设计和落地过程是两条并行的轨道思考、执行、再思考、再执行每个阶段性的过程,又会走进新的的世界大门建筑和室内始终维护着“自我”这个渺小而浩瀚的宇宙之秩序SERVICE BACKGROUNDYOU 建筑室内设计
空间总设计:游小华 参与设计:林娜、卢艳萍、李京AREA 领域别墅大宅艺术设计ULI ART 艺术设计
在客厅中,尽头处开阔的微水泥材质的弧形天花板下赋予一种引人入胜的体验似乎在吸引人们近距离的靠近,宛如一种朝圣者的心灵得到了栖息独特的空间的结构以各种形式联系在一起弧形和曲线形结构线条随处可见过多的这种排列可能会显得突兀不切实际但在此项目中,结构感 的呈现完全精准不费力In the living room, the open curved ceiling of micro-cement at the endgives a fascinating experience that seems to draw people closer,as if a pilgrims mind gets to rest in a unique space of structuresconnected in various forms, curved and curved structural linescan be seen everywhere Too much of this arrangementmay seem abrupt and impractical, but in this case, the sense ofstructure is presented with complete precision and effortlessness
毕卡索的黑白画《玛丽-特蕾莎,正面和侧面》多种层度的灰色和谐地交杂于黑白间,表现各种进退面的阴影单纯色相能使复杂的轮廓安静下来,令人开始欣赏细节的微妙之处居住艺术的延伸,便是生活的艺术自然具有疗愈内心的力量,不同的色彩、材质和造型是设计语言与空间功能的统一满足屋主的情感需求和美学偏好。在敞阔的尺度中尊崇自己的内心感受家的温度和家人的亲密时光Picassos painting black and white Mary - Teresa, the front andside harmoniouslymixed in multiple layers of graybetween black and white, various performancein a shadow below Pure hue can make the complexcontour to quiet down,is beginningto appreciatethe nuances of details An extension of the art of living is the art of livingnatural healing inner strength, different colour Material and shape isthe unity of design language and spacefunction to meet the emotional needsand aesthetic preferences of the owners in the open scale,respect their owninner feelings of the temperature of the home and family intimate time
In a comfortable corner, feel the warmth of the sofa package fromthe morning sun to the sunset, under different light and shadow,feel the beauty of the home at different times, exquisite ornaments ofall kinds of books like the green plants, there are too many love in life,not by the trend, personality to listen to the voice of the heart,it is a beautiful
每个孩子都是天生的画家 | Every child is a born painter手绘墙提供给孩子天马行空的想象和创作空间形态各异的乐高和公仔映照出他们纯真的内心安全性与趣味性兼具的攀爬架激发孩子开朗活泼的运动基因在父母的陪伴下快乐成长
Every child is born as a painter.The hand-painted wall provides children with unrestrained imagination and creative space.Legos and dolls in different forms reflect their pure heart.
三楼的主卧延续整个空间的艺术线索,简洁的空间装饰吊灯一圈泛起的涟漪将思绪拉进自然的呼吸中作为一个私享的休息空间一部会心的电影,一次深入的畅谈生活的浪漫情调都会生发于此,余韵悠长与此连接的海有一个书房,书房的顶面迎接了来自户外的自然光线,感受时间的变换The master bedroom on the third floor continuesthe artistic thread of the whole space,the simple space, Decorative chandelier a circleof ripples pull thoughts into the natural breat