fran Silvestre Arquitectos完成,位于西班牙瓦伦西亚的中心地带。这个办公空间很小,但是很有效,有一个长方形的空间结构,使得各方之间的交流更容易且开放。
The stunningly minimalist and cleanly designed OAV offices, recently completed by Fran Silvestre Arquitectos, are located in the heart of Valencia, Spain. This office space is small but effectively built, with a rectangular floor plan that makes communication between parties easy and open. OAV办公室位于一栋住宅楼里,但它们的布局不会占用大楼租户太多的空间。办公室的设计是非常开放的概念,但它们仍然横跨两个房间,从主走廊分开。
The OAV office are built in the centre of a residential building, but they’re laid out such that they don’t take up too much space from the building’s tenants. The offices are wonderfully open concept but they still span two rooms splitting off the main hallway.
Designers laid this office out with the idea of “working up against the wall” in mind. This meant that they wanted to keep work spaces organized to one area while leaving the rest open for communication, meetings, breaks, and more social aspects of work that might take place outside one’s desk. 从美学上讲,办公区的装饰是极简主义和工业风格的,坚持白色和灰色的配色方案和闪亮表面的材质或混凝土结构。除了中央储物单元外,搁板等也隐藏在走廊的推拉门后面,使每件东西看起来都非常整洁有序。
Aesthetically, the decor of the office area is minimalist and industrial, sticking to whites and greys in colour scheme and shining surfaces or concrete structures. Besides the central storage unit, shelving and so on is hidden behind discreet sliding doors in the hallway, keep everything very neat and organized looking indeed.
The organization of work desks and valuing of open space isn’t the only thing that keeps the OAV offices feeling spacious despite the smaller area. Designs affixed lights in high places, letting clean, white light beans shine down from the