项目坐落于阿玛代尔宽阔而充满生机的Huntingtower街道上,精致的外观使公寓楼看起来更像是一栋定制的私人豪宅。独特的深拱和郁郁葱葱的周边环境与街道上经典历史风格的大宅相互呼应。公寓与花园融为一体,营造出和谐统一的居住氛围,从这个角度来看,Huntingtower Road公寓楼与街道上其他的豪宅可谓是异曲同工。
Set in a wide and leavy street in Armadale, the Huntingtower Road Apartments appear more like a bespoke house. The development’s distinctive deep arches and lush verdant setting responds to the many large period homes in the street. There’s a holistic feel with the apartments and garden reading as one, not dissimilar to some of the large homes in the street.
The 10 apartments not only strongly connect to their garden settings, as with conceiving a detached house, they also respond to their unique orientation and location. So, some apartments benefit from courtyard gardens, while others enjoy an aspect into the treetops. In the case of the two-level apartments, there’s the duality of these framed views.
Unlike many apartment developments, here the 10 apartments vary in size from 150 square metres in area to 370 square metres (not including the generous gardens). Deep arched windows and doors, evocative of an Italianate villa, create dappled light through the many birch trees and further by bespoke linen curtains. The deep 900-millimetre-wide arched colonnade not only adds architectural depth, but also respond to the changing light. These arches have been sculptured in a contemporary manner to not only interact with the light, but also create a ‘veil’ for residents. And in time, plants will cascade from the roof to provide another ‘sheer’ for this unique development, the effect of being within a garden.
相比于普通的公寓室内设计来说,Huntingtower Road公寓的室内规划更类似于别墅等家庭住宅,例如:石制壁炉,宽大的大理石厨房中岛、两个独立的生活区,面积较大的公寓中甚至设有地下酒窖,此外,三米高的天花板,大型绘画展示墙,以及高度定制的系列家具,这些都是在普通公寓中很难见到的。项目的另一个核心理念旨在将大尺度的建筑设计元素(例如拱门的几何曲率)贯彻到微小的室内细节中去,例如:门把手的优美弧线,或者浴室大理石洗手盆的雕刻底切。这种理念将整个项目的设计串联了起来,无论是在室内还是在花园之中都给人以连贯流畅的空间体验。建筑外部的材料蔓延过宽大的窗台延伸到室内,将花园的氛围进一步引入生活空间之中。
Many of the features provided within the Huntingtower Road Apartments are more akin to those found in a home, including stone fireplaces, wide marble kitchen island benches, two separate living areas and built-in cellars in the larger apartments, three-metre-high ceilings, large continuous walls to display paintings and a level of bespoke rarely seen. The design approach is mindful of carrying through the larger ideas, such as the curvature in the architectur